Monday, December 29, 2008

The 13-day hiatus comes to an end

Oh, hello there little blog. My, how I've missed you. Is anyone still here? Anyone? Anyone?

I am sorry to have been away for so long, but for the first time in several long months, I have actually had a husband around.

While for most of you this is an everyday occurrence -- in my world, it is not. It is a rare treat, and one which I have enjoyed to the fullest. We have spent every waking second together for the last two weeks. And guess what we discovered? We actually like each other.

I know, right?

While the Husband is not heading back to work just yet, I am finally ready to return to you, my other true love.

I'm kidding.

You know my other true love will always be Mr. Darcy.

Anyhoo, semi-regular posting will resume shortly. That is, if any of you are left to read the drivel that gets churned out here at Stie's Thoughts.

And sadly, taking a hiatus doesn't make me any funnier. I apologize in advance for the disappointment. But dang, it feels good to be back.


  1. I love you, Stie!

    I don't care what you are hilarious...I laughed out loud at the, "You know my other true love will always be Mr. Darcy." I should have been expecting that but you still caught me off guard. You are a funny girl.

    Glad you got to enjoy the Husband!

  2. May I just point out how fun it was to be the first to comment here?

  3. Oh how I can totally relate. I'm married to an airline pilot!!! It's good to know you and your husband still like each other. My husband asks me all of the time if our marriage will survive once he retires! I just shake my head and say "I'm not sure, I'm just not sure." (I'm so mean!!!) :D

  4. Welcome back! I'm still here. Gotta love the readers!

  5. I only see my husband for a few days once a month... I know how you feel.

  6. Take a break any time the mans around, you deserve some time together.

  7. 13 is a lifetime in blog years. I hope you still have a loyal following...even after you abandoned us...out here...alone...

  8. I know, I've counted the days little triplet sis!
    And I don't can hush that talk of not being funny! You are HYSTERICAL no matter how long you take off!

  9. It's ME, Stie. I'm sure you've been missing my comments tremendously. You and everyone else mind you. As the new year approaches I VOW to be better (at least for a little while) and on a personal note I must INSIST that you go out and buy yourself a new monitor so you and everyone else with tiny monitors (assuming they buy themselves one too) will be able to see my enormous pictures on my blog. M,kay?

    But back to YOU...
    I'm really so glad that you spent time with the husband. And I read up on that barfing story too. Perhaps for safety sake, he should quit traveling. One of these days he really IS going to be barfed upon. And I didn't get your card this year. Did I miss it or not make the cut?

    Oh, and one more thing:
    I have a serious THING for James Bond (aka Daniel Craig) too. And I don't even LIKE blondes. Go figure!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Glad your back....I'm sure all of us internet peeps have been pretty busy, it being Christmas and all, but knowing me I would love to have known what was prevailing in your home! Keep us posted missed ya!

  12. I just don't understand people who choose family over blogging.

  13. Family time is so much more important than the blogs...but your readers are still here - I can pretty much say that with confidence!

  14. You've been missed, girlfriend o'mine!

  15. Now I can finally get out of the fetal position, wipe away my tears, climb out of bed, and face my day, knowing that I can read your blog.

  16. Glad to have you back. I always enjoy reading your posts!

  17. Your blog was a topic of conversation at the family Christmas party...wish you could've been there! I haven't been to one of those forever! I'm glad you're back!

  18. Glad your back but more importantly, glad you have enjoyed your hubby during his vacation time. Hope you enjoyed your cookie exchange - yum!

  19. Oh you are full of it! You know we're all still here. I can't imagine having my husband gone all the time. Kudos to you, sistah! I hope you had a nice holiday and a happy New Year!
