Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A conversation from last week that still makes me laugh

HIM: Now tell me again where you're going?

ME: I'm going to a cookie exchange.

HIM: What exactly is a cookie exchange?

ME: Well, dear, as the name implies, everyone shows up with cookies, and we exchange them with each other. You know, a cookie EXCHANGE?

HIM: So, does that mean you'll be bringing other people's cookies home with you?

ME: That is the general idea.

HIM: Why would I want to eat anyone else's cookies? That's like having an affair with a really ugly woman.

[By the way, he did end up eating other people's cookies. Should I be on the lookout for an ugly girlfriend now?]


  1. We will exchange cookies with you anytime... or, better yet, how 'bout you just make them... then HE doesn't need to feel any guilt... and you need not worry.☺

  2. It's so great to have you back! I am so glad that you got to have lots of time with your husband the past few weeks. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

    It is so nice that he didn't like the sound of other people's cookies. If I were to have this conversation with Steve it would sound very different. You must bake very well!

  3. That is the sweetest, most off the wall thing ever! :)

  4. He has a point. Do you really want someone else's date cranberry bars?

  5. When I brought my tray home My hubby said....Why do I want eat anyone else's cookies I love yours!
    Men just think the same!

  6. I'd be flattered. My husband would welcome other people's cookies. Heck, he keeps begging me to have another kid just so other women will bring in dinner.

  7. Josh knows he has the best baker wife in town. Can you blame him for not wanting to settle for less???

  8. Awesome. And I so agree with him. He needs to stick to your cookies only. Congrats on bringing some home though- I usually end up eating them all there.

  9. I think Josh is funnier than you. Maybe he could take over your blog?

  10. The world of women is such a mystery to men. As I have made several of your treat recipes, I would have to agree with your hubs. Nothing else could possibly measure up.

  11. That's the nicest compliment, ever! I love HIM!

  12. That's one keeper-husband you've got there! He made funny AND complimented your cookies and you in a round about unintentional way.

  13. LOL! Sounds like that man has had one too many drive by cookie drops from home teachers who can't bake. :D

  14. I never really thought about cookie exchanges that way--I guess I've just seen them as fun ways to get sugar into my body.

  15. I can hear his voice saying those exact words! Ha ha...

    Happy New Year.

    p.s. I had the weirdest dream about you last night...

  16. Love it! I love how devoted he is to you and your cookies.

  17. Well, I guess he knows any other cookie will pale in comparison to yours.

    Glad he was able to bring himself to eat some less than stellar cookies.

  18. Were they ugly cookies? You know, it's not all about what's on the outside. I bet they had great personalities. I don't even know what I'm talking about. :)

  19. Love it! We're kind of the same way though. We really like our treats and not always someone else's. I guess that makes us snobs!

  20. Way to keep your cookie-loving husband happy at home.

  21. what a wonderful, faithful guy with VERY good taste!

  22. well, you DO have fabulous baking skills. He knows he's got a good thing...why shop around?

    {Greg laughed out loud at this.}
