Remember that true/false quiz I did like a million days ago? Well, I finally have found a winner.
And I must say that you interpeeps know me a little better than I had thought. I cannot believe how close the results were. It took forever to find out who won because, as Andrea predicted, I sat here like a teacher grading papers for hours.
I'm such an idiot. Whatever.
But we do have a winner...CJ the Purple Diva got the most correct - 14 out of 15 right. Pretty impressive considering she's never even met me in real life.
Ready for the answers?
1. True - I was writing from my bed while chowing down on some delicious room service pancakes. Sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
2. True - I have read six books so far. Comes with the territory of 9,305 hours in the car, I guess. The books are: Austinland, The Last Lecture, The Birth of Venus, The Wednesday Letters, Everyone Worth Knowing, and The Second Coming of Lucy Hatch. If I was worth my salt, I'd link to all those for you, but I'm just not up to it today.
3. True - I have hardly exercised at all. And do I care? HELL TO THE NO.
4. False - I did NOT do the zip line, alpine coaster, or alpine slide. I am a big fraidy cat, and my children were sure to mention this. Out loud. Multiple times. For everyone within a 60-mile radius to hear.
5. True - I did sit by a blind man at the airport and watched in amazement as he pulled out his laptop and proceeded to work. It was very cool - he had a microphone and headset that enabled him to navigate through his whole system. The only thing he was missing was a privacy shield so people like me didn't sit there and stare at what he was typing.
6. False - I was not hit on, by either handicapped or otherwise. Thanks for the flattery though, friends.
7. False - Me, not buy something new? Are you kidding me? Hello! I practically asked the ladies at the Coach outlet store to marry me, I was that much in love with the wares they were peddling. Yes, shopping has taken place. Way too much shopping.
8. True - We are calling this the vacation of the sick kids. More on that later, when I stop rocking in the fetal position long enough to share the stories with you.
9. True - I did go white water rafting, and I did not fall in. It was actually quite fun.
10. True - The seat belt. Yes. This is an incident we are trying not to speak of. Ever again. Let's just say that Hannah had entangled herself beyond my ability to get her out, I panicked, and I cut her out.
11. False - The Husband was NOT PLEASED in the least that this had happened. He may or may not have wished it was my neck choking once he saw the damage done to the car. Let's just say he was not a happy camper.
12. True or False - I gave you all credit for this one. I did order a virgin pina colada, it came as I intended, and I drank it. Disappointing, I know.
13. True or False - I also gave you credit for this one, as well. I did force the Husband (against his will) to get a pedicure. He did not like it. I think he must not have one lick of good sense. Who doesn't like a pedicure? People who think cars need seat belts, that's who.
14. False - I have religiously applied sunscreen. These freckles do not need any more of an opportunity to multiply. They're doing that just fine on their own.
15. True - I had not done any blog reading up until that point. Haven't done much since, but that's a story for later.
Thanks for playing! CJ, send me your address and a good mail package will be coming your way.
I made Joe get a pedicure with me once, too. He actually did love it, just took him a long time to admit it. And I can't believe you actually cut the seatbelt! Were you thinking of your blog when you did it, knowing it would make for an awesome story?
ReplyDeleteGirl, you are one heck of a blogger.
ReplyDeleteFo sho.
You cut the seat belt? Really? Really? I wouldn't have thunk it. That's momma love for you.
ReplyDeleteThat is seriously the funniest thing. I can't wait to hear how much it costs to replace a seat belt.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you cut the seat belt! That must have been some tangle to deal with! You are hilarious! We were all a little disappointed at the virgin pina colada thing, thinking perhaps it was made for the crazy lady at table seven who just cut, yes cut, her child from the death hold of the seat belt in her car. It would have been considered medicinal...I'm sure!
ReplyDeleteWhat a trip! I think we are all amazed at the seat belt incident. I can only imagine your husband's response. I bet you wished that pina colada WAS loaded after that!! LOL
ReplyDeleteSorry about the kids getting sick, but it sounds like the trip had some high points!
i feel proud of myself. i did pretty well.
ReplyDeleteand frankly, i still doubt the pina colada story. i think you just realized the blog is not the proper confessional. you can say it without saying it... very slick, sister.
ReplyDeleteI keep reading this OVER AND OVER!
I have NEVER WON anything!
Girl, let me tell you, I LIVE to read your page! LOL
Thank you so much. THANK YOU!
I'll send an email right away!
Wait! I am MAD! I didn't think you were really going to have a winner!!! DARNIT! I am so competitive that way! Can we have a re-do? PS- Sorry to hear about the seat belt. .. .
ReplyDeleteI loved this little game.
ReplyDeleteSorry my brain didn't work and remember to go back and post a comment.
I would have lost anyway.
I missed 4!
Hope you are still having fun on your vacay!!!
Sorry, I am going to have to protest on the blog one. I could have sworn you commented on my blog during that time, but hey, ...I am no poor loser. (it's just a darn good thing I missed 2 other questions, ...or you would have seen a little brawl commence). Regardless of the foul play, your trip sounded awesome, even with the seat belt incident. Glad you loved the rafting experience- sounds so fun!
ReplyDeleteYou actually cut the child out of the seatbelt. That is a scene begging for the big screen.
ReplyDeleteDang! I can't believe I missed your contest! Sounds like it was fun!
ReplyDeleteDepending on what state the Coach outlet was in, you may be able to actually marry those ladies from the store. Just think of the discounts you can add to the already amazingly priced "wares."
ReplyDeleteOK, so I didn't win...but I must say that this was the most inventive way to catch us up on all of your goings-on.
ReplyDeletePlease don't say that the prize has anything to do with anything purchased at the Coach outlet or I might throw something at my brand-new laptop.
Have you had enough fun?! I keep getting nervous that you guys are going to leave before we get there...sounds like the vacation that would not quit!
ReplyDeleteLOVED the last lecture. LOVED it. what's Everyone Worth Knowing? good?
ReplyDeleteShe's just got to have a "re-do", Lindsey... that's not a true vacation, when your kids are spewing goo from practically every orifice, and you have to endure FIVE visits to the walk-in clinic.
ReplyDeleteShe needs a vacation to recover from her vacation! :)
Mama C.
Yay! I loved hearing all of the answers!!!
ReplyDeleteSorry, the kids have been sick and you had to cut Hannah out of the seat belt...makes the trip memorable, right? Okay...maybe not comforting of me, huh?
I really thought you had been hit are so gorgeous! That one threw me!