Friday, August 21, 2009

Some good advice for any age

A few days before school, we sat the kids down - as we do every year - and talked about the upcoming challenges and exciting prospects of a new year. Especially with Mack starting middle school this year, we felt it was important for them to be aware of those around them. We want our children to be friendly and inclusive - to notice that lonely soul off to the side and find a way to broaden their circle. They've been the new kids more times than not, and I don't want them to ever forget what that's like.

At these talks every year, we also stress the importance of doing their best. Sure, second grade isn't exactly the pinnacle of academic achievement, but we feel they need to learn to try their hardest, no matter WHAT level they're on. We constantly remind them that their only job right now is to do well in school.

Which really cuts into Chase's hopes and dreams of playing his ukulele on the street for cash, right next to the crack dealers and homeless shanty towns.

I know, we're just cruel like that.

But when I found this list in Hannah's backpack the other day, it really made me smile.

What can I say? Girlfriend likes herself a good list.

I find them often on her nightstand - lists of what she needs to do the next day, lists of books she wants to read, and even lists of outfits she plans to wear.

Clearly, that nut didn't fall too far from the tree.

But this list particular list takes the cake:

In case her little handwriting is hard to read, here is the translation:

  • Try my best on every test
  • Introduce myself to a lot of people
  • Never say anything roude (rude)
  • Never swear
  • Don't do anything that is mean just to be funny for your friends
Excellent words to live by. Can you imagine what the world would be like if everyone followed that advice? MTV might actually play music again. You could walk the halls of any high school in America without an assault on the auditory senses. And reality television, as we know it, would cease to exist.

I'm pretty sure she just might be on to something.


  1. What a wonderful world that would be.

  2. You guys are really doing so many things right...this is a fabulous list, a mantra for each day!

  3. Her list reflects good parenting :) Well done Mama! Ya done good!

  4. It sounds like you have such amazing kids, not surprising at all since you are their mom! :) I love the list!

  5. I love a good list too. I am going to borrow a page from your parenting book and have a sit down with my kids and will use your daughter's list to guide our talk. She is very wise. You must be so proud.

  6. I love her list--and I also love the boxes next to each item--will she check it off each day or at the end of the year! She has such a great personality--how fun to watch her grow up!

  7. Wow! What that's really profound, and she's so young. Way to make you proud. :)

  8. How I wish my boys were able to go to school with your kids, it's been a hard start around this new school.

  9. She is brilliant, and therefore clearly your daughter.

  10. What??? You think second grade isn't the pinnacle of academic achievement? I beg to differ... hehe :)

  11. Think she's available on Monday night for Family Home Evening? Think she'd be willing to be our guest speaker?

    Well done, my friend. Well done.

  12. What a wise woman.

    Certainly that nut did not fall far from the tree.

    Pat yourself on the back.

  13. I'll take that advice! Thanks!

  14. The SWEETEST little list ever! What a fun thing to find.

  15. Oh, I love it! What a good girl you have.
    It just does a parent proud when they actually retain what they've been told...especially stuff like this.

  16. I love it! I hope she is successful.

  17. I think I failed Hannah's test twice just this week.

  18. What a good girl. I love that she has taken it all to heart...

    The, "Don't do anything that is mean just to be funny for your friends." shows how mature she is.

    You and The Husband are doing such a great job. That list is priceless.

    I love that Lisa-Marie said she should be a guest speaker. That is a great idea. Send her to Georgia when she is done in Idaho, please.

  19. That is darling. I'm glad you got a picture of it. I've done a lot of bad things over the course of a lifetime in hopes of making my friends laugh. That's not a good thing...

  20. I love the last one, the underlined words and the little boxes to check things off.

    We call that last rule, sorta funny but not obeying.

  21. Can she please be one of my students this year?

  22. You guys are obviously doing something right! What a sweetheart!!

  23. So, the teaching in the home works, huh?! Very impressive and very good writing, I must say!

  24. That is such a great idea to sit down with your kids and discuss the new school year with them. You two are great parents! And, Hannah's list is a keeper. I think I used to write similar things in my journal when I was in elementary school. What a wise little girl you have!

  25. Wise beyond her years, and influenced by a very good Mom! :-)

  26. Darling! I love her boxes.
    I'm thinking you could really add to the family income by having her hire out as a motivational speaker. I see Idaho wants her, Georgia wants her, Cali NEEDS her!!

    Very nice Hannah, I have a feeling you are going to have a lovely year with your wonderful goals!!!

  27. i think i am going to manipulate my kids into making lists so i can have something funny to blog about.

  28. Oh, so sweet! Tell her to make a copy and send to her PA twin, k?

    How is the Big Mack doing in middle school!? Those photos made me a li'l teary!

  29. This is too cute not to post!

    Hannah is adorable. What a sweet girl.

    Maybe I should take a lesson.

  30. Except I really like reality TV. But only the nice ones. Like Amazing Race and Survivor and SYTYCD.

    Are those okay with Hannah? Can you get back to me on that so I know if I can set my TiVo?

  31. that is so darling that she wrote that out! how sweet! you are teaching your kids some extremely important things! GO you!! I wanna be a mom like you someday! I think it's awesome that you teach your children things like that.

  32. She is so cute I want to melt. What a precious girl.

  33. Zoe is always making lists too. Do you think she is yours?

  34. this is the greatest list ever!!! I want to copy it down and use it for myself...

  35. She should go on a speaking tour with a list like that.

  36. Wise beyond her years.. I suspect with her love of lists, she and I would get along famously!!! =)
