- Not spending 25 minutes with a blow dryer every morning.
- Not having to sweep up large piles of hair in the bathroom every day.
- Less money spent on shampoo and product means more money that can be spent on shoes.
- I could pose as a man and do undercover work, should I ever so desire.
- On hot and humid days, my neck isn't nearly as sweaty.
- No more ponytail headache.
- Much more interesting bed head in the morning.
- It's short.
- It's really, really short.
- It accentuates my fat neck (just ask the stylist from hell).
- I don't know how to style it very well.
- I am tempted to really tramp up the cosmetics in an effort to draw attention away from my hair, thus giving me a new look - drag queen in a bad wig.
- Hannah still telling me how ugly it looks.
- Having EVERYONE notice and comment on it is really embarrassing.
- Every other commercial on t.v. is for hair products, demonstrated by models with long, flowing locks. Who mock my pain on purpose, I know it.
- And I can do absolutely nothing about it.
P.S. Know the name of the movie where the title comes from? If you do, we are meant to be BFFs. If you don't, find out and rent it today.
Steel Magnolias.
ReplyDeleteI am de-lurking to tell you that I like your hair cut. I really do. And you do not have a fat neck.
That is all.
LOL! Laughing about it is always a good thing. Yes, it's a lot different, but I think you're lovely!
ReplyDeleteSteel Magnolias. (But I cheated and looked it up. Sorry...)
I totally knew the answer! Steel Magnolias!!!!!!! I promise I didn't cheat.
ReplyDeleteI think it looks really, really cute! I know it isn't what you wanted but, when it grows out just a smidge you can go back to the male stylist and have him give you the cute cut on the mom that you took all of the pictures of at the City Museum.
I really do think it looks cute :) I am not just saying that, I promise. Just ask Annemarie...she is a skilled professional...she will tell you the truth. If I were a bettin' girl I'd say that she says it is flattering.
And you do not have a fat neck. But, I would love to get my hands on the neck of the first hairdresser.
I like it...A LOT!!!
ReplyDeleteIf you are really thinking it looks like a football helmet (which it does NOT) the next time you go to the new guy...you could have him stack the back up higher & A Line it a little. Then no more length would come off of the front.
You are darling!!!!!
By the way, has anyone ever told you that you have a really skinny neck?
Oh, and it doesn't look like a bell, either. The gentleman stylist took car of that right away.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, BEST movie of all time! I cry EVERY TIME I watch it.
ReplyDeleteNow, as a hairstylist I have to say even though you are not happy with your length, I like how it opens up your face! The stylist should have her liscensed revoked! A stylist can suggest what she thinks is best, but in the end the stylist is there to serve the client and give her what she wants and make her happy. No matter what!!
I am so very sorry that happend!!
1. That's not short. MY hair is short. Yes, I've been mistaken for a boy/guy from the back. Yes, I'm 28. Yes, I still love my short hair.
ReplyDelete2. It looks wonderful! It looks extremely healthy and smooth. I think it makes you look younger.
You look great! Really, truly.
ReplyDeleteSally Fields was great in that movie.
ReplyDeleteI'm de-lurking too to tell you this:
1) I love your blog.
2) Steel Magnolias is one of the best movies ever. Knew the quote immediately.
3) Your hair looks VERY cute. I'd so love to have straight hair so I could have that cut.
And I've been there. In my 20's, on an unpre-meditated whim and for a stupid boy, I cut my curly hair from just above my waist into a WEDGE! Had my neck shaved and everything. I left in tears and cried for a week. Then I kept the hairdo for years. You'll learn to love it!
I think you look cute! It is short, but haven't you seen Katie Holmes' new do? Hers is actually shorter, but similar and cute! I think you look very stylish and, of course, super cute! Also, your neck IS NOT FAT! What was that lady thinking telling you that? Seriously?!
ReplyDeleteShoot! I wanted to be the first to comment with the name of the movie. How many times have you watched it? I might be up to about 18 times. Is that a lot?
