Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Because I need to know I'm bringing at least one of them up right

[Hannah, in the left front corner. First day photo courtesy of her fabulous teacher]

Today, the Princess came home from school and said the words that set my heart all a flutter:

"I don't know why, but I love to keep my school supplies neat and organized. It really helps me to feel so happy inside."

I am now 100 percent convinced we got the right baby at the hospital.

She had me worried for a few years there, what with her unbridled love of all things pink and High School Musical, but now I am sure.

She is so mine it's scary.


  1. Yea Hannah! It makes me feel happy to have my supplies neat and organized, too. Good girl.

  2. If my daughter ever said that, I would assuredly RETURN HER TO THE HOSPITAL. Because there's just no way she would be mine. :-)

  3. it's always a good feeling to have that confirmation that the child you are raising REALLY is yours!

  4. Ahhhhhhhhh, OCD in the making... I love it. I wish my daughter felt the same way.. unfortunatley, it is all too ok for her to shove little pieces of torn up paper inbetween her bed and the wall and drive me completely bananas with her pack rat ways... sigh.

  5. You should be so proud.

    That is beautiful.

  6. From one OCD mom to another...THAT IS THE BEST!!!!!!

  7. i can't wait to hear my babies say those words.

    i'm not holding my breath though.

  8. That is the greatest story...I am glad you had this wonderful confirmation that she is indeed, yours.

    I love the picture her teacher took. I love that she took pictures of her students since the mommas couldn't be there.

  9. I don't get it. What does she mean when she says that being neat makes her feel good inside??? How will she ever find anything when she needs it?

  10. If Jaxon came home and said that I think I would drop over DEAD!

    And nothing is wrong with HSM... :)What little girl (or big girl) doesn't like it???

  11. I want one of those too!
    You must be so proud that she's inherited your good genes.

  12. My teachers would tell me parents, at back to school night, to look for the desk that was the "neatest" to find mine.

  13. Yes...we know she did not inherit those tendencies from her dad.

    (Although, don't you think she looks a little like him in that photo?! I've never seen him in her...)

    Her teacher is Goooood!

  14. I love that! She is not only beautiful but, organized too! What did you have to do to get her?

  15. Ha ha...I would love to hear Parker say that. I don't think it'll happen, though. He's definitely my husband's.....

  16. Ah music to your ears I am sure!
    I'm so glad that you can rest now knowing you got the right baby!

  17. I am so happy for you! That is my dream statement but so far I have not heard even one of my children utter it. Sad for me.

  18. do you think you could send your little darling out my way to get me organized?

  19. those are words to make a Mommy's heart sing!

  20. So cute! I'm guessing you're still not sure about the 2 boys you brought home from the hospital?? :)

  21. Jealous!

    I am certain my daughter was NOT the right baby, but after nine years we love spite of her sloppy ways!

  22. Found your blog via Lisa's Take90West. What a dream - I'm hoping my little girl turns out just like your Princess.

  23. I would be happy to hear those words... instead one is constantly making me laugh at his outlandish behavior and another never stops talking... and I know they're mine.

    Sigh. Not quite the same.
