Monday, May 4, 2009

To my baby on her seventh

Dear Hannah,

I don't suppose you have even noticed that your birthday came and went without a letter from me here. What can I say? Such is the life of the youngest child. Time has gotten away from me the last month or so, but you have been ever present in my mind.

You have changed so much in the last year, little sis. You learned to ride your bike without training wheels. You started first grade, and went to school all. day. long, leaving me home by myself for the first time in 10 years. You began to assert your independence in so many ways.

And you began to pick your own clothes.

I have, for the most part, kept my mouth shut about your choices, even when I cringed as you left the house with brightly colored scarves around your neck and mismatched layered tees adorning your slim body. It was not until parent-teacher conference when your young, hip teacher exclaimed her delight at your keen fashion sense, that I began to wonder if I ought to have you picking out my clothes, too.

You've been trying to do that for a long time now anyway.

Hannah, of all the people in our family, you are probably the best sport. You are constantly dragged to baseball games or tae kwan do matches. You are outnumbered when it comes to movie picks, and are frequently forced to endure the war and action movies favored by your brothers. Week after week, and movie after movie, you cheerfully grab a coloring book and open it onto your lap - not wanting to be left out of the fun. It is your happy willingness to join in their games that melts my heart, even though I know you yearn for more girly companions a lot of the time.

The other day I was in the kitchen doing some baking. You had been helping me, and continued to keep me company with your chatter, even when the baking was through. I was washing the dishes, and I looked behind me to see you wiping the bar down with a wet towel. A smile on my face turned to a huge grin when I watched you grab the broom and start sweeping. You did this without any prompt on my part. It was such a big girl thing to do - to notice what needed to be done, and just do it.

I have no doubt this experience will never be repeated by your brothers, however.

All through our cleaning, you talked and talked, never once wanting to be anywhere else but by my side, and for a brief moment, I had a glimpse of what will be.

Of what has become, really.

No longer are you just the baby on the counter waiting to lick the spoon. Suddenly, and without warning, you have became my ally and companion in the kitchen. You have become my friend.

And sweets, I can't think of anything that I want more.

I love you deeper than you will ever know. There's a special place in my heart reserved solely for you.

You, the little baby who was sent to us quite on purpose when we were not looking. Tell me, what did we ever do without you?

I love you forever, little Chica.



  1. What a beautiful, heart-felt letter. I had tears in my eyes. I love all the pictures. Don't you wish you could press pause sometimes? She's a beautiful girl - you are blessed to have each other.

  2. what a wonderful letter! I hope to be a mom like you one day!! the way you speak about your children is so sweet!

  3. Oh I love this. Every word of it. This is what blogging is for.

    And I am heartbroken that I missed seeing you. :(

    p.s. AWESOME pics. Especially the last-- the way her eyes are focused but her ears are not, FANTASTIC.

  4. Oh - so sweet! Happy Birthday to Hannah. I love that name (I have a Hannah too).


  5. This is a wonderful gift for Hannah's birthday -- I know she'll appreciate it more and more the older she gets. There's just nothing like a little girl. Thanks for sharing this with us!

  6. STOP doing this Stie!! I am perfectly content with my 3 boys and then you always have to do the Hannah post that just makes me think "I have to have a girl".

    Seriously, such a beautiful post Stie! You are a gifted writer and there is no better b'day gift in my opinion. Love it!

  7. Now I need to run upstairs and scoop my little baby girl out of her crib.

    The unexpected but indispensible baby girls really are the best.

  8. What a sweet and heartfelt letter. Hannah is cute as a button, too. Happy Birthday, Hannah!

  9. Hannah and Henry. I like it. Of course, they will have to agree to an arranged marriage, but perhaps those will be back in style in fifteen years.

    Sweet letter. Love the curls.

  10. LOVE this letter! Thanks for making me stop, again, & treasure those simple moments with my own daughter. I am definitely going to have to steal your idea with this sweet & special!

  11. What a lovely tribute! She is a lucky girl with a great mom!

  12. She is a doll. Those pictures are priceless. I have a very similar relationship with my daughter, who is the only girl. I bawled my eyes out when the ultrasound tech told me it was a girl because I knew I would have a best friend forever. You are so lucky to have your little Hannah--Happy Birthday to her!

  13. Oh I want those sweet sweet little girl days back! What a darling girl with absolutely ADORABLE freckles! I can understand why you love her so.

  14. So sweet. Happy Birthday to your little princess!

  15. That Hannah is a keeper. How can you not just LOVE the freckles.

  16. Hannah is beautiful....I love that you shared your story of her in the kitchen with you. I am going to try to TREASURE those moments more...I'm always rushing thru the motions! You are an amazing person & an incredible mom! Your kids are so lucky to have you!
    Love ya tons!

  17. As if I didn't already want a daughter so badly. Thanks for sharing your beautiful relationship with your beautiful girl with us.

    I do have a 7 1/2-year-old and a 6-year-old for her to choose from in about 15-20 years. . .

  18. You are 10 years behind me in the kid raising biz. It really is bizarre how fast the time flies. She is a beauty...takes after her mama.

  19. So sweet.Thanks for sharing your beautiful relationship with your beautiful girl with us.

  20. Totally crying here, Stie.

    That, as always, was so beautifully written. I loved every word.

    I love all of the pictures. Especially the one with the piggy tails at the pool. I am a total sucker for piggy tails.

    Beautiful eyes, scrumptious freckles and a keen fashion sense. Life is good ☺. Happy Birthday to your beautiful Hannah.

  21. What a beautiful gift to your daughter! You made me cry! I think you and Hannah are very lucky to have each other.

  22. What a great letter. She's darling, and she sounds like a wonderful little girl.

  23. I am sitting here sobbing, thinking what I will say to Zoey in 6 years and really thinking, yet again, that I don't want her to grow up.

  24. Thank goodness for the the love of mothers. It's so deep and so strong. I love it.

  25. I didn't get a chance to read this until now how sweet. I have my sweet Summer girl and I question at all times what did I ever do without her!It must be a mother daughter thing when you only have one....

  26. So sweet! I love all the pictures! Happy Birthday Hannah!

  27. Baby Hannah is not a baby any more!! She is so cute!!

  28. I love your letters to your kids Stie. Love them. Plus, it was just what I needed to remind me to take advantage of this rainy vacation day at the coast and just enjoy curling up with my little ones with books, popcorn, and movies--enjoy being with them with nothing else to do.

  29. I have never cried before reading a blog post but this reminded me so much of my baby who turned seven this year. Thanks for messing up my make up and making my heart swell with love for my daughter who like yours is amazing.

  30. She's just gorgeous. Happy birthday, Hannah!!
