Which, we all know, is extremely exciting, right?
I know Angelina must weep with envy at the fabulousness that is me. Me and my thighs made entirely out of cookie dough.
But I feel like you know me here. You get me. You come back to see what dumb things I've done lately. You laugh at my bad haircuts and roll your eyes when I strut my stuff for the handicapped men at the grocery store. I figure, if you're reading me with any regularity, you must find something here that you like.
And so I have decided that today it is time for me to meet all of you. Because I like you. And I think it's time we became friends.
So here's the deal: Leave me a comment saying hi. Maybe tell me how you found me or when you first started reading. I'm even willing to entertain your hate mail. I guess I'm
Even if you've never said something before. Come of your lurking closet. Just this once. Then you can go back in and I will let you read this blog in peace.
I will then take all the lovely love notes from you, throw them into a proverbial hat, and pick a random winner. The winning comment will receive something from me at some point in the near future. Not sure what, but it will be fabulous.
So, come on. Say hi.
Because sometimes? A girl just needs a little validation from her internet peeps.
Hi, I'm Annie. I started reading you because I know you're fabulous in real life so, if you're going to move across the country and take your fabulousness with you, this will have to do.
ReplyDeleteYou're one of my favorite people and favorite reads.
Cheers to you! Keep blogging, friend!
How can I turn that down. I found you through Bridget's blog, and you've been on my google reader ever since! So here I am, and here I'll go. Thanks for making my smile with your posts.
ReplyDeletei'm a lurker...and i think you are hilarious.
ReplyDeleteWell, I've commented before, but I'm gonna comment again! I found your blog through Marta's (I can't figure out how you 2 are related, lol) and love your blog!! I love your style of writing, it's hilarious. xoxo
ReplyDeleteI honestly have no idea how I found you in the first place, but you've been on my google reader forever- thanks for sharing your life!
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm Heather! I'm not really sure how I found you, but I've been blog stalking for about 6 months, maybe. Wait, it's not stalking if I publicly follow, right?!
ReplyDeleteHi. I think I found you through mwrites, but I can't remember. I've probably been reading at least a year. I did find out we actually know a mutual person. kristin. She's in Minnesota now. We were on the same dorm floor our freshman year at BYU.
ReplyDeleteI can't quite remember how I found you...I think it was a suggestion from my google reader. I'm not sure but I subscribed in my reader and I've been lurking ever since. I think your humor is what draws me and the fact that you have a faaaabulous name!
ReplyDeleteHi! I'm Michele and I've been stalking, ummm reading your blog for about 9 months. I think you are hilarious and I can relate to so many of your stories! I don't know how I found your blog but I really enjoy it! Keep up the fun!
ReplyDeleteI can't remember how I found you either but so glad I did :) I like how you keep it real.
ReplyDeleteI was just clicking from blog to blog when I came across yours. I laughed my a$$ off and knew I'd be back for more. I've been checking your blog out for several months now and I think you're hilarious!
ReplyDeleteHi Christie,
ReplyDeleteBelieve it or not, I just came across your blog today, and I hooked! My kids haven't been fed in hours, their diapers are long overdue for a change, and someone is currently painting my walls with toothpaste. I don't care. After reading your posts, I finally feel like a normal mom.
Thank you!
Amy (mom to 5 boys)
I'm Andrea and I have followed your blog for a little over a year now, I found you listed under "Blogs I lurk" on a friend's blog. For me, your appeal is in how relatable you are. You know, that kind of head-nodding-because-you-totally-know-what-she's-talking-about kind of laugh. That's how I feel when I read your blog. Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteHi, my name is Tristan and I'm a blog-a-holic ;)
ReplyDeleteI found you through six degrees of separation via blog rolls, I'm sure, and have never looked back. You are hysterical and with you love of frosting and cookie dough, I knew I was in good hands.
ReplyDeleteHello there Christie! Love reading your posts, they always brighten my day. Love you!
ReplyDeleteI found you through my sister Holly Evans' blog. I always check her side bar to see when you've done a new post. I've had several "laugh-out-loud" moments when reading your blog, so I shall continue to read... if that's ok.
ReplyDeleteI'm Ellen and I have no recollection of how I found your blog. :) I live in Boston and I love photography, baking, sewing, quilting and sightseeing. I was born/raised near L.A. but live in Boston now and love it. www.ellenpatton.blogspot.com.
ReplyDeleteI can't remember how I came across your blog (must have been a friend of a friend or something) but I think you are hilarious and very real so I keep coming back for more. Keep up the good work :)
ReplyDeleteI am a sort of lurker :) I have commented before but only a few times. I found you thoough Calibosmom and your FANTASTIC piture of Daniel Craig and the chocolate cake. I was tempted to steal that picture and make it my desktop wallpaper :) Very Yummy!
ReplyDeleteI can't even remember what I wore yesterday, so I'm pretty sure I will never remember how I initially found your blog! Your humor and style of writing keep me coming back for more, so keep it up!
ReplyDeleteI found you one day when I was looking for more blogs to read (since the people that I know that got me into blogging have all fled to Facebook, which I do not like). So you were a link from a link from a link from a link (what can I say, I was desperate). So, I cannot tell you who's blog I found you on, but I remember that she linked to your oatmeal cookie dough (oops, I meant Oatmeal cookie recipe, see what you have done to me?) recipe, commenting on what a fabulous job you did posting recipes with your pictures etc. I was hooked. I love your blog, you make me laugh, you make me cry, you fascinate me (not in a weird, stalker way though). I love your photography. Your middle child and my youngest child sound like two peas in a pod. If you ever move to CT, look me up.