ReplyDeleteYour hair looks great! It's so shiny and healthy looking. It also looks like it's a fabulous weight: not too heavy not too thin.
If you are looking for a FABULOUS stylist and don't mind coming to the East Coast to get your hair done I have the perfect guy for you!!
P.S. My girls told me I look like a cocker spaniel when I had a bad haircut (before my fab stylist I got o now!!!)
I like it. And it's still longer than mine. I don't know how you could look any younger, but now you do.
ReplyDeleteI love your new haircute! It highlights your skinny neck and just opens up your face. I would never go back to long hair if I were you!
ReplyDeleteComing out of stalker/lurk-dom to tell you that I think your new 'do looks great! I actually think it makes you look way younger! And you DO NOT have a fat neck.
ReplyDeleteI have cried over bad haircuts before, and then my hair grew out before I knew it.
But seriously, I think it makes you look youthful and really works for you!
I'm really liking this new do. It does seriously give you a spunky, youthful look. Have some fun with it. It'll grow before you know it. At least you didn't do this in the middle of winter and freeze to death! I love it! I also have no idea where the fat neck thing came from!
ReplyDeleteWhile I understand your own view of the cut, I think the second stylist pulled off a sleek classy look. If you lived in Idaho, you could back tease it for added oomph!
ReplyDeleteAnd by the way, can I have your hair color PLEASE?!
Didn't read the other comments- but have to pipe in.
ReplyDeleteA) Knew the movie, another point in the whywearemeanttobebffs (the only one in the nonbffs column is the ocd organizational thing you've got going on)...
B) It's great!!!! Really. I'm not just saying that. I think it looks good. And I'm tempted to do it myself.
Steel Magnolias. Just watched it again a couple of months ago. Love it, BFF.
ReplyDeleteThe hair is so cute! I just chopped mine too.
I feel hideous.
Shelby totally said that to Anelle at Truvy's shop!
ReplyDeleteI love that movie. :(
I think your hair looks great, REALLY! But I totally get what you are saying, I got the same haircut about 6 months ago and it was a huge adjustment for me...I totally missed the security of my long hair. It's grown out a bit now and I can finally get it back in the pony tail and I feel more like myself!
I think you look great! Very summery and cool. I had a naughty lady give my 4 yr old a BAD haircut and we are still talking about it even though she is 9. Chalk this up to a great blog post (which it is btw) and you got at least 50 comments on how cute you look. Which you do - and I think you should listen to us bloggers and not that hair stylest from hell!!
ReplyDeleteStill don't get the Steel Magnolia thing, but this reference is easy, because has there ever been another movie withe a character named "Shelby"?
ReplyDeleteAlso, it really does look cute. For those of us who are hairitationally challenged, it's really not that short.
I totally knew the movie - and that made me so happy - before I even looked at the comments - I knew when I read the title - and I thought "One more reason to love this girl - she loves Steel Magnolias!!!" But Joe won't let me watch it any more because he hates Sally Fields. But once I rented it to watch with Lois - just to bug him!!!
ReplyDeleteI really hate showing up for church with a new do - I hate comments as well. And sadly, because I am not much of a shopper, I get comments about every new outfit I buy. I should shop more for new clothes so people will stop commenting when I do.
it totally sucks to come late to your party, because only the first person who gets the answer right looks smart and clever. now, when i say "steel magnolias" everyone will just say, "um, yeah, duh, 22 comments ago..."
ReplyDeleteand since we're friends and since i'm honest, i'm going to tell you that i like long better. but in no way does that imply i DISLIKE the short. it looks very trendy. plus, good friends rant with you, right?
I like the new cut - nice and fresh, your new hairdresser does a great job. I would complain to the manager at the first hair salon to save future customers from a similar fate though.
ReplyDeleteoh, i think it's a great cut for you! you look so pretty!
ReplyDeletei have a soft spot for swanky bobs!
