Sunday, July 6, 2008

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

"Been I'm back!"

(Is it scary that I can relate to this a little bit after last week?)

Okay, okay. I promise to stop whining about the sick kids. I believe I have finally left the trail of apologies and vomit behind me. Regular, boring, everyday life posts will now commence.

Now I've got you wishing for the vacation again, haven't I?

Wait. Don't answer that.


  1. Glad to hear you are home and back to everyday life! Boring is something I would NOT call you life!!

  2. I think I'm okay without any vacations for a while :). Three kiddo's under 3 years old. No thanks! Ehh... who am I kidding, I love vacations.

  3. I have to say that when I opened this up on Google Reader I got a little scared by "Jack"...creepy.

    Welcome baaaaaaack!

  4. You do make the staycation look like a fairly viable option, what with all the sick kids. So sorry the germs descended at the absolute worst time.

    I for one am glad you're back...more blogging, please!

  5. Glad to have you back safe and reasonably sound. And what would a vacation be without a couple good bouts of vomit . . .

  6. Welcome Back! Get some rest....why are vacations with kids more exhausting than relaxing? My sister-in-law always says that with kids it's a trip, without kids it's a vacation!

  7. Oh, girl! What craziness!!! I seriously HATE sick kids on vacation. I related in a SMALL way with Grace puking (and more) all over our car and clean selves, but I seriously think NOTHING, NOTHING could ever compare to your Twilight Zone experience. I really hope you get a vacation from your vacation.

  8. welcome back... and glad the vomiting is now behind you!

  9. There is a strong resemblance between you and Jack, except your beard is thicker.

  10. Your brother cracks me up! Welcome back, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you & Hannah can cook up for the soldiers...

  11. You are so funny! I mean that in a totally good and complimentary way!

    "Wait. Don't answer that" heh, heh, heh...

  12. Glad you are home.
    Now... go find yourself a good spa.
    Go for a day or two.
    You are totally deserving!
