Monday, April 6, 2009

My Friend and I

Here is my entry for the I Heart Faces weekly photo contest. This week's theme is "My Friend & I," which I thought totally fit my two boys - polar opposites in personality, but absolutely, without a doubt, best friends.

Head on over there to see some fabulous photos.


  1. I think it's cool how you keep finding new ways to exploit your kids and lame things to participate in, out in the inter-pretent-net-world.

  2. I can only imagine what they're plotting. Great capture - you can save it for the time when they don't want anything to do with each other.

  3. what cuties. i love watching my boys interact-yelling one minute, laughing the next.

  4. they are absolutely precious, what a perfect photo! brotherly love is so sweet, I love watching it between our boys as well.

  5. I LOVE your choice, Stie.☺

    And that dimple...oh, to die for!

  6. I love bumping into i heart faces posts! Your pictures are always great even when they aren't for this!

  7. What a sweet photo ~ whispering secrets to one another. You really captured a lovely moment there!

    co-founder of iHeartFaces
