Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Yes, I can!

Chase has been taking tae kwan do lessons for a few months now. He absolutely loves it. Through a thick Korean accent, Grand Master Rho has the kids repeat, over and over, the words, "Yes, I can!" It's a mantra that Chase has readily adopted to fit his 'just try and stop me' personality.

So, in honor of that, I thought I would give you some of the lessons I learned this week, in "yes, I can" style.

Because it's my blog, and, well, because I can.

Clicked off to hunt for free porn yet?

No? Good. Here goes. Things I learned this week:

  • I can survive two field trips in one week, even when one of them is spent chasing down other people's annoying wandering children at the zoo in the pouring rain.
  • I can recover from poison ivy. (Though can anyone tell me why the rash is gone but I am still itchy?)
  • I can clean out the kids' bedrooms and throw away five bags of plastic crap (all of which I am sure they will never miss).
  • I can tell the random caller from one campaign that I am currently undecided.
  • I can then field two phone calls per day, and one front porch visit in an attempt to sway my vote.
  • I can decide to never again admit that I am undecided.
  • I can enjoy my workouts again, thanks to a new TV season.
  • I can order my Christmas cards in October (please don't hate me. I'm diseased. I can't help it).
  • I can pay other people's children to smile for me in photographs.
  • I can actually watch general conference and not take a nap. Go me.

What did you learn this week?


  1. Seems like you've had a very educational week - and it's only Wednesday! I think I will look or things I CAN do, too

  2. I CAN have extra kids at my house all day and survive it!

    I wish that I was on top of it enough to have Christmas cards taken care of. Other years, I have started making them by now and currently I don't even have any ideas!



    Now you got me all worried that I need to start mine. But I can't.

    I have a strict no-holiday-before-the-first-holiday-ends policy.

  4. At Rex-Kwon-Do, we use the buddy system! No more flying solo! You've gotta have somebody watching your back AT ALL TIMES!

    P.S., Do you think I'm a failure, because I go home to Starla at night?

  5. I'm disappointed. Surely I thought your Christmas cards would be ordered by end of August.

    You're better than me. I took afternoon naps during General Conference. The sofa is too comfy and their voices are too soothing. I can't be blamed.

  6. Go You!! I can do 1/2 of one of those things.

  7. Yes you can, yes you can. You've been so productive I insist you spend the rest of the week in bed and let the rest of us catch up a little.

    Are you doing some photo jobs? I'd love for you to take our Christmas photo. Wanna fly out and pay my kids to smile for photos?

  8. I love Annie's sugggestion. Wanna fly out and pay my kids to smile for photos? This time probably without the dress dance? LOVE the idea!

  9. yes, I can come to your blog page and leave you a nice little comment! LOL
    you make me so tired just reading this list! I got rooms that need to be cleaned out...want to help? please!

  10. It's only Wednesday Stie, come on, seriously, I might as well quit now as the only thing I have learned this week is that I have washed out WAY to many pairs of underwear for boys who are supposed to be potty trained. ARG!

  11. This week I learned I can take all three kids out shopping.

    Good thing Target sells popcorn.

  12. That I CAN completely avoid the scale for the last 6 weeks of my pregnancy, BECAUSE IT'S NOT CHANGING MY BEHAVIOR ANYWAY (hello! 4 Oatmeal Carmelitas before lunch!).

  13. You sure CAN write an awesome blog post. Why didn't you focus more on the tae kwon do stuff. That would be more interesting.

  14. I CAN read Stie's blog and be completely ENVIOUS of her photo taking skills.

    And I CAN get to the gym in the morning at 6 and run... but mostly walk... on the treadmill... and still feel ACCOMPLISHED.


  15. Oh and Christmas cards... this is why my tradition has become New Years Cards... HAPPY NEW YEAR. I always wait too long!

  16. You can do all of that in a week? I am a loser. And very disorganized, apparently!

    My kids took TKD for a few years, they loved it and I really thought one would go for her black belt, but then they each had to pick just ONE thing to continue with for an after school activity...and not one of them picked it! They are forever purple belts.

  17. I learned that no matter where I hide anything chocolate Emma will find it and eat all of it.

  18. I can survive every day with my three little ones under three. Today included a blowout diaper that resulted in poop all over my arm. Yes I CAN.

  19. Did you get the Shutterfly "buy-75-get-25-free-before-October 31" coupon, too? (Or am I the only one left in the world who doesn't fell a tree, mill the paper, dye it, design a card and handstitch something for each card?)

    This week I learned that I CAN hardly wait for the election to be over!

  20. I learned that I can indeed survive.... even if it is hard, and I don't want to.

  21. I learned to make little baby hats for the Humanitarian Center.

  22. Poison Ivy sucks! I still have mine! I bought my Christmas cards last year when they were marked way cheap! They're from Deseret Book with the SLC temple in a snow globe. I'll start on our letter shortly!

  23. I learned a great many things from your list!

    I learned that I blog too much but, I can't seem to quit. Oh, wait...I already knew that prior to this week...

  24. GO YOU!!!! After doing all that, I'm amazed that you didn't sleep through Conference. You really are wonder woman!

  25. I learned that you are amazing. Wait...already knew that. And I also learned I never want poisnon ivy. I was cleaning out my garden yesterday and even though I KNOW we have no poison ivy, I was FREAKED out!

    I'm doing apple sauce today and I will be chanting, "yes I can!" Thanks for the extra motivation. I needed it!

  26. Oh yeah, yep,..."YES YOU CAN!", girl!!! pssst! I ordered my cards too. *wink*

  27. You've already ordered your Christmas Cards? Holy Cow! And, I love throwing away little plastic toys that don't go to anything--especially the McD's ones.

    Regarding your last post, your look so amazing! What a cute, stylish girl you are...and your hair looks really good too!

  28. I can do a lot, but not that much in one week! Slow down girl!

  29. Stie! I ordered my Christmas cards early too. (And when I was bragging to Heidi she said, "But I'll bet Christie's are already stamped!") You rock, friend!