No worries... as I told my self at LEAST 8 times as a missionary who could only afford BAD hair cuts... Hair grows... It is my mantra. My hair is long now, but it took a LONG time to get it that way. I think it looks cute, kinda sassy.. and who knows, it might just grow on you!
ReplyDeletePs- where did you get the cute shirt??? Please tell.
ReplyDeleteIt's darling and I knew it would be...and your husband took me to Steel Magnolias in the theater for a date! (Or maybe because we both just wanted to get out of the house...)
ReplyDeleteI scrolled down fast as to not look at the other comments...
ReplyDeleteThe movie is Steel Magnolias...One of my FAVS! I knew we were supposed to be BFF!!!
And as your new and true BFF, I am supposed to tell you the honest truth about your hair....
And Honestly..It looks really good on you! And your neck is SOOOO NOT fat....
It looks so cute!!! Really, I love it.
ReplyDeleteI think that your hair looks great. Really it looks adorable. And, short hair makes the majority of people look younger.
ReplyDeleteOh, and what a great movie. I think I need to watch it even though I know it!
I seriously like it. A lot, lot, lot. Your eyes (even without drag queen make-up--BTW, don't) pop with your shorter hair. I don't see a fat neck at all. Nuh-uh.
ReplyDeleteI hope you (and Hannah) grow (sorry for the pun) to like it. It's sassy and fun.
Now, I WILL start to worry about you if you suddenly affect a bad Southern drawl and develop a strong craving for red velvet cake baked in the shape of an armadillo.
girl, i don't know what craziness you are talking-your hair looks great!!
ReplyDeleteI usually don´t comment when there are soo many already, but I had to tell you, that your cut looks VERY cute! I love it and you should be proud. I makes you look younger and
ReplyDeleteI bet you will learn to love it!
I love your blog, and even though I rarely comment, I am there... :-)
Maybe it is because I have similar hair.......but I really like it better. At a certain point it becomes necessary to get rid of the "boyfriend hair" and embrace a more classic look. Your eyes "pop" and it looks stylish and fresh. Well done!
ReplyDeleteI am not just saying this because I love your blog, but I REALLY like your haircut! It looks very hip and stylish! Makes me feel worse about my very unhip and unstylish thair though.
ReplyDeleteLove Steel Magnolias!
Steel Magnolias is one of my fav movies. I just found your blog, I like your new cut. I've recently cut all of mine hair off too and husband hates it!
ReplyDeleteGreat cut, Christie. Love love love. And....SSSSAssy! The guy did a great job! You know you love it, cuz how could you not?...and I still don't get the fat neck thing, but good thing she said that, cuz it made for a good post.
ReplyDeleteYou should know that I am a dedicated long hair girl who plans on keeping my long locks to the grave-- but I really, truly love your new do.
ReplyDeleteSadly, you simply look too young and beautiful to be my BFF anymore. ;)
Christie, that is such a flattering 'do! It frames your face so well. It's the perfect accessory to your look.
ReplyDeleteWhenever I cut my hair short, I always like to get a cute, big pair of earrings and some great new lip color. I love playing up the make up with short hair, tres chic!
I don't comment often, but had to weigh in and say, where did the stylist get that you have a fat neck? Without even reading the post, my first thought was wow, her new do make her neck look very graceful and long. Seriously.
ReplyDeleteI too have learned that when a stylist criticizes you that's when you should get up and run. The one who did my current job said that long hair made my long face stand out too much. And that the "thinning" scissors would help it to lay right. Um, not. I left with like 10 hairs left on my head and they were short to boot. I looked like I had Jewish sidelocks, since the 10 hairs were in front. And my daughter said the same things yours was saying. I so feel your pain/anger/frustration.
NOT a football helmet. I think its quite cute and will grow out nicely.
ReplyDeleteI once dyed my hair purple by mistake. I can relate. ;-)
Steel Magnolias. One of my FAVS. Truvy would have never done that to you.
