Sunday, December 7, 2008

In which his words come back to haunt him, beat him, and kick him where it counts

Today we were driving to church, and the familiar banter between siblings filled the air. Elbows were dug jovially into rib cages. Treasures were held out just slightly farther than little hands could reach. Shoving ensued, and was promptly followed by the unavoidable, yet completely annoying, tattle.


All this before we were even out of our neighborhood.

So, in an attempt to find a little peace in my heart on the sabbath, I put on a CD, and declared that the car was now a talking-free zone. The Husband raised his eyebrows quizzically when the opening number of Joseph filled the air.

I shrugged my shoulders, and proceeded to lose myself in Donny's melodic, "Any Dream Will Do."

Then, in a flash of brilliance, I announced that we would be watching Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat tonight for family night.

Groans immediately filled the air.

[And they all came from the Husband.]

His protests were naturally matched by those of his boys. I was preparing to dig in my heels for battle, when suddenly, from the back seat, a tiny little girl voice spoke up.

"But, Dad, aren't we supposed to be flexible and try new things?"

His very words to them less than 12 hours before, when a plate of foreign-looking food was placed in front of them, had now come back to haunt him. I smiled sweetly, awaiting his reply.

I'm pretty sure that grunt and roll of the eyes was his surrender.

And so tonight we all watched Joseph. Two of us loved it; three of us didn't. Any guesses who loved it?

Although, how anyone could not love this is beyond me:

[Note to self: Must stop posting pictures of half-nekkid men on the blog. Eh, maybe tomorrow. This is just too delicious. And it's about the Bible, after all. How wrong can that be?]


  1. I was watching that with my then 5 year old daughter when scantily clad women came on the scene, and my husband was like... WHAT ARE YOU WATCHING????? We haven't watched it since... I think my family stats would be about the same as yours though. :)

  2. Okay, I know I always say brace yourself...but seriously...the way you write about things is so fantastic. "Elbows were dug jovially into rib cages. Treasures were held out..." You paint the scene perfectly, I love it.

    Now, I gotta go watch Donny! Heart ya!

  3. Sounds like our ride to church and ours is only three blocks away.

  4. Ahhhh, I got chills.

    Our stake put on Joseph 2 years ago. My husband watched it and when it was over he said...I just didn't get it...It was bible times...why were they dressed like cowboys in that one scene?

    Never-you-mind, sweetheart...thanks for taking me, though.

  5. I SAW Donny Osmond when Joseph came through Chicago. It was amazing, and every song is completely wonderful. Thanks for reminding me that I love it.

  6. Ahhhhh yes. Donny was my first true love...
    Were we in the same car with the same kids on the way to church today???

  7. I've never seen it! I'm actually a little shocked myself because I love a musical. I am obviously missing out.

  8. Bad news sis...the fighting doesn't get any better the older they get!
    And the movie, looks great no matter what the ment think! I can't wait to see it.

  9. My kid of night-

    I didn't not understand the donny O love until I saw him live on Broadway as Gaston last year. Holy Cow. Instant Donny Love from me. Gimme the purple socks.

  10. Oh my gosh..You are going to laugh..I have never seen it and I was a huge Donny love when I was 13 and he was 14. I even have some pictures of him and I when we were young, yes I kinda knew him! Now this is the biggy I have never admitted any of this until now! Now the blogging world knows my secret!

  11. PS I like the nekkid men been staring at the same nekkid man for 20 years!

  12. That was fantastic. I love that song- I love that guy- and he was (is) pretty darn fit when doing that play. Wow. Great voice...

  13. Sunday nekkid is my favorite nekkid.

  14. How much planning went into this? All the cards fell into place a little too well.

  15. I do love Joseph. I saw it at a little theater in West Yellowstone several years ago. The guy who did Joseph later went on to American Idol and was in the top 12. Yeah, he was good.