ReplyDeleteHey Stie! I'm not sure how I found your blog-Maybe Annie. I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog. It usually makes me laugh outloud. I like people that can laugh at themselves-I think it is a rare gift.
ReplyDelete"But, please, just say SOMETHING."
Ok, you kind of asked for that. But really, I love your blog, and actually just refound the your recipe for those peanut butter cup cookies this morning, which I am making this week. Oh, how they look like divine little bites of love.
Hi,I'm Terra and I am a Stie-aholic...I found you back in September when I googled "these are a few of my favorite things" looking for some inspiration on something I was doing for a teacher...I spent 2 hours here that night and have not missed a post since - you were also my inspiration to take my blog out of hiding and into the public eye - and look at me now!
ReplyDeletelove your blog.
Hello! I think I found you by clicking through someone's blog roll, and clicking through their's, and then clicking through to you. :) Something like that.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the honest posts! Yeehaw! Fun!
Hi! I think that I found you through Marta...who I found through Kelly(?)...who I might have found through Kristy?
ReplyDeleteOnce you start clicking...you never know where you might end up!
I love you take on things!
Hi, I'm Maree. I linked to you through someone else's blog and have never regretted it. You're funny and you keep it real. You help me feel "normal" in my misadventures through life. And I like your writing style. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI don't know how I found your blog, but have been enjoying it for months. Love the photography, love the recipes.
ReplyDeleteI don't remember how I found you but I'm glad I did. I love your thoughts and insights and stories of men hitting on you! You are one of the blogs I look forward to! Thanks for sharing your life with us fans!
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm Rebecca. I really don't remember how I found your blog, but I love it. I love how real you are--good and bad. Thanks for blogging!! :)
ReplyDeleteHi! I am April! I have been following for almost a year, and I really don't remember how I started. I just love your sense of humor and I have made almost all of your recipes. I am also a stay at home mom whose husband travels for a living. Thanks for sharing your life with all of us. It was your blog that actually inspired me to start my own.
ReplyDeleteI am Mindy's friend. The first time I read your blog, I thought maybe I was looking in a mirror...I don't know if it was the cookie love, the diet coke preference or the two sons and one daughter that I also have. Maybe someday we'll meet in real life.
ReplyDeleteNo idea how I got here, but I've been returning ever since!!! AND, I am all for a little validation now and then!
ReplyDeleteHi, my name is Megan & I have a problem... more than one really... I read complete strangers blogs, & I love them! Sometimes I feel like I get to know these strangers so well that I would consider them friends. Creepy, huh? Well you are one of those lucky people.
ReplyDeleteAnother problem is that I have no idea how I came across your blog. Probably clicking off of someone else's blog. But I clicked sometime in 2008 & I added you to my reader, because I liked what I found. Keep up the entertaining!
I was lucky enough to be your swap partner in some swap a few years ago. I've been a reader ever since!
ReplyDeleteSo I have been following your blog ever since the beginning of the new year. I am not exactly sure how I stumbled upon it, but I vaguely remember typing in Frauline Maria's famous phrase ("These are a few of my favorite things") into google. (Why I was was googling the Sound of Music, I still dunno!) And there you were! I read one entry and was hooked.
Yours in the only blog I have ever read... And though I thought it was crazy to be a reading about someone I have no connection to you what-so-ever, I've stuck with it! And I have gotten plenty of laughs and even teared up a few times.
Love it!
Hi Christie, I'm Christina. I first started reading your creative and wonderful writing in 6th or 7th grade (So many fun notes! Soap operas about our crazy teachers! The cute guys stopping by our locker! Love and heartbreak!). You were such a great friend to me through those awkward and sometimes painful growing up years. I was so excited to find your blog and to be able to catch up on an old friend's life through your wonderful writing. And it is fun to realize that people all over the country have discovered how amazing you are too. I'm so glad you share your life with us this way. I love you!
ReplyDeleteI found your blog through my friends blogs that she likes. I enjoy your honesty and sense of humor. I keep checking in. It's a talent when people get the feel for who you are through your blog posts. You are talented.
ReplyDeleteYou can have every ounce of validation I could prossibly offer because you know I am your #1 fan and pretty much think you can do no wrong! Keep up the blogging - you have something great going!
ReplyDeleteI think I found you through Bye Bye Pie 8 or more months ago.
ReplyDeleteI read you because, like you, I am a SAHM with lots of great things to say and I get you. I'm deathly afraid of losing my edge and becoming motherly and boring. And keeping my blog circle edgy, (at times ridiculous,) sarcastic and witty makes me feel like my old self. You know, when I used to have my own thing going...
And that bit of self-revelation probably saved me tons in therapy. So, keep on keeping, for all your Sisters!
I have been a lurker, too. I think I found you through TravelinOma. My mom is an Oma, too. (but not a blogger) I enjoy hearing about your adventures. Thanks!
HI Christie! I found your blog through Marathon Bird. Your comments were witty so I clicked and read and subscribed immediately. I love all the pics and stories about your kids and then there was the birthday post that your husband wrote about you. Oh my gosh! I admire how sweet you are about him on your blog, too; I like seeing that. Oh, plus your banter with Dan is really funny, too. I enjoy your blog.
ReplyDeleteWell, I really can't remember how I found your blog, but I'm darn glad I did. It is one of my favorite blogs to read. It always makes my day when I see one of your posts in my Google Reader. Seriously, LOVE your bloggy!!
