Friday, July 11, 2008

Mars versus Venus

A simple illustration of one of the fundamental differences between boys and girls.

When a girl wants to look nice, it goes a little something like this:

A boy cannot comprehend any reason to look nice. It simply doesn't compute. Let's be honest, even hygiene can be a bit tricky for the average young male to grasp, let alone style.

But dressing up? This is their version:
Any questions?


  1. So true! My girls pose, until they get older and don't want me to take their picture, and my son.... well, he runs or turns away or does anything to get out of the picture. Unless he is dressed in his sisters clothes..... but that's another story :)

  2. Ha! Ha!!

    Jaxon needs a brother.

    His sisters just don't get him...

  3. awesome! but i just can't relate! no male offspring in this household!

  4. How true!! I can't wait for a little girl to play dress up with, my only fear is that all of her older brothers will mess her up for me.

  5. Love the specs and mis- matched socks.

    Hannah truly looks a little beauty.

  6. I am so glad I get to experience both!

  7. Though Hannah does look cute, I think the boys win this competition. Competition for what, I don't know.

  8. Oh man, our boys would have soooo much fun together. I just took pics of them like that a couple of weeks ago...complete with a Napoleon Dynamite wig. They wouldn't let me post them...

  9. They seriously look like cartoon characters! Love it!

  10. Hannah looks so cute, by the way...did you cut her hair?

  11. Great pictures! I am blessed to have both and mine are the same way. Zoe has to get "fancy" to go anywhere and Dylan complains "Why do I always have to look good?" I guess it's just the way we're made, huh?

  12. I can see that your little sicklies are fully recovered. Hannah is so pretty could be a model. Chase and McKay could model for Mad Magazine!

  13. What a pretty picture of Hannah- and quite a cool picture of the boys, really. Love Chase's plaid and side ways hat.

  14. Case closed.

    Can't wait to have a little girl to balance all the goofiness and super hero obssessions in my house.

  15. OMG, that is HILARIOUSLY true! I have so many pictures from my childhood and my own children to prove your point.

  16. This was hysterical!
    I loved both pictures!
    The boys look like they should be in a Disney movie about geeks! LOL
    And the princess belongs in a fairy tale!

  17. Amen sister. Sounds exactly like our house. Our princess is just the oldest.

  18. BINGO.....

    you got that one right

  19. So hear you on this...the inability to grasp the hygiene part, especially...

    I love the detail at the bottom of Hannah's dress...Do you think the boys like it, too? You should ask them ;)

  20. Gee. Can't WAIT for what I have in store for me when my little guy gets bigger!

    And hands down, you are the winner of the worst vacation stories. Sure, there was diarrhea but ours only lasted an afternoon. Yours? DAYS!!!

    Because I just thought you needed reminding. :-)

  21. Looks like there's never a dull moment around your house. Too funny!

  22. Hannah looks beautiful. I love the dress & the "Jackie O." pearls!! The boys are hilarious. I take it life is NEVER dull at your house! :)

  23. Don't you EVEN THINK of taking my boys' spot on the kid version of "What Not to Wear". They don't have it yet, but when they do.....

  24. Just FYI - yours could not decide who to write the thank you note to because there were so many nice things bein' done and she was the one who thought it was gross to love an eye doctor!!!!! You should inform her that they make a lot of money so she should be getting her priorities straight here pretty soon!

    And just think - maybe one of these here boys of yours will become eye doctors....we can only hope?!?

  25. And even if I was blind...I would be able to smell the difference between a li'l boy and sweet miss!

    Hannah is adorable! (The boys too.)

  26. While the boys do have a certain, cough, flair, I think Hannah is on her way to the runway.

  27. Where can I get me a pair of those glasses?!

  28. That is it.
    I am firing my google reader.
    How did I miss these posts?

    Too. cute.

  29. Nope. You pretty much captured it perfectly.