Steel Magnolias...which as comment 43, I didn't even look to see if others got it as well, although I'm assuming they did...your hair is cute! Way cute, and you DO NOT have a fat neck! I mean seriously, what the heck was that stylist thinking?? She crazy! You my dear are a hottie tottie!
ReplyDeleteI don't know the movie, but you look absolutely elegant. Yes, it's very different, but sorry, you would never pass for a man!!! Kudos for you for being brave and showing us, even though you THINK it's horrible.
ReplyDeleteYes, sista-Steel Magnolias-and I didn't even have to look it up! Some of my friends used to call me Ouiser! My favorite line from the movie is:
ReplyDelete"M'Lynn, you just missed the chance of a lifetime! Half o' Chiquapin Parish'd give their eye teeth to take a whack at Ouiser!"
Now, about your HAIR! YOU HAIR IS DARLING! I don't care what you think you look AMAZING! You're just not used it yet! You look live a MOVIE star and you look SO YOUNG AND ADORABLE! AND YOU DO NOT HAVE A FAT NECK! LET ME SLAP HER! Oh, thanks for showing me how adorable you are with your cute hair cut! I can't wait to show my DH and see what he says!
It is darling. I love it. BUT I do know that it is hard not to mourn the fact that it is gone. I do it everytime I cut my hair short. That is why it is long now. I am too chicken.
ReplyDeleteConsider yourself brave! And know your hair looks super cute!
Man, look at those killer cheekbones that your new 'do highlights! Seriously!!
ReplyDeleteI like your haircut and think it has lots of body and looks so healthy.
~ Sarah
I think it looks great! I hate bad haircuts and the way everyone tells you don't worry it will grow!
It is completely adorable!! I am so jealous...what I would do for nice straight hair that I could bob. I'm telling you that you need to wear it proud cause it's chic!!
ReplyDeleteLOVE it! Really. And love Steel Mags.
ReplyDeleteYou are beautiful long hair or short. And look how many lurkers you brought out of the closet?! 50 comments! You go girl.
ReplyDeleteokay, so fitty billion people comment on your blog and appearantly this post brought out a bunch of lurkers but here's my two cents--which is probably worth nothing since you have like sixty bucks up there above me, anyway, thanks for the chat and in all seriousness, before I read any of you post I saw your picture and thought, wow, that really shows off her beautiful neck, I swear. Tell Hannah to watch out or the polly pockets might end up in front of the firing squad again and fell confident in your new, slim and youthful do! And . . . Steel Magnolia's. Another reason I love you!
ReplyDeleteI. LOVE. IT.
ReplyDeleteSeriously. You look super cute! I've chopped my hair before so I know exactly how you feel, except I really did look like a boy. You look fabulous! Don't listen to your daughter. What does she know anyway... :0)
That is the haircut I have in the family pic on my blog, except that you have better hair than I do. That was my long hair. I just had the back of mine clippered off. Hair is an accessory. Enjoy your sassy new do.
ReplyDeleteI really really like it. I've been mourning over my lost long hair lately, but looking at your picture really does make me want to keep it short for a while. And WHAT fat neck is she talking about? Certainly not yours. And where have Dan's comments been? I was sure I'd see one on here!
ReplyDeleteSteel Magnolias. Duh.
ReplyDeleteIf you have a fat neck, then I fear I look like Roseanne Barr. Crap.
ReplyDeleteYou actually look kinda like Posh Spice. In a good way.
ReplyDeleteBesides, who cares about your hair when your shirt is so cute??? You put my frumpiness to shame.
ReplyDeleteStie!!!!! I think you look hot.
ReplyDeleteWhat are you talking about?
ReplyDeleteI think you look hawt!
Seriously....it looks great!
I wish I had checked my reader earlier... Steel Magnolias is my most favorite movie.
I quote from that movie all the time.
I have to just say DITTO to everyone's comments.... Cute, hot, chic, different but still adorable, LOVE IT, fat neck?! HA!! not!, and oh my! I love Steel Magnolias!