ReplyDeleteI do not remember how I found you, but what a blessing finding you is! I've been reading you since probably late 2007... and I haven't missed one post yet! I think I was first attracted to you through your little OCD problem. I remember calling my sister to direct her to your blog and we both sighed and wished to have that problem
ReplyDeleteWhen I grow up (even though I'm a little older that you I think) I want to be you. I want to be as organized, as devoted to exercise AND baking sweets, as good of a writer, and as hilarious as you. YOU. CRACK. ME. UP.
I was just giddy to find out your husband often works in my hometown in MI and that you live in the St Louis area (we used to live in O'Fallon, Missouri) Just makes me happy to feel like we have some connections. Silly? yes.
Thank you for sharing your life. It's much appreciated!!
i am gagging over the ego stroke of this whole thing.
ReplyDeletewe know each other. is that good enough for you?
Yes Christie, I lurk...I usually don't comment.
ReplyDeleteI know you from church and I found your link through another friend's blog from church. Revetting, I know.
I think it's cool you have such a huge following. Have fun!
HIEEEE : ) I like your blog and especially your recipes.
ReplyDeleteI am delurking, because now that I am a new blogger, I understand how comments can make someone's day!
ReplyDeleteI have no idea how I found you. Isn't that sad? I can't remember! But, I have you in my links on my blog as someone I read everytime you post (which says something because I do not have many). I enjoy your ability to laugh at yourself and how witty your posts are too.
It may have been a recipe I googled and found you through that....
Thanks for the laughs!
Lee Anne
I met you within a week of moving to the Boston area back in 2000 and knew I loved you and your wit! I have been following your blog for about a year since I clued into this blogging thing myself! I suppose you mentioned it in a Christmas card to me! I love that we both named our boys McKay (still a great name!) and I love that we can still keep in touch after time and space has distanced the everyday! I love to see what you are up to and probably check in at least two or more times a week! (And that is about how much I get on this thing but would love to squeeze out more time somehow in life!) Kudos to you for documenting the wonderful, zany, mundane and happy - we all love it! I benefit greatly from all you have to share... the humor alone is worth it since it saves me on costs in therapy! :))))) Loves to you friend!
ReplyDeleteI think you've just been voted, "Most Popular!"
I think you've just been voted, "Most Popular!"
I've been reading for about two years now, and I just can't get enough. I'm wishing you were posting 4-5 times a week!
ReplyDeleteI found your blog through a friend's blog. I followed the link on her sidebar and something seemed familiar.
ReplyDeleteThen I saw your picture and knew why I enjoyed your writing. My oldest daughter thinks you are the coolest YW leader and loves you, as do I.
Don't stop blogging. I know some of the best fodder for Stie's Thoughts is coming up. IE: your three angel's teen years, peri-menopause, gray hair and saggy boobs. It's all good I promise.
HI. I believe I have the same story as most others on here. The link from a link from a link discovery. My first time finding your blog was your daughters birthday post. I have a three year old girl that just lights up my life and yet is so hard to understand a lot (hello! she is three!) I guess I came back because I wanted to see who had it so lucky to have such a best friend for a daughter at seven. I hope to have the same.
ReplyDeletehi. this is the best blogging idea ever. YOU ARE FABULOUS. i love reading what you write and hearing about your life and hearing your funny voice through your words.
ReplyDeletethree cheers for validation.
much love.
have been reading since day one.
i can't remember how i found you. but the reason i stay is cuz you make me laugh... especially your cookie dough thighs.
ReplyDeletehi, i'm jessica. i found your blog a while back through sweet little marta (we were in the same ward in huntington beach)and i've been hooked ever since - hilarious! but, you also know my sis - mique. anyhow- i thoroughly believe a little roll call is refreshing at times... isn't that what all women need? a little validation? keep up the good work and eat some cookie dough for me too :)
ReplyDeleteHello there! I have no idea how I found you, google reader maybe? Either way, my apologies for being such a lurker!
ReplyDeleteWas it the chicken or the egg?! LOL.
ReplyDeleteI don't remember exactly how I got to your blog...maybe through Annie's who I got from who?
But it's great and I SO relate to you and so do 101 others it looks like. I am trying not to have follower envy here. :)
Well Christie, you know how rarely I ever come out of the closet--never--but for you and to let you know how much I enjoy your blog here I am. Never miss your blog--checking on it every day is one of the few things that gets done in my home every day! Love ya, Mindy
ReplyDeleteHey! I've been reading for quite awhile. You know my sister-in-law, Amy. Thanks for all the great posts! I'll keep reading for more!
ReplyDeleteWow- save these comments for a low self esteem day, if you were to ever have one. To read you is to love you!
ReplyDeleteBefore I come out of the closet, I need to make sure I am wearing something fabulous.
ReplyDeleteMy blogging pedigree: Celia to Paige to Jessica to Christie.
And honey, your cookie dough thighs cannot even BEGIN to compare to my peanut butter ones. THIS, my friend, is a contest you won't win. Trust me.
PS. Only 3 hours in and you have 60 comments? Holy Schmoley.
I read often and comment occasionally. You're on my naughty list for introducing me to that caramel crumbly yumminess...oh that stuff is so.freaking.good!!
ReplyDelete~ Sarah
I found your blog through your darling sister-in-law Marta and have loved it ever since. You never fail to make me laugh!
ReplyDeleteI don't remember how I found you, but it was around the time you gave the UPS guy a very warm welcome to your home...and I've been a regular lurker since!
ReplyDeleteMy husband works for UPS, and he had a very similiar situation happen to him; however, his "customer" certainly meant for him to feel welcomed to her home.
