Monday, July 27, 2009

Aloha and mahalo

I can hardly bear the thought of getting on a plane and leaving this place, but the time has come.

My face is puffy and swollen from all the sun, my skin is pruned from all the water, and my pants are pinchy and tight from all the food.

Oh, I could write for days about the gluttony alone.

Instead, I will pack our bags and head for home with the memory of a fabulous trip and the relief that no one got sick (except for those few unmentionable hours on the Road to Hell).

Aloha, Hawaii. Mahalo from the bottom of my heart.

--Kiliki (Christie in Hawaiian)

Posted by ShoZu


  1. An early Welcome Home! Thanks for sharing your great adventure, with us stuck at home! I can't wait to read more!

  2. Aloha! What a great trip. I have a friend who went to Hawaii and decided their family needed to live there; they went back and sold their house and moved to Hawaii (he is a doctor so it was a little more realistic, job hunting wise)!

    Don't get any ideas, though. St. Louis is far enough away as it is. Safe travels home.

  3. Don't let that trip home ruin the awesome experience for you. I detest that flight home, ...the overnight one where you are cramped and trying to sleep. Yow,'s a tough one.

  4. Awwwwwwww, the quote, "Parting is such sweet sorrow" comes to mind. I am glad you had such a wonderful time...besides that unfortunate vomit filled trip to Hana.

  5. What a fabulous trip! We drove through your part of the country and thought about calling to meet up for lunch. Maybe next time! Love you...glad you're coming home with such sweet memories!

  6. I loved the road to Hana, well I loved the scenery. I can see how you could get sick, now that you mention getting sick... I did get a huge migraine from being the driver on that road. Next time I am making someone else drive.

  7. Wow, I can't wait to hear every detail of your vacation.

  8. I am a little behind on checking up on my favorite blog... I wasn't expecting you to update us while you were on your fabulous trip in Hawaii. I'm so glad you did... and that you have pictures to share. Thank you! I'm excited to hear all about the amazing experiences. I'd like to hear a few from the boys and Hannah, too... Fun stuff!

  9. I am in a post-vacation funk - welcome to it.

  10. Holy crap, that swimming pool is beautiful... I miss Hawaii. Can I have some frequent flyer miles, please? I need to go to Hawaii.

  11. What an amazing vacay. I'm super jealous!!!

    Post about what you ate PLEASE! I'm on a diet and have to live vicariously.

  12. Welcome home, friend! I'm glad you had such a great time, and what fun memories you created for your kids. Throwing up on the road to Hana will be one of those family legends that gets retold when everyone gets together.

  13. If you come back and start saying 'aloha' 'mahalo' or 'talofa' in fast and testimony meeting, expecting a shoutback from the congregation, well, I will just disown you. I want to learn 'I am an idiot' in Chinese and make the audience say it back to me. Anyway, have a good vacay, and we'll see you sometime soon I hope, because I have a new baby that you need to love.
