Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Wishing desperately for a slice of King Cake right about now

On Sunday, we were making our usual pilgrimage to church when the kids noticed signs at several churches along the way announcing various Ash Wednesday services and activities.

Being naturally curious, they wanted to know exactly what it was, what it entailed, and why we didn't do it.

Having had some good Catholic friends through the years, I felt well-schooled in the ways of Fat Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, Lent, and the like. [Wisely, I left out the whole Mardis Gras/beads/flashing of boobs component. I figure MTV will take care of that job for me in a few years.]

Fascinated with the concept of giving something up for Lent, my three began begging to have a family lent of our own.

McKay offered cheerfully to give up homework.

Chase chimed in and offered to give up yogurt (something he absolutely despises).

Not exactly how it's supposed to work, is it?

So, with the help of the Husband, we steered ourselves toward the abandonment of something much more painful: Dessert. As a family, we are giving up dessert. For lent. A holiday our own religion doesn't even participate in.

Insane, right?

Realistic, and wholly unable to go 40 days, we opted for a week.

And let me tell you, this has been the longest week of my life.

I am on DAY THREE and I feel like I am starving. Not that I would have eaten much dessert over the last three days anyway, but the fact that I can't -- fills me with longing for it. I find myself craving donuts, brownies, ice cream, and pie. Things I don't even really eat anyway (my drug of choice will always be cookie dough, I'm afraid). I'm crabby. I'm irritable. I've got a pretend dieting headache. And the worst part is that I know it's truly all in my head.

Here's hoping we survive the next four days.

Maybe we should have just given up homework.


  1. Love it...Being a convert to the LDS church 33 years ago I was raised in my early years as a catholic I remember lent but we never followed it....but if I did give up something for lent it would be my computer! It really is my addiction..

  2. And we will never have to wonder why so many Catholics are not active members of their church.

  3. No dessert for a week- ugh! But you have such an amazing family! I love that your kids not only like to learn about new things but want to try them as well. Like family science fairs and even Lent! You are such a great mom.

  4. We were just having this discussion at dinner tonight. I got the same smart aleck responses - homework, vegetables, chores. When you say dessert, do you mean sweets all the time or only after a dinner? There's gotta be a loophole in there somewhere.

  5. You know how I feel, C! We already observe Lent every single day of our life with all the stuff we don't do :)

  6. For Lent I have decided to give up being nice to people!! Definitely going to be hard to do! :)

    DK served his mission in Mississippi/Louisiana. He was transferred into New Orleans the day after Mardi Gras....the biggest hangover day of the year!!! Needless to say it was quite an experience for him!

  7. The reason the LDS church doesn't celebrate Lent is because well, we give up a lot of things already such as alcohol and immoral living.

    I say keep up the dessert.

    Maybe I will give up blogging for Lent. That would be a convenient excuse for the sad state of my blog.

  8. I could never do it.


    Just thinking about not eating dessert is making me crave it.

    I am off to eat a mini Snicker's bar... I'll eat an extra one for you. (Or maybe 2...or 3...)

  9. Be sure and check out today's secret combination recipe. You'll thank me later, I'm sure.

  10. Good luck! Isn't that funny how when you know you can't have something - you need it? I feel that way on airplanes. I am always so hungry - even when I normally wouldn't be!

    Have a great night!


  11. Wow. You are brave. Very brave. Good luck with that. I could NOT do it.

  12. growing up in boston, i always felt so left out in the cafeteria during lent for this very reason. every single freakin irish and italian in my school was catholic. i was the only mormon. and consequently, the only one who still had hostess in my lunchbox. and instead of gloating, flaunting or bribing, i felt guilt and gave it up just so i could join in the conversational complaints. "yeah, i know. it's going to be SO HARD to go ALL WEEK without chocolate!"

    maybe this is why i'm such a confused person. blame it all on lent.
    and you must be SERIOUSLY desperate if you're craving king cake. that stuff is only a teaspoon of dry ingredients away from a fruitcake. GAG.

  13. And of course, the Girl Scout cookies showed up this weekend. How is anyone supposed to have a successful Lent with Tag-a-longs and Thin Mints around?!

  14. What were you thinking agreeing to that garbage?????
    That is just wrong. WRONG.

    I'll have cookie on your behalf.