Nicole in St Louis
I don't even remember how I stumbled onto your blog but I love your writing style and parenting style. I am just starting out with a digital SLR camera so I'm always thrilled to see your photography progress (how do you get those fabulous jet black background for portraits?!). Keep it up!!
ReplyDeleteHi Christie, it's Meggan. I read more than I comment, but I know if I ever need something to make me smiles, or want something good to bake, here's where I come. Always entertaining, never a disappointment=) I know met you through church.
ReplyDeleteHello! I found your blog through Google reader. The first time I clicked over, you had a recipe for yummy oatmeal caramel bars, and I was hooked! :-) I think you've been over to my blog once or twice, so thanks for the kind comments!
ReplyDeleteHey Christie,
ReplyDeleteI'm Tara and I'm from Mesa, AZ. I found you from June's Bye Bye Buy I think, and then found Marta's blog from you, although it could be the other way around.
I love keeping up with you little family & your crazy antics. You're the kind of person (I think) I gravitate to IRL, although people don't always reciprocate. I love your recipes too!
I have my own blog, The Well-Rounded Woman. I would love for you to visit.
well, clearly we are soul sisters living in parallel universes.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm totally jealous of the amount of comments you get every day(did I just admit to that?).
Love you C!
Guilty...I've been a lurker for a while. Found you through June's Bye Bye Pie. As a wanna-be photographer myself, I really enjoy your pictures of your precious family. Have fun with what you do and remember that you touch people's lives even when you don't know it.
ReplyDeleteHolly in Texas
Wow, you're a real hit, now, arent' you? I can't even remember how I first happened onto your blog, but it made me laugh from the start that you are "stie" because, as my blog title suggests, I'm "stine." Don't need to explain that to you! We have some things in common (boys, church, nicknames) and you make me laugh. Lovely photography as well!
ReplyDeleteNice to meet you. -Stine
I think I found you thru Celia's comments. I lurked for a while bc you are so funny and have what looks to be a great life. I have commented a few times and will try to muster the strength to continue commenting!
ReplyDeleteYour mother told me you blog. I've been reading ever since.
Cousin Sara
You and I moved to St. Louis the same summer and were promptly "volunteered" into boy scouts together (yay for the Twinkie-colored cub scout shirts...hehe). I met you, loved you, and now faithfully read you everyday. You tell it like it is and always make me laugh, the perfect pick-me-up. I love being with you and your kids and want to be just like you when I "grow up" (but giving less free shows for the UPS man's enjoyment).
ReplyDeleteI can't remember how or when I found you, but I do know that since then, nearly a year ago, I check your blog daily. For a laugh-until-tears-roll-down-my-face-while-trying-to-look-like-I'm-actually-working fix, you can't be beat! You're what I hope I'm like when my children are out of the diapers and I've learned a bit more about life!
ReplyDeleteI was friend with Nicole Hill in Junior High and I think I found you through her?? loved it ever since I began reading!
ReplyDeletei think i've commented a few times, but not as much as i should. my sister is anna -- pete's wife. she guided me over to your space on the internet! and it's so lovely! :D
Me. I feel so trendy.
ReplyDeleteMe too. Plus, I went on a few dates with your brother in law. We're like sisters aren't we?
ReplyDeleteI was clicking through my friend Miq(ue)'s blog links and found your blog. Now you're listed on my "Blogs I lurk" (I think one of my friends commented up there). You probably look at your site meter and wonder what all these "The Smith's Funny Farm" paths are. That's me, and people I know, because you are funny in a way that I totally get. So I love coming here everyday for another dose of real life :)
ReplyDeleteI finally figured out how to leave a comment. I am your #1 lurker. You know who I am. Now I have the pressure of trying to figure out what to name myself so I don't appear as anonymous all the time. Thanks for keeping me laughing.
Christie, I have loved you and your blog from the day that Jessica Romney told me (via e-mail) how great you are. She was so right. I adore your writing!
ReplyDeleteThankfully you know I'm a real person, with real children, and not some stalker (even though you were apprehensive :) ). Love reading your blog. You are a talented writer and beautiful person! Glad to hear you are still enjoying your blog b/c you would be missed if you gave this up. Keep it alive!
What a fabulous idea! I want to know if I have any lurkers, too. BTW, I found you at the end of my son's rainbow and you're worth pots and pots of gold to me.
ReplyDeleteHi Christie! I've been following you for several months now and I can't remember how I found you. Another blog, maybe? I've commented a time or two, but not regularly. I keep coming back because while my life is just as crazy as yours (with a travelling husband, as well) you seem to accept it with a lot more grace than I do! I love your sense of humor, too! Nice to "meet" you ~Jessica.
ReplyDeleteHi Christie!
ReplyDeleteYou were on the sidebar of an old BYU roomie's (Kelly Mullin) and I have been hooked ever since!
I get to enjoy your fabulous self in person on a regular basis, so the blog is an added bonus for me. I love to send the kids off to school and see what fun you have been up to. It's been a wonderful to start my day. Cheers my friend...I am blessed to have you in my life!
ReplyDeleteYou got Celia to comment.
ReplyDeleteYOU deserve an award.
How did I "find" you? Jessica R. told me about you. Clearly, I owe her a gift.
I am your oldest fan! I have known you longer than ANYONE!!!
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog because you are far away. KEEP BLOGGING June Cleaver!
Wow! Maybe if I hold out a little longer I can be the 100th commenter. You rock girl! I don't really blog anymore . . . Anyway, I must have found you through Celia who I found through my sis Heather.