ReplyDeleteEven if you buzz your head, you would still be beautiful. I'm sure the change is the shock for you (from long to sorta short is a big change), but none the less, I think you still look every bit as beautiful as you were the last time I saw you. It is a good thing you got your mother's genes because if you hadn't then no hair style would help.
Oh, and by the way, even I can spot a line from Steel Magnolias.
All my love,
At least you didn't have to cut your hair to help you cope with your new baby and your diabetes.
ReplyDeleteAlso, maybe your hair person had one of those carnival mirrors that eccentuated the size of your normally skinny neck. Or maybe you've gotten to be really good with photo shop... Okay, you probably don't have a fat neck, despite what the hair person told you. Next time I'm in MO, I'll have to find out.
One time I cut my own hair and did an awful awful job, so I had to go to the "fix it" guy. But I was too embarrassed to admit that I had cut it myself, which I'm sure was totally obvious, so I blamed it on the hair stylist from hell. I was like 14 years old. At least you didn't cut it yourself! I love your new do!
ReplyDeleteKnew it was Steel Magnolias immediately.
ReplyDeleteNO WAY is your neck fat. In fact, I know some guys are turned on by necks, so you may be unwittingly turning on complete strangers with your graceful neck. (Don't think I'm creepy for saying that; I'm not. Promise. Well, maybe a little.)
And I do love it--very Katie Holmesish. You look very beautiful and modern. I could be biased though, since I've had a similar cut several times. :) I think "The Fixer" stylist may be a keeper.
P.S. Styling tip: Aveda Control Paste. But you've done it great right now.
YOU ARE COMPLAINING ABOUT THAT HAIRCUT???????? (and yes I am yelling at you!) It is adorable, you look marvelous, what fat neck? Girl, it's a good thing you don't live here, I'd be slapping you around!!
ReplyDeleteSO, SO, SO CUTE!!!
BTW: Did you get a little laughter through the tears with the haircut?
Steel Magnolias - only the best movie ever made!
ReplyDeleteFirst time here but I wanted to say I really like it (of course I have no clue what it looked like before) plus you'll get use to it. I did a similar thing last year and it took me 6 months to get used to the correct amount of product to use.
ReplyDeleteHair does not a loser make.
ReplyDeleteOkay sorry Christie but I LOVE it, I think it compliments you very good. But it wasn't what you wanted, so I understand you hating it, but I love it!
ReplyDeleteFAT NECK???????
Was this girl blind, seriously?
I like the color too!
Makes you look YOUNGER!!
It's not nearly as bad as you made it out to be! I think it looks "young" & "sassy"!! :)
ReplyDeleteI love it. I'm glad you posted a picture. That stylist needs to be fired for telling you you have a fat neck. Seriously!!! Whatever, you stupid stylist!
ReplyDeleteOh, and you know that other line, 'you mock my pain?' That reminds me of Princess Buttercup in 'The Princess Bride'. Just sayin' .... since we're talking movies and all.
Oh, and 72 comments? WHOA.
Seventy three comments? I'm getting a mohawk if it will get me these results! I love your hair. Your neck looks longer and skinnier than ever.
ReplyDeleteSteel Magnolias!
ReplyDeleteIt's adorable! You go girl! I love my short hair too! It's soo easy to take care of. You could try taking prenatal vitamins, you're hair might grow faster, that's if you want to grow it out? It's sooo cute!
I think your hair cut looks great...but I think I am biased...i have had that (and multiple versions of )haircut. It does look very flattering....i can't even begin to tell you how much I love that movie!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite: What size shoe do you wear? Well, I wear a 6, but a 7 feels so good, I buy an 8. These are a 9. Perfect!
