Thursday, August 21, 2008

What happens when dad says yes

A conversation:

THEM: "Mom, can we go out and play in the backyard?"

ME: "Umm, no. Hello, it's raining?"

THE HUSBAND: "Why can't they go out? Let them do it. Don't say no. It won't hurt anything."

THEM: "Yay!"

ME: Groan. Mumble. Curse silently.

Thirty minutes pass, and there is a knock at the back door. I open it to find this little cheery sight:

And that, my dear husband, is EXACTLY why I said no.

Any questions?


  1. My kids love to do this, at least when we have rain, which hasn't been for quite sometime now. I used to let them do it when they were little. I have some great pictures. You should been out there in the rain, too!

    Hopefully they didn't mind the cold hose!

  2. Nice. Very Rambo.

    Were they re-enacting the women's beach volleyball match? I missed it but apparently *some* people really liked watching them play in the rain.

  3. Jaxon needs a brother...


    I think that looks like fun!

    And clean up is a snap-- hose 'em down! (That is the fun part for YOU) :)

  4. Just one question...
    Who got the beatin'-DH or the kids? J/K!
    I used to love to play in the rain, but I never looked like that when I was done...I would have gotten a BEATIN'! LOL

  5. Ya, I think it looks fun too. But in reality....Would I be all that happy to have them entering my house either? Maybe not. Probably not. Okay, no. They would've gotten the hose for sure. (and dad as well.)

  6. So,is this what I have to look forward to in a few years?

  7. Boys will be boys they say.

    I have just seen your new hair picture. Lovely, in a word.

  8. I am very glad my husband works late.

  9. I hope you had fun hosing them off!! :)

    What was your hubby's reaction??

  10. Cute boys. Perfect- thanks to josh they had some good fun out there. Look at those happy smiles! have FREE days without any kids!!!! Ya know,...the break's over in the after noon! How is that sweeeet life going for ya?!?!?! Jealous. Lucky.

    Hey, Tiffany W. says "hi"- she stopped by last week- family reunion here... and Heidi J. not too long ago. Memories.

  11. I vote for hosing them down...actually, have them hose each other off, they'd probably be entertained for another half hour!

  12. Yeah, that looks about right. That is why in Oregon my boys are NEVER allowed to play outside. There's mud year round from all the rain.

  13. Oh, the things I look forward to as my boys get older. They end up looking like this sometimes now, but usually the 2 year old's diaper has exploded and left trails of inner-diaper mush all over the backyard. Your boys look like they are great buddies and have a lot of fun together. That is my most fervent hope for my three boys, less than 3 1/2 years apart.

  14. Reason #42 Why God wants us to produce children with the opposite sex.

    Moms are boring.

  15. I just hope you made him (husband) clean the floor they trapsed across to get to the bathroom... clean the bathroom AND tub that they THEN made a disaster out of AND clean the clothes (multiple times) only to find out they are never going to be wear-able again. Was he pleased after all that. I am with you on the Control Freak OCD Train... CHOOO CHOOOOOOO!

  16. We moms think of the laundry, the floor, the Band-Aids, the bathtub. This is why kids need dads.

  17. Wait, I still don't get it. Why did you say no?

  18. Brilliantly put, my dear...that picture is why I would have said, "no" too....

    I have to admit, though...that is a great picture and they do look happy. Did you take a garden hose to them?

  19. That looks like way to much fun! I wish I could relax long enough to run around in the rain for hours, wait I wish it would rain first, that would be nice.

    I honestly can't wait for Jaimen to be such a boy.

  20. Great! I am glad I am welcomed back. I will look forward to reading more of your wonderful blog posts.

    And I know I love Nicole Hill. She is so dang cute.

  21. I feel your muddy pain. So, what did you do? The hose? Fling a bucket of water at them from the door?
    Are the involved parties still alive and kicking?

  22. you are such a stick in the mud.

    and i totally crack myself up.

  23. I have this quote I give Brian all the time, "See, why don't you just do what I say??? I'm always right."

  24. At least they're old enough to wash themselves off afterwards...although giving a dirty, muddy Parker a bath is somehow very satisfying. Hopefully you did hose them off to get some satisfaction from the muddy mess. And where was Princess Hannah?

  25. Please say you got to hose them down. I would have used the hard setting and then sprayed husband for an extra laugh.

  26. You let them have a childhood memory, that they will never forget. It´s worth it! Trust me.

  27. The definition of boys-noise covered in dirt. Thanks for illustrating this fact.

  28. I have to agree with hubby here Stie :). It's just so fun to play in the mud. I have many memories from childhood and that is one of them. My mom however, made us set outside until we could figure out a way to clean ourselves up. We set on the steps with sticks scraping mud off of our feet and legs. Good times!

  29. Ahhhh, boys.

    Admit it. Secretly, you wanted to do the exact same thing.

  30. The only way to get back at him is for you and Hannah to go to the spa for $200 mud wraps.

  31. Did you make him clean up after them? Because that's the only way this incident will stick in his man brain.

  32. Boys and mud, what a perfect match! Glad you got a picture for posterity.

  33. Who wants to be bothered with muddy children, when you'll now have to get up off your lazy rear-end, and wash their dirty clothes.

    Kids can be such a pain.

  34. I love it! I think all moms with boys can relate to this one. Thanks for the laugh!

  35. Love. it.
    So did you make hubby spray them down?
    And do a lot of "told you so's"?