ReplyDeleteI think after 92 comments you can officially call yourself popular. I love that my friend Stephanie in my ward has been lurking. Cool. Didn't know that.
ReplyDeleteI believe we met in a little somewhere called Billerica.
Man...I think I should send you something if you read your 95th comment! I feel like I'm related to a real star! Thanks for blogging! I actually feel like I know you better now than ever!
ReplyDeleteI met you through church and found your blog through Meggan Boston's blog. I mostly lurk, but I LOVE reading your posts. Your sense of humor is perfect. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for keeping it real and for making me laugh! You are an awesome writer and I enjoy hearing what you are up to. Come visit for beach day this summer!
Wow--nearly 100 comments! You must feel like a blogging celebrity. Angelina has nothing on you. I found you through Marta's blog I think. I thought you were hilarious and still do. Sometimes I read your stuff to my husband just so he knows I'm not the only person doing crazy stuff. I love your photos, I love your posts about your kids, I especially love your posts about being hit on by handicapped men. My favorite is your UPS story! Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteI'm a lurker -- I'll admit it! Your posts crack me up and make me laugh...cuz I think we are SOO much alike (cookie dough and all)! Keep it comin...
because i'm your number one fan, i've stalked you all day to become commenter number 100.
ReplyDeleteget the freakin sledgehammer.
I almost waited so I could be the 100th comment but I'll give that pleasure to another blogger. so glad we have met just wish we lived closer. You are tons of fun and we could wear our matching belts.
ReplyDeleteI told you my husband reads you, but he will never comment.So does that make me 100 now. I win!
I can't believe Andrea beat me. She types faster than me.
ReplyDeleteI honestly can't remember how I found you, but I've been a lurker ever since. I am a stay at home mommy to 4 and I check you out frequently when I'm avoiding housework or just need a smile.
ReplyDeleteI found you through my sister Kristin. And you're worth it every time I click over to read. Feel validated? You should.
ReplyDeleteI am a fan! I enjoy your witty writings and candid nature. Can't remember the blog geneolgy, but I've been silently enjoying/blog stalking you for a few months now.
ReplyDeleteHello! I am a lurker and really love your blog. I think I linked to you off of a comment you made on somebody else's blog. It was funny enough to see what your wrote on your blog. I have loved reading your blog ever since. Thanks for sharing it all with us!
ReplyDeleteI am devistated. I did this on my birthday. i asked the lurkers to say "hi" and post a comment for my birthday. I had 74 hits and like 20 comments. Ouch. How do you do that?!? Look at all these people that said hi! I found you through Gab I think, I have been reading for as long as I have been blogging, but you know that, because, this isn't the first time I have commented!
ReplyDeleteI found you through June on ByeByeBuy, way back when, still visit both of you almsot daily. I live outside of Vancouver, Canada, I am young, have no family of my own nor any desire to, we share very different beliefs and yet I am back regularly, enjoying your adventures, moments and general thoughts on life. I think in the grand scheme of things we are all more similar than we realize and that's what keeps me coming back, and your honesty and willingness to share your life with us. Thank you for doing so, I will be back again tomorrow, even though I am stepping back into the lurker shadows :)
I seriously can't remember how you came into my life. But you're great!!!
ReplyDeleteHey, I'm Kathee. Your blog always makes me laugh--thanks for sharing your irreverence and good humor!
ReplyDeleteNow, I'll move back to being a lurker . . .
Hi. This is my first comment. Yes I lurk. I do not blog but love reading them. You were one of the first blogs I ever read. I learned of you through Little Sussy over a year ago. I loved your "directions to where I am".
ReplyDeleteStie! I can't even cycle through all these comments. You are uberpopular. I'm proud to say I knew you back in the day when you were just the cute girl from Snow College (with the killer perm and beautiful smile) who captured my little brother's heart and became my sister-in-love. (I just coined that term, did it creep you out?)
ReplyDeleteLove you! Love the blog! Keep up the great work!
Holy MOLY look at all the comments.
ReplyDeleteI'm Erin. I found you through June and Jo-Lynne's blogrolls. I think your short hair looked freaking awesome. I also think you are a fantastic mama, and I am extremely excited about having kids, due in part to your stories about and love of parenting. I also looove your recipes. And your short hair. Did I say that?
WOW look at all your comments! I cant remember how I found your blog but have been reading for almost a year (I think) I have you under my "favorite blogs" list on my own blog and at least one of my friends reads regularly also! I understand how therapeutic writing in blogs can be as I do the same thing and I love it! Im more inot blogging now than when I first started! Thanks for continuing to blog!
My guess is that I am reading your blog because of my friend Annette. I love reading your blog and continue writing in my blog. Keep writing and I'll keep reading!
ReplyDeleteyou are such an entertaining writer.
ReplyDeleteI've already commented before! But, I seriously just randomly came across your blog, started reading and now I'm hooked!! You make me laugh so hard. haha so thanks for all the funny posts that crack me up! My name is Kayla. I just got married to my husband Tyler last August. We live in Utah and life is good!!! Thanks again for your fabulous blog!
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog last week and am a huge fan. Reading your posts make me laugh and put a smile on my face. I live in Southern Utah and we have kids close to the same age. I can relate to most of the parenting experiences you share. Thanks for the great blog!
ReplyDeleteI discovered you through June, who said you were funny. Since she's funny too, I figured she had good taste in funny and I gandered over because I like to read the funny blogs. Except that you almost make me cry when it's your kids' birthdays. Those posts are not fair. ;) And I was pumped to find another LDS blogger who isn't all sweet and molly-y and gushy and in my words, fake. I think you're awesome.
