Friday, October 24, 2008

Is it Monday yet?

Hi, there.

No time to chat for the following reasons:

1. The kids are home from school today.

2. I have 1,873 things to do, but will not get to any of them. See number one for questions on this.

3. High School Musical opens today and I have a six-year-old girl who cannot stop talking about Troy, Gabriella, and Sharpay. She is literally clinging to my legs, begging to see it RIGHT. NOW. (the child is clinging to my legs, not Sharpay, in case you were wondering).

4. I have two boys pouting in the basement, praying to be left home from the movie in which the characters sing and dance spontaneously, which, apparently, is a fate worse than death, according to them.

5. I have a child with virtually no long pants, and cold weather is now upon us.

6. I have another child who had outgrown his church pants and cannot fake button them another Sunday.

7. I have no milk in the house.

8. I am in dire need of a McDonald's diet coke. See all of the above for reasons on this one.

9. I have foolishly promised the children some pumpkin carving today. Oh, how I hate that sticky, gooey mess that lives inside the pumpkins. I can just feel it squishing in my fingers right now and I'm already grossed out.

10. I will soon have a gigantic mess of pumpkin innards to mop up off my floor.

Happy Friday, all.


  1. Ditch the pumpkins, go to McDonalds and then to the movie. Maybe the boys can see a simultaneous boy movie? Pumpkin carving requires too much patience for a Friday. Wait until Josh can provide backup.

    That's all I got.
    Have a good weekend!

  2. Agree with Annie - bag the pumpkins for another day. Get your diet coke - it will re-energize you for the rest of the day. Go watch a fun, silly, no thought required movie. I bet the boys enjoy it too. I think I'm more excited about HSM3 than my kids.

  3. You crack me up. Pack up the kids, send the boys to a different movie, order an extra large diet coke and popcorn and watch HSM. Ignore the pumpkins until Monday night family night.

  4. I agree with Amanda. Then everyone is happy and FHE is already planned. DONE! If I were close I'll tag along to HSM.

  5. We LOVE HSM!!!!! Can't wait to see it-the kids are going with my mom today and maybe Casey and I will go see it tonight for a date! Ok-maybe we'll wait and see it with the kids.
    Good luck with the pumpkins-I NEVER have carved them for all of the reasons you listed-the stinkin holiday blows right by before we get to it every single year. Oops! Loser mom, huh?

  6. I'd be happy to pick up that diet coke for you if we only lived a few states closer. Why is it that gross McDonalds had the BEST diet coke around??

  7. Happy Friday! I thought I was the only one who thought McDonalds Coke is the best! Have fun making a pumpkin mess. What a good mom!

  8. I am hoping to go to HSM tonight!!! (Then I can email you words from all the songs over and over ;))

    Paint the pumpkins. Then you don't have all the goo... but you do have paint.

    I hate it when you have no milk... cuz then you go to the store for milk and end up buying donuts to go with it! :)

  9. I hear you on the pumpkin guts. I am so sorry it is already cold there because I was going to suggest that you cast them all outside to carve on the driveway and spray the whole thing down with the water hose afterward like we got to.

    I am glad you specified that it wasn't Sharpay clinging to your legs...I was gonna say that Sharpay is pretty nervy...

    Hang in there, friend! We love you!

  10. Pumpkin carving should be left to dads in the garage or yard. I love Lauren's driveway idea.

    I've never seen HSM 2. That's what happens when your kids grow up. You miss out on cultural phenomenons.

    Enjoy your coke and pant shopping. You deserve to buy something for yourself.

  11. I've been counting down the minutes until HSM3 too...can't wait to see it!

  12. I always feel behind lately. I can SO relate. And, I still haven't gone through 2 kids clothes for school. So you are not alone..☺

  13. I actually love the pumpkin goo on my own hands...because I know how to contain it...on my kids' hands, though? Yuck!

  14. Oh poor Stie. I too hate the pumpkin carving mess. Wait for Josh to do it, take the kids to McDonalds and find your happy place.

  15. Take two diet cokes, and be glad you don't also have to add the ward halloween party, two birthday parties (one of them your own kids'), and the BYU game (hosted at your own house) into the mix.

  16. This sounds a lot like me. A big part of the reason that I'm such a crappy mom at doing crafty things with the kids is the mess. I can't handle it! The mess makes the act of doing the craft sooooo not worth it. Know what I mean? You do.

    All hail to the diet coke! Or diet DP if you're me.

  17. I love this list! You just make me laugh so hard!
    Just think of all those wonderful memories you are building with them! Ah, yes, those good times!
    Hope the diet coke helped!

  18. I'm in the same boat on the "see-how-long-I-can-postpone-purchasing-new-Sunday-pants-for-my-son" front...seriously, how many times can I promise "just one more week" before I lose all credibility?

  19. I have to tell you that I've been thinking about this post since you wrote it. How many times have I wanted to just make a list of sucky things and post it? Thank you for paving the way. Look for the suck list soon.
