Am I right?
You know I'm right.
Today, dear friends, I am feeling generous, and am going to give you one of my all-time favorite recipes.
May it make your bottom as large as it has made mine.
Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Cookies
Cream together:
1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup peanut butter (though I rarely measure the p.b. Just grab a big scoopful, then you don't have to dirty up a measuring cup with something sticky)
2 eggs
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp. vanilla
Mix well, and add:
3 cups flour
1 1/2 tsp. baking soda
Then you must take a smidge of the dough and do this:

Because you never know. It could be poisoned. And if it was, you would then probably look like this (only slightly less out of focus):

Once that is done, roll the dough into one-inch balls and set into the pans like this:

Then when your timer dings, pull the pans out of the oven, and press a peanut butter cup into the center of each cookie. Press firmly, until the cup is level with the top of the cookie, like this:

Let the cookies cool in the pan for 8-10 minutes to firm up. Then gently take a knife and plop them out, one-by-glorious-one.

Repeat until all the dough is gone or until you run out of peanut butter cups, whichever comes first. [One batch will usually make a large bag of p.b. cups.]
Then be sure to check the pictures on your camera. For while you were working, the little munchkin will have accidentally taken about 1,893 pictures of your bosoms. Which would be fine, say, if this were a porno cooking blog, now wouldn't it?

But since it's not, you will have to content yourself with the sight of these lovelies instead:

[And don't be thinking that these will last in your house for more than an hour. They won't. I absolutely guarantee it.]
Happy baking.
I can't decide which picture I liked better -- the one of your chest or the one of your daughter's darling freckled face. Let me think about it and I'll get back at you. The cookies look divine, by the way.
Great Christie, thanks! Now I need to go to Target and get peanut butter cups because I have to make this ASAP! :)
BTW, guess who I got to snap photos of today!?
This is life changing, absolutely life changing. Anything with PB and Chocolate is irresistible in my book! Once I scrolled down and got to the picture of "those", my husband said, "Oh, that looks like an interesting blog"...
I love your cookies and your cookies...wink.
YUM. The cookies of course.
Oh. My. Word.
Those look WAY too yummy. You are so kind to share. I thank you, and my husband thanks you.
I'm so glad this isn't a porno cooking blog...yikes! Then I'd have to leave some crass comment.
I am cursing you for the delicious recipe. My hips thank you.
I am on my way! THose look amazing! Commandments shmandments.
I wish I could reach through the computer monitor and grab one of those (the cookies!) Yum. I'm too lazy to make them but they sure look good right now.
I'm glad I can say I at least follow THAT commandment! PB and Chocolate definitely MUST be mixed!
i like to read melissa's comment and assume she's referring to your bosoms.
and at the risk of sounding utahish, can i just say that you are so cute? i so enjoy you.
skip dies laughing every time he sees that commercial where the choclate bunny sees the peanut butter and marvin gaye belts out "let's get it oooonnn...." he will probably like to eat these because he loves that commercial so much. i will make them and put a little marvin on the ipod.
What size cups do you use? The minis or the giant size?
Travelin' Oma.
Obviously she is a very full C or D cup.
Love your girl's freckles! She deserves another peanut butter cup for being so cute.
You too.
stie! i thought you were my friend!!! i am dying over here- those cookies look absolutely yummilicious and i can't have a single one. ok, well maybe just one...
is that possible? to eat just one and walk away?
Mmm, those look so delicious. Thanks for the recipe! I want to make them, but then I would have to eat them....
My husband is totally enjoying this post over my shoulder--and not just because of the bosoms. You're cracking us up.
Peanut butter and chocolate are the best! These look so good. It's that time of year when the Reese's eggs are out - I'm a bad girl when it comes to Reese's eggs, LOL!
You. are. the. BEST!
Thank you for another fabulous recipe with your charm and humor included in the directions.
That picture of Hannah with her cheeks filled with chocolate and peanut buttery goodness is so fabulous. What a doll she is!
And your bosoms ain't bad either.
Nice photos, dork. I wondered how long it would take for you to completely run out of blog ideas. I think that day has arrived.
It's 10am and I want PB & chocolate. Those look delish. I've tried to make these before and they don't turn out like yours. Might have to give it another try.
Great. One more amazingly yummy treat. I need these, you know. Why don't you think about the porno cooking show idea. JUST KIDDING.
Well I know what I am doing this afternoon!! My stomach thanks you but my butt is pretty angry!!
Mmmmmmm....I want those cookies now! Especially if they will make my bosoms look like that. I mean, I've already got the bum/thighs, so is it too much to ask to be proportional? I will try making the cookies and see if I get the desired result. *sigh* A girl can dream...
I just drooled a little... what that your intention?
Everytime you post arecipe, it cause lots of trouble around here. Trouble for my thighs, that is!
Those look divine. I don't care what my thighs say. (or do!)
Yummy! I really should make some of those. They sound wonderful right about now. Too bad I don't have any of the Reese's in the house!
I don't know what's better...your post or the comments...
How in the world do you continue to amaze us and fatten us with so many yummy dessert recipes? Can't wait to try 'em, they look and sound delicious!
Hey! I used to make these all the time when we first got married but I used the tube of pillsbury sugar cookie dough...I'm excited to have your recipe so I don't have to go to the store to buy the dough!!! Thanks woman!
You've got great bosoms! I can't wait to make those cookies. Dang you, I want one now!
Oh YUM! Love the pictures especially those of your girls!! :)
note to self: google porno cooking blog in hopes of finding more pics of Sties Ladies.
looks delish. maybe after the move is over i can go back to leading a semi-normalish chocolate peanut butter relationship.
Now that's the good stuff! I can't think of two things that go better together. Definitely a commandment!!!
I love all of these pictures. Especially the bosoms. Just kidding but she is so cute to be taking so many pictures. I love when my kids do that and I can see it all through their eyes. This recipe is making my mouth water. Thank you.
i am all over this. thank you, thank you.
Back when my son was a little bitty baby, we could make yummy peanut butter things. Now that he is 5 years old and INTO EVERYTHING and suffers from anaphylactic reactions to nuts, we have to have a peanut-free, nut-free house. And that totally stinks . . . especially since I LOVE peanut butter and chocolate. Make another batch and eat them all for ME.
As always.. love your posts..so entertaining. I can't wait to try these. My boys will love them!!
Dang Isrealites!! But I'm glad you've uncovered the truth and shared it with us. I'm making a list and heading to the store. Those pictures made me lust... over the cookies, not your bosoms.
These are positively evil, as in delicious, fattening, and addictive.
I craved peanut butter (and it's not my favorite) constantly after reading this, and today I broke down and made them. Thanks a lot.
{I do appreciate also that these are one of those good treats that look fancy for how easy they are to make. Perfect for my next food assignment.}
Those are some seriously full cups!
These are my all time favorite cookies! I make them every Christmas and a few times throughout the year. The problem is that I will eat the entire batch. Chocolate and peanut butter = YUMM. Speaking of which I hope the Easter Bunny brings me at least 2 or 3 or 4 of his Reeses pb eggs.
Chocolate, peanut butter, boobs...this post has it all! I am so happy I have actually had these delicious treats from you. They are fantastic. The treats AND the boobs that is.
OMG! Thank you so much! Made this last night and LOVE them! So much better than a normal peanut butter blossom cookie.
Back to another cookie and work! They even make my work day better! =) Hee, hee!
I will be making those this weekend! Thank you for sharing your rack, I mean cookies with us.
You would choose THIS week to post this recipe. I mean, why this week? When points count? And I'm not just talking basketball! How many points for all, I mean, ONE of those babies? You really are the best blogger ever.
Thanks for the recipe! I just made them yesterday and they were quite tasty!
You will be paying for my personal trainer, just so you know.
Melissa just told me that she had to teach RS @ Reaching the Celestial Kingdom. She made these for the ladies and said "these are as close to heaven that you can get, while still on Earth". I just laughed and laughed. Thank you for making our lives like Heaven.
Thank you so much for sharing this recipe, along with the fantastic pictures.
We are MAJORLY snowed in on the East Coast and this was the perfect cookie to make. The kids could help, they were easy and Oh My GOSH they are to die for.
SO GOOD! They made a lot too, six dozen!, so I will freeze half for my Bunco group next Wednesday.
Thanks again- my whole family loved them!
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