ReplyDeletei found you through bridget r. we used to train for triathlons together in oregon, until i moved away (*sigh). thank goodness for blogs!!
ReplyDeleteI found you througha link on someone elses blog to one of your great stories and have lurked here ever since. Your are so dang funny I can't help myself!
ReplyDeleteI was feeling bad for not leaving you any comment love yesterday and came back today to see 122 comments. HOLY FREAKING COW!!! You are so stinking popular. Hope you're walking around telling everyone you know how cool you are. Or maybe someone crafty can make you a button to wear. Ooh or a sign for your yard! With lights! (I am ON a roll...) Seriously, bask in the afterglow of how loved you are and remember the little people when you go all Pioneer Woman huge on us. ;) xoxo
ReplyDeleteOkay, I came out of the closet and I love you - there, I feel better! Are you maybe my daughter, switched at birth???
ReplyDeleteChristie, I can't really remember how I found your blog, but I have to say that ever since I read your "let's just say.... I walked naked in front of my front door while someone happened to be there" story hooked me and you are now one of my favorites. I have only commented a couple of times. But I understand how comforting it is to know that someone else out there in bloggy world reads and enjoys what you have to say. So keep it up girlie!! Thanks for the joy you bring to my life!
ReplyDeletei found your blog through Nicole Hill....i took a photography class from her once...but...i dont personally know her either...
ReplyDeleteI read it...cause a) you're funny and b) i'm one of those people who could sit in an airport and people watch for hours. Perhaps blogs are the same...except I dont have to imagine what that strangers life is all about...I actually get a sneak peak at other peoples lives around the world. You seem like a great mom, wife, and friend. And your funny. Thats my favorite part.
I don't remember how I found you, but I do know that you are one of my favorite blogs to read!
ReplyDeleteI love how honest you are, and you always make me laugh. When I read the posts you write to your kids and your husband, it always inspires me to make sure that my family knows just how much I love them.
And your recipes? AMAZING!
Jess - lives in Ohio, with an amazing hubby and 2 beautiful girls:)
I am here to say something :)
ReplyDeleteI'll admit, I'm a lurker. I can't remember how I found your blog but I do enjoy reading it.
ReplyDeleteHi! I found you through June, too. I agree with the above poster that June is hilarious & I thought if she found you funny, it was worth a try. And she was right! :) Stacie
ReplyDeleteToo many comments means too much pressure...you can never quit your hobby now.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I'm throwin' my hat in.
ReplyDeleteI was the dorky younger cousin following around my cooler (not very much older) cousin. One time you took me into your room, pointed to your dresser, and allowed me to choose any treasures I wanted to take home. I chose a used piece of chalk, a notebook, and one of those pencils where you take the lead out of the bottom and put it in the top.
I suffered a little separation from you for a few years, then your mom, of all people, pointed me to your blog.
And here we are.
I don't remember how I stumbled here, I just read one post and knew you were my type of girl. You make me smile!
ReplyDeletewow! add me to your long list of readers! i think i came out of the closet a year and a half ago and am so glad too because i love interacting with you and also love it when you stop by my place and leave me comments!!!
ReplyDeleteI am a semi-closet creeper. I have commented a couple of times. I honestly cannot remember how I found your blog. I read cause I find you entertaining, and you have great ideas. (i made your tee-pees' and your 11 commandment cookies (so good))
ReplyDeleteAnyways keep it up.
Oh and of course I share your, let's say- appreciation of Daniel Craig (and while we are at it, Edward too)
I connected from another blog, loved you do much so I just stayed. Call me a stalker, call me a bug, whatever. I love it here.
ReplyDeleteI can't remember how I found your blog, but I bookmarked your recipe for caramel bars (which turned out so yummy!) and I kept coming back. Thanks for sharing all your thoughts!
ReplyDeleteI found your blog several months ago through Annie's blog *basic joy*. I stop by at least once a week (you are on my short list of blogs that I look to when I am needing a smile). Keep it coming obviously there is a good little group of us who enjoy it...beth w.
ReplyDeleteIn my three years (or so) of reading blogs your post about the superman costume that was too tight is still the all time funniest post I have read. And I have 125 blogs in my blog reader. (blush)
ReplyDeleteI found you through our fabulous Blogapalooza Party, and never looked back. Except today I found out you are Gab's SIL! Love your blog.
ReplyDeleteYou know me, but I love to win things so I have to leave a comment.
ReplyDeleteIt was so fun to see you at WC.
Hi! I found your blog through "girlymamma" I loved your story about seeing the Delivery Guy in your "nothings" We have NO window treatments, but live on 5 acres, so I thought it was safe to go to the laundry room to look for clean clothes...NOT!
ReplyDeleteIf you think the chasing the dog story was funny that you linked to awhile back...check out my story about taking the kids and dog to the store we now call "Pet Stupid" I don't call it "blogging" but I have typed a few things.
Mel here from Delaware. I can't even remember when I started following, but you are right up there in my reader so it must have been a loooong time. One of my favorites!!!
ooops...The dog story is under the title "Note to self"
ReplyDeleteIt was a long scroll to get down here to comment.
I've been reading for about a year, and love that you are always good for a smile and a laugh!
Wow -- 145 comments -- I hope you know how much you are loved and "validated"! I found your blog when I was "making the rounds" one night. I stopped at first because we spell our name the same way, which is unusual to find. I wet my pants the first time I read your blog because it was so funny, and I've been a loyal follower ever since. In fact, I think you were one of the first blogs I added to my blog roll... :-) You're a gifted writer and have a gifted (humorous) perspective on life that I adore!
