Monday, October 12, 2009

A bright spot on a gloomy Monday

Hello, Monday. How I wish you were still Saturday or Sunday. Or really any day in June or July.

As I sit here typing this, there is a feverish little girl on my lap who has come down with the swine flu.


That last sentence did not deserve a capital letter, proper sizing, or punctuation, such is the annoyance I feel for it in my heart.

But instead of dwelling on the millions of invisible germs that I imagine are marching up my arms as we speak, I will share with you some shots from a very fun photoshoot I had a few months ago.

As I've mentioned before, I never had sisters. I grew up with four brothers and lamented my single-girl status until I went to college and lived with five other girls. Then suddenly, I was a little bit glad that I never had sisters. All the bickering, cycle-time-synchronizing, clothes stealing, and drama - you have none of that with boys.

But while shooting these gorgeous girls, I caught a glimpse of some of the good things with having sisters. Like sisters? They're the only people in the world who can tell you that you don't look good while making a certain face. They will critique your make up or clothes and give you honest feedback. The dreaded, "Do I look fat in this?" will be answered with brutal truth by a sister.

And when you look this gorgeous and your sister tells you so, you can believe it, baby.

Where do these beautiful girls get it, you ask? From their mama (who looks young and hot enough to be the fifth sister). My secret goal in life has been to fatten her up, but it hasn't happened yet, dammit. Curse her willpower of iron! Maybe I should actually just strive to live like she does: Less cookie dough and more exercise.

And let's not forget one with the Daddy, too. He's a pretty important one in this house, I'd wager.

Thanks, guys. You are so amazing and it was very fun to spend some time in your sista world for a bit. Do you think if I adopted myself in that I'd automatically be gorgeous and thin like you are?

Yeah. Didn't think so.


  1. Darling girls, beautiful family, amazing photography.

    So sorry about your sick girl.

  2. you carry a fan on site with you? Cuz Oprah said the only reason people have beautiful hair on magazine covers is the fan blowing it just perfect...and this family photo is just about perfect!

  3. I'm so sorry that your daughter is now sick!! That is not cool! I hope it doesn't continue to spread through your family.

    The girls are gorgeous and you are so right about their MOm! She is hot!

  4. oh my gosh! it is hard to tell who's the mama in these pics!

  5. That is one good looking crew there. I hope your little girl feels better soon.

  6. I somehow started at the bottom of the post and had to stare really hard at the picture to figure out who the mom was. I still wasn't sure and then read the post from the top and saw that the mom was in green. I would kill to look like that. All beautiful girls--so lucky.

  7. Sorry about your sick little Hannah.

    Those ladies are all stunning and your photography is so, so, beautiful.

    I know...the whole cycle-time synchronization is one of the cruel realities of freshman year...

    ...that, and the freshman 15...

    *cough* not that I'd know anything about the freshman 15...

  8. Okay, I think it is only fair that every family should have a certain allotment of beauty and that family has gone over their limit!

    Same goes for the swine flu. I think your turn should be up. No fair. Please, take care of yourself. mommies can not be sick.

  9. I grew up with three sisters, no brothers. Worse than a sister telling you you're fat is telling you you need a push-up bra with your dress.

    When you're wearing one.

    No cookie dough restricting or time at the gym can solve that one.

    The joys of sisters! :)

  10. Hope your daughter is feeling better soon...that really stinks.

    The photos you took are beautiful and so are the girls! The daughter in the 4th picture down and the last one (the mama) look like they could be twins!!!!

  11. Beautiful! The one in the pink sweater has legs 3 miles long; I want to be her.

    Have you taken to wearing a mask around the house? I've heard chocolate is a natural vaccine against the flu. I'm counting on it.

  12. Hannah, too?! NOOOO! You guys do not deserve this.

    I count you as a sista...but don't blame you if you don't want to be numbered with the crazies.

    Gorgeous family. Really, is anyone ugly in St. Louie?

  13. I grew up with all brothers too (3 of them) so I can relate to you. We could have had the drama! I have lots of great friends so I feel like I've got some sisters.

  14. Hope Hannah feels better soon! We have a nasty bug going on here and it included puking all over the bed last night and hubby out of town. Good times!

    Great picutures and seriously beautiful, beautiful girls!

  15. I was an only child so I never had brothers even.

    My daughter said yesterday she wished she was a twin. I told her that twins steal each other's clothes and she said "how would you know?" It's true. How would I know? :(

    Always wanted a sister. I feel your pain.

  16. It has been far too long since I've stopped by to say hello! Sorry to hear about your little one. Hope she recovers quickly. Awesome photos! You really have become quite the pro!

  17. you are so talented! these are beautiful pictures!

  18. You must have a sign on your camera "I only take pictures of beautiful people." You could start a modeling agency using just your clients!

    Poor Hannah. I hope she's better soon.

  19. WOW! They are beauties but man that must be one crazy household-poor dad...