"Here, hit Weezer!" (I don't know the proper spelling of the name) You look great! You are so pretty, you have a fantastic smile. I think your hair looks really cute. I suggest you rat the back up really high, then flatten front onto your face. That would be hot. When I walked in to our cousin Rob's wedding reception, I had just gotten a very short haircut. Your mom asked me if I had lost a fight with a lawnmower.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I'm a little late at checking the blogs-Steel Mag is the movie and hey! Don't knock your hair cut-it's the same as mine and I LOVE IT!!! Welcome to the short hair club for women with beautiful necks and more time for other things because we take less time getting ready. I'm so glad you found a stylist. I've had a stylist tell me a cut wouldn't work for me (HER), and give me a totally different cut; so annoying! Tell Hannah if she isn't nice, you'll take her to get her hair cut too. HOLY COMMENTS BATGIRL!
ReplyDeleteQuit your damn whining! I was expecting a brown tennis ball. You look like Julia Stiles, so QUIT YOUR DAMN WHINING! You look like all the models in the Lore'al commercials.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Melissa's "Breaking Dawn" finally came...a week later. I guess I am a bad husband.
i think you look great....and being a hairsylist i have come to a great understanding that #1 hair does grow and #2 we women are attached to these hairs on our heads.....
ReplyDeletejust think, now you can try out a couple haircuts on the grow out that you never would have tried.
(now that makes an even 80 comments! you must feel loved!)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWow!!! Over 80 comments! I LOVE your hair!! Seriously, it really shows off your beautiful features. I hope you get used to it, because it really is chic and youthful.
ReplyDeleteLOVE,LOVE,LOVE Steel Magnolias. The 1st time I saw it was in high school with my 3 best friends (1 girl, 2 guys). We were all blubbering during the funeral scene, only for it to become mixed with snorts of laughter with "Here, hit..." Yeah, pretty gross, but funny. I saw it a month or so ago & still cried.
Wowza! So many comments. Just wanted to say that I think your haircut looks very sleek and polished. I love it!
ReplyDeleteIt looks like I'm fashionably late to the party. 84 comments, WOW! But I think you look gorgeous. Seriously. I wouldn't lie.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I know all too well how awkward it is to have everyone notice your new 'do, especially when you're not crazy about it. And I also have a deep, abiding aversion to short hair (on myself) so I KNOW how you feel.
All that said, you DO look gorgeous.
And I love, love, LOVE Steel Magnolias. LOVE.
Oh, and one more thing. The only thing that separates from the animals is our ability to accessorize.
It's cute... don't know what you're talking about. So when you work out... no ponytail?
ReplyDelete"Bravely bold Lady Stie rode forth from Camelot. She was not afraid to die, oh brave Lady Stie. She was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways, brave, brave, brave, brave Lady Stie. She was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp, or to have her eyes gouged out, and her elbows broken. To have her kneecaps split, and her body burned away, and her limbs all hacked and mangled, brave Lady Stie. Her head smashed in and heart cut out, and her liver removed, and her bowels unplugged, and her hair cut off..."
ReplyDelete"That's, uh, that's enough music for now, lads... looks like there's dirty work afoot."
After all, "It's just a flesh wound."
For a while--at least until Josh can run his fingers through your hair--you might want to choose some more humorous movies to watch.
You always look great.
Fat Neck? What a freakin rude girl! I'd be calling her a name of my own....
ReplyDeleteI really like your hair. And the best part of a bad haircut (because I have had many) It does grow back!
You look great!
Love the hair. and Steel Magnolias is one of my ALL time favorites. I could watch it over and over. That and Beaches!
ReplyDeleteMissed you!
I really love your new cut! It brings out your eyes. Honestly, you're beautiful.
ReplyDeleteJust happened to come across this post and I had to let you know that I think your hair is cute!!!
ReplyDeleteBumped over here from Bridget's blog and found this hilarious post! And I knew without cheating the answer to your title question: Steel Magnolias. I can actually hear Sally Fields' cute voice in my head saying that and I have recently referred to my own haircut as the same!
ReplyDelete(I think yours is a darling cut, btw.)