Wow. You are popular. I wonder if I tried coaxing my readers out of the closet, if any would actually bite. I'd probably hit a whopping 10, instead of the 3 to 5 I've been getting.
ReplyDeleteI don't remember how I found you, but it's been awhile and I'm sure glad I did!
Hello, my name is Jennifer, and I am a lurker. After 15 months, or so, I have come to grips with my lurking habit and decided to come out of the 'lurking closet' and come clean. My addiction (but not in a scary way) to your blog began approximately 15 months ago through the fabulous Holly (of Seriously Holly or also known as Hollyween). We served in our ward's RS presidency together.
ReplyDeleteI have thoroughly enjoyed reading your funny annectdotes of flashing the UPS dude to your hair cut dilemmas (which is fab, by the way)
Thanks for the laughs, because good golly Miss Molly, I need them!
I found you a long time ago...Joel P Jensen Middle school or West Jordan High...doesn't that deserve a prize??? Crinkle my paper when you put it in your hat-we've both cheated before-it's time to cheat again. This time it counts! ;) Give me my flippin prize Christie! LOL
ReplyDeleteHello hello! My name is Megan and I honestly can't remember how I found your blog. But it is entertaining and I keep coming back.
ReplyDeleteI am Kavitha and I am from Bangalore, India. I have been married for 15 years too. I have a daughter who is 14.
ReplyDeleteI found your blog as a link to another one I was reading and was hooked. You are hilarious!!!! I love reading your posts, you are one funny lady!!! Though we live on either side of the planet, and live different lives with different cultures, I GET you. We may never meet, but can connect through your blogs . So keep writing….please!!!
And oh, I love Mr. Darcy too…….
hi christie!
ReplyDeletei found you through marta, and just love your style :) i hope you have a great day!
ReplyDeleteI don't remember how I found you...I guess by following the blog trail from one friend to another...but I'm glad I found you! You are clever, fun, and genuine. I'm glad to be your 'blog friend'!
My name is Bonnie and I found you thru my friend Terra.. I think I've been following for about a year.I'm so glad she recommended your blog to me.
ReplyDeleteI always look forward to your posts. I only wish I could write half as good as you! I love your honesty and you always make me laugh. Please keep on keepin on!!
Hi! I found your blog through bye bye pie...and I love reading it! Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteHey, it's Jackie.... I still pop over here maybe 2 times a month and for more than 2 years, you have made me smile and laugh regularly, just as you did when I was lucky enough to live closer to you. Fav post to date? The one about the Harley ceramic figurine that literally made me laugh until I cried!! Keep doin what you're doin! I would miss it if you quit!
ReplyDeletehey, im chelsea, and i found your blog through nicole hill. i think ive been ready for a year maybe?!
ReplyDeletei think your blog is the bomb dot com. good work.
I found you from a comment you left on another blog I follow, and I liked you so much I went back and read all your old posts. I've been reading your blog for about six months. You're funny and down-to-earth, and I enjoy your blog very much.
ReplyDeleteA little validation? Holy crap - this is 159 validations for you. So, my sister told me I really needed to read your blog and I was like, "I don't have time to read the blog of someone I don't know." Then came my pregnancy. Then came my due date. Then came 11 days past my due date. Then came not being able to sleep in the night. Then came a boredom so fierce I succombed to reading blogs of "strangers." I spent two hours on your blog one night - from 2-4:00 AM and, well, I was hooked.
ReplyDeletebeen lurkin' around for a long while now. I find you quite entertaining as you can see many others do too!
ReplyDeleteI'm another random (friendly!) stranger blog-stalking you. I can't remember how I came across your blog but it's entertaining!
ReplyDeleteI have been reading your blog for about a year now. I found you through Nicole Hill's (Sussy) blog. I seriously love reading your blog, I even read some of your posts to my husband because he is curious why I am laughing so hard! Thanks for the laughs!
ReplyDeleteHey Girl! I don't remember how I found you. Probably from Denae, or Paige, or Celia. But you're fabulous and so cool that we've actually met in real life. ;)
ReplyDeleteI love your blog and it was so fun to meet you at BP last year.
ReplyDeleteHOLY COW. I am your 165th comment... Do I even matter?
ReplyDeleteI'm shocked at how many followers you have... and it sounds like the majority of them just "stumbled" upon your awesomeness. How cool is that?
You were referred to me, by my lovely sister, and I will forever be indebted to her because you have given me way too many laughs, great post ideas, and let's face it, delicious recipes that have made be fatter and fatter by the day.
Thank you Maren. And thank YOU Christie.
PS I'm in town! Shall we party?!
ReplyDeleteI found you thru... YOU. Thank you so much for coming back into our lives!
Hi Christie!
ReplyDeleteI came to your blog after my sister Maren told to come read. I really didn't even know what a blog was, but I LAUGHED and maybe spit water all over my screen while reading about the naked jog up the stairs - to which I could totally relate! I love to read your words - I laugh, I cry, I gain weight (curse the peanut butter cup cookies) and I can't wait to see you this summer!
I think I have been reading your blog for about a year. I have no idea how I found it, but I guess that doesn't matter so much, huh? I really enjoyed reading about your jelly/preserves and am anxious to try. I enjoy reading about your life, etc.
ReplyDeleteHi I'm Jill. I found your blog though my sister-in-laws blog Nuturing Narcissism. Your honesty is refreshingly funny and relatable. I made your peanut butter cup cookies and my tighs are bigger for it!