  15. Precisely why when I go on a diet I gain 5 pounds. take it away, i eat more!

  16. Oh, you are NUTS!

    I can say "nuts" right? I'm pretty sure your c**ki# d@ug$ recipe doesn't have nuts? Don't read my blog in the next four days. I mention ic# Cr#@m.

  17. I remember a Catholic friend in Jr High who gave up Clearasil.

  18. I'll give up dusting and ironing. Oh wait, I gave that up years ago.

  19. Just bake something in the shape of a fish and eat it. That seems to work with the meat vs. fish dilemma. And then think of all the dessert you can eat on Fat Tuesday, the best holiday EVER.

  20. good luck with that one girl! i just found out i have to give up sugar possibly forever and it's only been one day and i am dying!! yesterday was my son's bday and i would have given up a lung to have a piece of his cake!

  21. um, at least one of your kids may or may not be consuming some kind of dessert this weekend. can't say for sure, but my crystal ball indicates that all signs point to "yes!"

  22. also, my husband has not had any sugar in over 60 days. nuts.

  23. You technically didn't have to start sacrificing until today, 3 wasted days. Better make up for them!

    I know something that Andrea could give up that would really show sacrifice.

    I personally am giving up shopping, that would mean that my quest for Sainthood would pretty much be a done deal.

  24. Wow! Now I am REALLY glad I didn't bring you doughnuts last night in honor of the German Fausnaught Day I grew up celebrating in Pennsylvania. I know your temptation is plentiful and I would hate to be the reason you gave up your resolve to be good. I wonder if I could be excused from work during Lent if I said I gave up being around children...:)

  25. Um, lent starts today. Why did you sacrifice so early girl? Maybe you need to find a loophole, no candy? See how righteous I am?

  26. Nope, ...it would not be all in my head. I get so irritable when I try to go off sugar in general...I need a little treat everyday, it's sad. But, I say good job to taking on that challenge. Nothin wrong wid dat!

  27. I think that's awesome!! What a great lesson for your chidren, too. Good luck with it!

  28. Way to go. I am getting a lack-of-sugar headache for you. I'd better go have a peanut butter cup. Those always seem to make things better.

  29. Ick. I gave up sugar as of the New Year. Did really well until last week when I dove headfirst into a pile of ... well, everything you listed that you're now craving. THis extreme crap isn't for me I declare.

  30. I just ate a twinkie and then read your blog...ha ha!

  31. Oh, I better not tell you what we had for dessert last night. It might throw you over the edge. You make me laugh!

  32. Bless your sugar deprived self.

    Next time just give up yogurt, I guess.

    I think it is admirable you are doing this, though. It really is a great learning experience for the kids.

    And even more admirable that you are doing this in the middle of Girl Scout cookie season.

    Your sugar deprivation hasn't hampered your writing ability...what? That wasn't enough comfort in and of itself?

  33. LOL! I know I wouldn't last. This is why I'm Presbyterian. We wholeheartedly embrace our Christian liberties. ;-)

  34. I'm ready to start Lent in our family-we have waaaay too much candy around here. I came down stairs this morning to find my 6 year old eating his leftover movie candy for his breakfast. He said he left it out all night and now it tasted like bubblegum.

  35. If I tell myself I'm giving something up, I seem to want it even more. Good luck! Just know there's cookie dough at the end of the tunnel.

  36. I hope you still drink diet coke...if you don't do it for the rest of the week. Peachies & hot tamales don't count as dessert,right????

  37. WOW, that's admirable.
    I've got a niece married to a Catholic, and he's not near as devoted as you are.
    Maybe you could talk to him and give him some pointers!
    You know, like help the "family" out.
    I'm just saying! ♥

  38. Heeheehee! Mormon Lent! Love it. I volunteer to give up floor-mopping.

  39. I need to keep up with your blog too...it was fun meeting you at BP last year...anyways thanks for your advice on BC! I think you said it perfectly. It's just hard to blow off a friend. SUCKS.
    Anyways...do you live in St Louis? I just noticed that. We live in Osage Beach/Lake Ozark 2 hours away!!!

  40. Stie...
    I'm so sorry I sent that cookie recipe to you last week! I did not read this until now. Talk about insensitive! Even better. Make them soon.
