Monday, September 14, 2009

Photoshopping up a big batch of trouble

Question: What happens when there is a Saturday football game on television, and a certain someone's husband is ignoring them busy watching it, leaving that certain someone with a lot of free time on her hands?

Trouble, that's what.

Well, remember this gorgeous girl?

And this gorgeous boy?

Well, what if I happen to know that a secret not-so-secret wish of both their mother's hearts is that this someday were to happen?

Names were changed to protect the victims innocent, but let's just say that if this blessed event were to take place in, oh, a little over two year's time, two women I know would be overjoyed.

I'd simply be overjoyed at the sheer perfection of their combined genes and the gorgeous babies they'd have together, leaving me to beg and plead to photograph them daily.

But for now, the ball is in your court, Justin & Rachel. Just know that we've got the invites all ready to go, and neither one of you had to even be in the same place at the same time.

A cheery thought on a Monday, I'd say.


  1. I saw a link to your blog on Natalie Hill's blog and you're a fabulous photographer!

  2. Once again, you show us that your blog CAN get lamer.

    You need to get a life.

    Maybe instead of meddling in other people's business, you could take more pictures of your feet.

  3. Here here! Sties Brother's Thoughts needs more feet pictures.

  4. Fantabulous! I'm begining to think you could photograph me and even I could turn out looking georgous. Good work my friend.

  5. You are hilarious! Too funny. Photoshop fun is great!

  6. Love, love, love it! JLo showed me the announcement yesterday and I couldn't quit laughing. Too bad it is still a dream... Also, sorry about the interruption yesterday - I am sure your husband thinks I am crazy!

  7. That is amazing, talented and quite scary all at the same time.

    You can't believe it, even if you see it, these days, can you?

    And you know Jlo? Wow. You're almost famous! :)

  8. I so want to know what these kids think after seeing this!! You are too funny and so brave! HA!

  9. Gorgeous children indeed! They are beautiful. Looks like the photography life is treating you well :)
    Great pics!

  10. Gorgeous children indeed! They are beautiful. Looks like the photography life is treating you well :)
    Great pics!

  11. I have to say...this made me laugh really hard. Despite the pubic embarrassment. :)

  12. you are a total goofball, my friend. And I mean that in the nicest way.

  13. Wow, this is a little crazy. I like crazy.

  14. This made me laugh hard. And then I started staring at them and decided that they most definitely must do the world a favor and get married and reproduce.

    My husband did something similar to this for his best friend when they were in high school with his friend's prom picture. My husband actually had invitations made and sent them to the friends and family of his best friend. The best friend didn't speak to my husband for a full month. I think it was genius.

  15. This CRACKED ME UP and I don't even know these people.

    Nice work.

  16. Those would be some beautiful grandbabies if I do say so myself... Not to mention the fabulous in-laws on both sides! : )

  17. I think it's a sign to be a photographer when everyone you know is gorgeous. Now if you just had ugly friends I don't think it would work out, but this way everyone automatically has good stuff you can just make better!

  18. You are so naughty! I love it! What about Tori and Dustin? They too would make a good pair - go for it, matchmaker!

  19. You. are. good. But, I've always thought that...

    So, the moms are thrilled...what was the happy couple's reaction?

    You really are good, Stie. Much respect.

  20. Oma makes a good point. Can you make a plain jane (like someone like me....) look gorgeous? I dare you. Come to Cali...just try and make me look great. Please?

    BTW...hysterical...have the two kids seen it?

  21. That is awesome! So are we going to have to start calling you Yenta? So, how did the match making go, any dates yet for the darling couple?

    BTW: My nephew is serving a mission in St. Louis! Look for an Elder Melendez.

  22. Just add "Matchmaker" to your business card.

  23. I want to make pictures like yours....You are awesome...Had a couple of hours to blog hop this afternoon...Enjoyed reading yours....Hope you will stop by my Christmas blog...There is a great giveaway drawing on Oct 1...

  24. You're so naughty!!

    I thought of you today when I spent a fortune to bare my big-ass tummy for some maternity shots (because this is the last time I'm ever going to be pregnant and I thought if I spent alot, they should be able to make me look I think the photographer was rolling her eyes when I said I would not accept any shots that show fat rolls of any kind.

    Too bad you don't live closer!

  25. What a cute couple. No wonder their moms would gladly pair them up!

  26. Christie-you are so dang funny! That totally made me laugh. SO glad you didn't have this talent when Casey & I were "hanging out" in high school~there was already way too much pressure! Love ya!

  27. If only it was this easy!

    Very clever.