ReplyDeleteI can't even remember how I found your blog but have been reading it for a while. And it's silly really, why I haven't commented more often because as a fellow blogger it is fun to know your audience. (I think I have a couple of times)
ReplyDeleteSo forgive me and thank you for the invite to show myself.
Thoroughly enjoy your writing, your humor & your sass.
Keep it up, girl.
Hi, My name is Paula and also fellow lurker!! Love your blog, it is hilarious!
ReplyDeleteI think I lurked over through Lori Haun (same wit as you). I love your non-self-promoting, in fact, self-effacing style. Thanks for sharing aesthetic bit of you!
ReplyDeleteMillie in Ballwin
First some honesty: I am only posting, because I hope you will pick me to win the prize.
ReplyDeleteYou're the best. No, really, it's true.
I loved your writing long before I ever read any of it.
My life's goal was to be the first one to comment on your blog. With all your netfriends, it is a big accomplishment to be the first to comment.
If I suck up more, would that improve my odds of winning your fabulous prize?
Seriously. If it will help, I WILL go on...
I don't think I even know 173 people.
ReplyDeleteKeep it goin babe. Now you have to continue entertaining! Thanks for all of the laughs and cries. It's so good to know you!
ReplyDeleteHi! I randomly found you Wednesday. I don't know how I got here, but I stayed. I enjoy all of your pictures :)
ReplyDeleteI've been reading your blog for a year or so now and I'm mostly a lurker. I think you're funny and I thank the heavens everday for your "God Bless refined sugar" post!! That was a huge hit in my office! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteOnce again I'm a little late to the party, but still wanted to jump in the fray. Yours was one of the first blogs I found when I started blogging two years ago--and it's (you) are still one of my favorites. I consider you my MO (formerly CA) friend that I just haven't met in real life. Yet.
ReplyDeleteI 'm a friend of your cousin Rosie.
ReplyDeleteLurking for over a year because I love to start my day with a bit of silly and sassy..love your writing! Thanks!!
ReplyDeletei also can't for the life of me remember how i found your blog...but i love it. we are recent transplants to the midwest, and so it is nice to be reading about someone kind of in the same area...i love your blog, and am so glad that how ever i found it, that i did!
ReplyDeleteHow did I miss this?
ReplyDeleteDid blogger shut down from all the people trying to comment on your blog?
Sheesh, girl.
Love you.
I found you while blog hopping on some friends' blogs. Not sure who's. I tried you out now and then when I had some extra time, and no new blog entries to read. AND THEN came the post about the UPS man! I think you were added to my Google reader that very day! I couldn't wait to hear more! And laugh my A$$ off too :)
ReplyDeleteMy name is Emma & I am a stalker.
ReplyDeleteI've been reading your blog for a couple years now & it's my favorite. I've had several laugh out loud moments, I appreicate those. And you take some killer pics, not only a good writer but pretty to look at. A two-fer!
I moved to Minni-soda from Utah with my little family (the toothless trucker story, so true!) & my blog is set to private... to keep people like me out. Actually I have a real life stalker, kinda creepy.
Perhaps one day we'll meet for reals, I've never known anyone so popular! :)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWasn't going to comment because I have left comments before so I'm not really a closet reader...however I don't always leave comments on every post but that DOESN'T mean a)that I don't cheer every time a post of yours pops up in my google reader and b)that your writing doesn't always make me glad that I took the time to read it. You never disappoint. :) And you know I found you through your darling post on Blog Segullah ages ago. Happy Christie week.
ReplyDeleteI'm Heidi! I don't remember how I found your blog (blog hopping, I'm sure) but I've been reading for just about a year and I loooove reading your thoughts, Stie. And then laughing and loving you. (Of course I'm not laughing AT you, just with you). I have not yet made any of your goodies with which you are trying to get me fat, which is amazing, but when I do, I will tell you of their success and curse your name. Happy Delurking Day!
ReplyDeleteDan has GOT to see this!!!
ReplyDeleteI love your thoughts. I still laugh about your story of the FedEx guy seeing you naked. Loved it.
ReplyDeleteare you kidding me?!! this is why i often don't comment on peoples blogs.
ReplyDeleteyou are fabulous and it was so much fun seeing you. i love you even more now.
Ok-this is comment # 2...I really really love you and I really really want a better chance at that prize!
Comment # 3. Love you girl!
ReplyDeleteComment # 4....just give me the damn prize. You know you love me back! ;)
ReplyDeleteIs there a limit for how many times we can enter the drawing???? Whatever you do-keep it fair-don't cheat-just because you love me the most doesn't mean you should just give me the prize. Love you.
ReplyDeleteLove your flippin guts Christie! This is my last attempt...I promise....
ReplyDeleteI don't know how I found your blog and I don't care. I've been lurking here for over a year now and you are funny! You keep it real and add a lot of humor. I don't think it could get any better.
ReplyDeleteHi I'm Christina. I was working at a very boring job that aside from answering phone all I had to do was read blogs. I cannot remember how I cam upon yours but I am so very glad I did. I love reading your blog!
ReplyDeleteHoly Crap!!! 197 comments?! That's amazing. See what happens when I step away from the computer for a few days?
ReplyDeleteDang I missed this and I'm sorry. I have not been reading blogs or blogging myself. But you know I'm here and I love your blog.
ReplyDeletelike a watched ebay item, i have been eagerly awaiting to come in at number 200. i won the bid at 100, why not go for broke at double?
ReplyDeletei pretty much rock your world.
I came back to see what your numbers were. Impressive. I'm never doing a roll call for fear I couldn't compete.