  16. I was anti-Donny until I saw Joseph. Then I saw the attraction. I've got to listen to that CD... ♫Jacob! Jacob and sons...♫

  17. We saw Donny as Joseph, loved him.
    I show parts of it in Seminary, especially the "one more star in the heavens..." part and then the Elvis Pharoah part. The whole show totally cracks me up. Way to punish your kids with a little culture/religion?
    We watch a musical almost every Sunday at our house, it was 'Meet me in St. Louis' today.

  18. Hooray for Hannah! I'm so glad that you have a daughter! Who has good taste like her mom!

  19. True confession time. I've never seen the movie. Do you think I'll be excommunicated? After watching that little clip I must run out and buy the DVD, watch the whole movie and then be excommunicated for the naughty thoughts in my head!!

  20. Donny is ripped! WOOHOO!!!! Bring on the next one...

  21. Oh, Joseph. My ALL TIME favorite. It's my favorite dishes doing music. Kendon refuses to dishes with me to this music. What's his problem?!?!?!

    Love the nekidness. (Maybe that's why K doesn't like me listening to it. He's a bit jealous!!!!!)

  22. My favorite line in that play is "And if we have time, we can see the sphinx!" We are so separated at birth. I may have to hop in the car one of these weekends and come see you. What are you doing over the Christmas break?

  23. Nothing wrong with a few partially nekkid men.

  24. i saw joseph once. it was really great. except an elderly lady sitting next to me was eating cookies from a paper bag. i tried to incorporate the rustling into my fantasy by imagining us on paper sheets, but it wasn't going as i planned. crumbs were ending up in places we don't want crumbs.

    i'm sorry. i digress. i'm sure i was going to say something about how witty you are and what a great post this was. or maybe i was going to tell you i let my kids watch this video before church (it's a "sunday" movie) and after the scene with potifer's wife, noe told everyone at church about the movie with boobs. not about the glorious revelations to joseph, the miraculous storing of food, but the boobs.

    i don't think that part was in the bible.

  25. and by "us" i meant donny and i, not the elderly lady and i.

  26. Once again your verbage and writing portray the event so perfectly! I love how you turn every day happenings into entertaining reading for all of us out here in blogland.

    p.s. Don't you just love musicals?

  27. I had a huge crush on Donny growing up. Purple was my favorite color.

    Thanks for all they eye candy this week. :)

  28. Naahh... Keep those pictures coming. As long as they are of Collin or Donny... I won't complain.

  29. Cute! I love Joseph, but I've never seen the Donny Osmond version. I must ask Sant for this for my stocking. I can guarantee that my husband will insist that he doesn't like it but go around the house singing it for months.

  30. I first read your post in the middle of the day but never got to commenting--ended up watching all kinds of JOSEPH clips on you tube. Thank you.

  31. You are introducing your children to Joseph and I am indoctrinating mine about the wonders of Star Wars. We help make each others children well rounded.

    May the Force be with You, Donny.

  32. Too funny!

    My husband glanced over right as the half nekkid picture came up. His reaction? "What kind of blogs are you reading?!"

  33. You got your husband to sit down and watch a musical with you without having to promise marital relations later on?

    Score. Well, for you at least.

    However, maybe he did score after you watched Donny half-naked for a couple of hours...

  34. Donny was my biggest crush then and now. Love him. Love Joseph. Top pick and great "consequence"!

    p.s. Jake was just going through our Christmas cards and he looked at yours. "Chase is getting big" was his first comment. "And SHE got a haircut! She looks REALLY different." (I think he should hang with Uncle Josh....)

  35. Don't you love it when your hubby has to eat his own words!

    And are you seriously telling me the ride to church will not improve in the next five years?

  36. Hmmm... pretty sure I could NEVER get hubby to sit and watch that with me, regardless of any cute quips the little girl might throw at him. You've got a good man there, Charlie Brown.

  37. We saw it when we were first married and both liked it. Of course my hubby likes musicals and things like that.

  38. Ooh baby! Gotta love that "Moooommmm" from the back seat!

  39. I love it! Our oldest is constantly keeping her dad "in check".
