Thursday, October 30, 2008

What is it they say about the best laid plans?

Well, interpeeps, I had some grand ideas for posts this week that I was hoping would pull me out of my blogging slump.

I was going to find all the old Halloween photos from years gone by and post them here so you could ooh and ahh at my darling babies, you know, when they were babies.

I was going to make a really yummy soup and post pictures and directions to entice you all to make it.

I was going to let you into the world that was my frighteningly pious 19-year-old psyche and share some old journal entries I just found in the basement.

But, these good intentions have gone by the wayside. And come tomorrow morning, I will be waking at the unholy hour of four a.m. for a little spontaneous road trip with the family.

See, when your husband happily tells you he has taken Halloween off from work, don't mentally start making any plans for lunch dates, afternoon matinees, or any other afternoon delights. For, you see, about three-point-seven seconds later, he will sweetly bring up the fact that there is a BYU game in Colorado this weekend, and wouldn't it be great if we all went?

So, we're going.

I'm actually excited because it means I will get to spend time with one of my favorite sisters-in-law (sorry, she's blogless or I'd link) and I get to sit in the car for several uninterrupted hours with a large stack of books by my side.

And I get to miss church. (Which is definitely something my pious 19-year-old self would not be happy about. Please don't tell her. She'd definitely have words to say about that.)

So, Happy Halloween. And, I guess, Go Cougs.


  1. Woo hoo! Go Cougs! My husband would be jealous...I won't tell him. I so look forward to the days of uninterrupted hours on long road trips. We're considering driving to Tennessee for Thanksgiving. The hours will definitely be interrupted. Have fun! And Happy Halloween!

  2. Oh Rod will be so jealous ... although our kids always seem to throw up on him in Colorado so maybe he won't be so sad! Have a great time!

    Great minds must think alike because I've been cooking up my Grandma Kate's soup this week to post next week in the same fashion!

    Have fun!

  3. That sounds a lot like my week for posts except for the road trip. Have fun!☺

  4. What a great weekend to go to Colorado. It's supposed to be warm, though I don't envy your drive. Have fun and push the pious 19 year old far, far away into the recesses of your mind.

  5. 4 am? Really?

    Well, at least you're missing church.

  6. Unexpected and last minute trip sounds fun. Enjoy!

  7. but but... Aren't you going to trick or treat?

  8. Good for you! The 4a.m. part may not be pleasant but the rest will!

    I know what you mean...I had all of these great posts planned, like always, and nothing has been posted. I am going to go drown my sorrows in my kids' Halloween candy from the Trunk-or-Treat.

  9. Have a blast! Give the REAL Obamamama a big hug and cheat at cards so her husband doesn't win!!!

  10. AWESOME... I LOVE last minute trips like that... they're the best! have fun!

  11. Go Cougs! A good long road trip is sure to bring you out of a blogging slump. Can't wait to hear about it! Oh and who is the real Obamamama...I thought it was Oprah.

  12. It will be a blast! Give Lanie a call, email me for her cell number. Have a wonderful, fun time.

  13. Why am I so not surprised that Josh would want to do that??

  14. I am in colorado and it is going to be a lovely weekend! I hope you have a fantastic trip (and watch for our drivers!)

  15. Ahhhh, we would have crossed paths. We have a few fellow alumnis who were trying to get us to go to the BYU-Air Force game but we bailed. It is an incredible venue. Have a blast!

  16. Give us the book recommendations.

    Last week a visiting family came to church without any "host family" to sit with. They stayed the entire three hour block. Can't say I have been that faithful when on vaction.

  17. Have a great trip. Happy Halloween :)

  18. Don't forget your coat and have a great time. I love forced reading time, almost more than anything else.

  19. Lucky! have so much fun. We will be watching it on TV.

  20. Have you ever not been in a blogging slump?

  21. Go Cougs, indeed. If they lose, I will blame you for not cheering loud enough. I want to hear about how you lost your voice at the game and how you swear that their score was directly linked to your spectatorship. Have a good weekend!

  22. I am sure there will be funny "on the road" stories to tell about the trip.

  23. SUPER Jealous! I love Colorado. Have fun and tell my siblings I say HI! Enjoy the rockies!

  24. What IS it about church, friend? You must be in primary or nursery. I LOVE church, kids for 2 of the hours, are you kidding me? Just sit and listen and re-charge? Nice. That is why I am thinkin' you are stuck in nursery. Maybe YW again?

  25. Congrats on the win! We watched the game on Saturday and rooted for the Y (only because you traveled so far to see them play). I hope you had a nice little get-away.

  26. Holy cow woman, you slay me with your wit and humor!
    So glad you had 'fun'!
    I would have LOVED to see all the other stuff...I'm just saying!
