This weekend we did a lot of stuff.
Some of us played basketball, and did not go easy on our opponent just because they're ten and have shorter arms:

Some of us created science experiments out of sand and water:

One of us sang "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" with his fellow fifth graders during the seventh inning stretch of Saturday night's Cardinals game.

It is rumored that one child in particular may have sang, "Root, root, root for the Red Sox" instead of, "the Cardinals," though that child officially denies this rumor:

Some of us had foot races in the backyard, and did not want to let our little brother win:

(hmm...wonder where he gets that from?)
One of us pitched (at least according to him), "THE BEST GAME OF HIS LIFE!" And as you can see, this person takes baseball very seriously:

There will be no mercy on the mound when you're staring down this fellow. He means business.

Some of us thought it would be fun to stand on our brothers and see how long they could hold us up:

The answer? About four seconds. One brother will cave under the pressure and the pyramid will come toppling down.
The only damper on the weekend? One of us spent it (and the majority of last week) scratching her mad case of poison ivy:

Oh yes, and that is the improved version. Trust me when I tell you, it was much worse a few days ago, and covers a good portion of my entire body (I decided to spare you the rest of me, especially the nekkid parts. You're welcome).
Yeah, so remember the
near-electrocution yard work day last week? Apparently, of those 1,934 weeds I pulled, a good portion of them were poison ivy.
And poison ivy? Not so much fun, as it turns out.
Still, though, a pretty good weekend for us.
At least, for those of us not scratching and smelling of Calamine lotion anyway.
Looks like fun was had by all.
Except for the itchy, scratchy one.
I. can. not. imagine.
My suggestion?
Hire out the yard work next time, or wear full body armor.
OH!!! I am soooo empathizing with you on the poison ivy. I had a heinous bout with it last spring. You look GREAT compared to me. And mine lasted for MONTHS! Maybe cause I didn't actually know it was poison ivy and kept exposing myself to it over and over and over.
I'm not real bright! But I'm cute, and that's gotta count for somethin'. Well, cute when I'm not covered in poison ivy soars.
What a fun weekend (except for you :(
My son would have loved to be at a game to do that, but I think he would lip sync!
He looks like he has good form, too.
Way to teach that girls that ALL boys should bow down and let them walk all over them ;)
Thus, I do not ever do yard work.
I hire Ric Rahm.
So, I am guessing you know what poison ivy looks like now? Your weekend doesn't look like it was much fun. Glad the rest of the family enjoyed themselves!
Side note...make sure if it gets too bad to go to the doctor. It can get infected. I have a son who is HIGHLY allergic to it. It's not fun. So sorry!
It doesn't get better than that. Wouldn't you be totally bored without children? Stay out of the poison ivy, nasty suff.
Well except for the poison ivy, it looks like a great weekend! Singing at the Cards game sounds like it was really fun!
OUCH! so sorry about the poison ivy girl!
I love your son for maintaining his loyalty to the Red Sox-- the only pro team, any sport, any where worth cheering for. ;)
methinks you need to leave the gardening to a professional! OUCH!!! Poison Ivy stinks.
That poison ivy reminds me of that episode of Grey's Anatomy...
So sorry you're itchy and miserable.
As for the rest of it, what a great weekend! Ours was rainy, rainy, rainy.
What a great weekend you all had! As for the poison ivy...I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO ALLERGIC to it! I am SOOOOOOOOOO SORRY and feel your pain!!!!!
McKay looks so serious. I love it. Sorry about the poison ivy. Knock on wood, I have never had the stuff.
I wasn't expecting THAT kind of ending to your post. BUMMER with a big fat "B". At least your arm is skinny.
Sorry about all your poison ivy welts and woes. Not fun I'm sure--just thinking about it makes me itchy.
Looks like everyone had a blast--hopefully even those covered in Calomine.
Red Sox fans are welcome at my table any day. Sorry for poison ivy-I'm sure your yard looks amazing though!
Owww...that really looks painful! Your kids are sure cute, though!
Are you sure it's not shingles? You should double and triple check on that. People often mistake shingles and poisen ivy, you know.
(you have a skinny arm. I want skinny arms almost as bad as I want this baby out.)
Ouch about the poison ivy. But, it looks like it was a great weekend for everyone else!!
Great pics! It looks like such a fun weekend. I hope that the itchiness goes away and soon!
Looking at that picture makes me want to scratch my arm...and my leg...and, well, you get the picture.
Glad you're on the mend.
can you save that red sox fan of yours for my daughter? i mean, she's only a few years younger, and when they're in their 20's, it won't really matter anymore. i just need to make sure my kids marry well. you have described an ideal candidate.
i have no comment on the rash. other than a rude snicker.
Great weekend! And guess what . . . You and Joseph existed in parallel universes this weekend. Yup, the poor baby, poison ivy all over his ankles, don't know where or when he got it but it took this mom two days and lots of calls to Dr's, father/doctors, and neighbor/doctors to figure out what it was. (so sorry baby). He's looking on the up and up though thanks to several days of oral benadryl at 6 hour intervals. My heart goes out to you!
Itchy Scrachty would make me very 8i7chy bratty...if you know what I mean. I am so sorry, I scratch just thinking about it...maybe after a week of you scratching that dear hubby of yours will hire you a lawn boy!!
Great weekend...not so great rash. Hope you are doing better. Love the pics of your family in action. I'm seriously wondering about your hubby & mine being related somewhere...1st the "mean-sleep" & now the competitive nature...even with children!! Joe has a hard time letting his 5 year old win at something & is a total clown after church if he gets a touchdown playing football with 8-12 year olds. They're just big kids I tell ya'!! :)
Between the spider and the poison ivy, I say no more yard work for you!! That is the worst. I hope it goes away fast!
Good and bad weekend. I LOVE Jessica's comment...
Totally thought of the Grey's Anatomy episode like Annie.
More proof why I hate weeding.
I cannot for the life of me figure out why your tragic case of poison ivy sets me to giggling so much...
The UPS guy gets to see the full Monty and we don't?
McKay has great form! We appreciate baseball around here too, I hope he doesn't peak at 11 and this was his greatest game ever, that would be no bueno. Ice that elbow!!!
(cue music...)
"da-da-DA-da-dum...oh there's gonna be an ocean...of calamine lotion...POISON I-ah-ah-ah-VY! POISON I-ah-ah-ah-VY!"
Sorry. Couldn't resist.
I just read Jessica's comment & I'm laughing because I have skinny-arm-envy, too! My arm is roughly the size of your upper thigh, I'm quite sure.
Your skinny arms deserve poison ivy.
Just kidding. Sort of.
This calamity is SO Stie! You couldn't make up all the crazy, horrible miseries that befall you. And yet you're always cute and happy and cheerful. Your role is to teach us all to laugh at the bad jokes life plays on us.
Lovely post!!!!!! Besides the poison ivy part, of course.
The intensity of his eyes as he pitches is amazing!
I got a giggle out of Jessica's comment ;)
I hate to be the one to have to tell you this but, should just be an under-achiever like me and never pull weeds ;)
Oh, and I believe the child that denied that nasty rumor about the, "Root, root, root for the Red Sox"...look at those eyes...that child is TOTALLY innocent!
You need to give Josh a camera so you can post pictures of you with your lazy butt planted on the couch with remote in hand, barking orders to the husband and children. A true shot of how you really spend your time.
Oh, and I wonder if McKay had spent the past 5 hours encouraging Chase to finish the race when he blasted past him to the finish line.
awesome pictures, as always... and jumm, at least the yard is clear of umm, weeds right?
I think if someone pees on your arm it stops itching.
That would probably happen to me since I have no idea what poison ivy looks like! Go eat some cookie may not take the itching away, but it will make you feel better:)
Okay. Your arm looks terrible. Skinny, but terrible nonetheless. So so sorry. The redness alone. Ugh. How can you sleep? Is the itching keeping you up? Pure, pure torture.
But I love the pictures of the kids. Especially the one with Hannah on her brothers. So cute.
Oh girl, that looks nasty! I think you need a too. I hope it clears up soon.
The poison ivy looks SO painful! I can't believe it was all over you. This is a great excuse to never have to do yard work again.
I am soooo sorry for your poor body! (and mind - I'm sure it's driving you crazy!) I hope you are feeling better soon! Love the pics of the kiddos doing their thing this weekend!
My sister did the exact same thing...pull what she thought was weeds and BAM! It was really poison ivy. I am sorry to hear of your suffering.
Did you get yourself some Tecnu for that maddening poison ivy? It's the best stuff ever and can be purchased at most drug stores...over the counter of course. I hope it gets better soon...I HATE poison ivy and oak.
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