Last night, I had something happen which confirms to me what I know, but sometimes choose to forget.
I should preface this story by telling you about my sleep habits. I am a deep sleeper. I know as a mother, that is usually an oxymoron. Mothers are not deep sleepers. Mothers will wake at the sound of a slight cough, while Fathers will sleep through the earthquakes and thunderstorms.
It hasn't always been this way for me. When my babies were small, all it took was a little stirring in the newborn crib, and I was up, rushing to their side. If someone so much as sighed in their sleep, it woke me up.
Not so much anymore.
I find that when my head hits the pillow, I am OUT. I often barely wake as the Husband is heading out the door for early morning flights or going into the office (a fact which does annoy him to no end). I love my sleep. I NEED my sleep.
Me and the sunrise? Not good friends. We've never actually met.
And it is that fact which makes this experience all the more amazing to me.
Last night, probably around two or three in the morning, I sat bolt upright in bed. I was awake and conscious, but was not sure what had woken me up. I then felt the strong need to go into my boys' bedroom.
There, in the middle of my two sleeping sons, I saw that their lamp was on, and the shade was tilted, resting on the hot light bulb. There was smoke rising from the lamp, as the heat from the light was burning a hole in the side of the lampshade. I immediately went over and pulled the smoldering shade off, and unplugged the lamp. Not even recognizing the significance then, I went back to bed. Even as I crawled back under the covers, the what-ifs still had not hit me. Like a lug, I was back to sleep in an instant.
It was only when my eyes first opened this morning that I realized and thought about what might have been. What could have happened, had I not been pulled from a deep sleep, and directed into their room. Today, in the light of day, I have a pit in my stomach as my imagination has run wild with the horrible what-ifs.
I know that lamp was off when we went to bed. We always tuck the kids in, turn off their lights, and pry books out from under their heavy arms. Always. The only thing I can think of is that one of the boys must have gotten up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and turned on the bedside lamp in the process.
So, why did I wake up? There were no smoke alarms going off, no bright lights in my eyes. No noise from stumbling kids. Why?
Well, I'm a dummy if I don't know why.
I do know why.
My Heavenly Father woke me up, directed me to their bedroom, and helped prevent anything bad from happening to my sweet boys.
Simple as that.
What is not so simple now is the overwhelming feeling of love and protection that I have in my heart today. In this great big world of ours, someone loves me. Someone loves my family. Someone is watching over us. He really is. Even in the middle of the night, when a simple lamp shade is turned too far the wrong way.
Today I am grateful. I am grateful to know that He loves me. That He is aware of me. He is watching over me, and my sleeping angels. Even though I swear sometimes. Even though I complain about having to go to church on really pretty Sunday afternoons. Even though I get annoyed with my kids. Even though I tend to tuck my spirituality away, and pretend it's not there. He still loves me. He still loves us.
I just wanted to share that with you, in case, like me, you had forgotten, too.
ReplyDeleteGood thing you wrote that down so that you can use it in a super wonderful talk someday.
Is there anything better than feeling? I don't think there is. Thanks for sharing. I'll carry some of your glow around with me today.
ReplyDeletei'm glad you wrote this. life is tough right now, and these feelings are few and far between for me. but i know well enough to know that i can appreciate them even through someone else, and they are just as valuable to me as if they were my own. because deep down, i know they have been before, and will be again.
ReplyDeleteSniff. You made me cry. I have all those same "even though's" & I'm happy to be reminded that we're loved, despite our shortcomings :)
ReplyDeleteI had a VERY similar experience with a night light that was left on throughout the day: I was about to leave the house and for no reason, my body just automatically turned around and went upstairs to Max's room to look at his night-light...which was tilted up against the wall & had burned a little hole in the drywall...smoking away! No kids were sleeping in the room though--that's so amazing that the Spirit jerked you out of bed. The Lord really is watching :)
What a blessing! I'm happy everything turned out alright.
ReplyDeleteI believe one of the apostles referred to this experience as a "tender mercy" which always reminds us of our Father and His love! Thank you for reminding us that they are happening all around us and even if we don't pay attention, He is!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it amazing to think of all the terrible things God has spared us from? most of which we don't even know about? just misses with car accidents, catching your baby as they roll off the bed...
ReplyDeleteIts a true blessing when you get to actually witness His tender care of us. Thanks for sharing.
What an amazing reminder.
ReplyDeleteI sometimes fear that I won't hear those proptings. That I am so wrapped up in stuff that really doesn't matter that I don't listen well enough.
I'm glad you did.
Isn't that amazing. Sometimes it is so easy to feel like you go unnoticed. But, you don't. Thanks for sharing. Me Too.
ReplyDeleteWow. Goosebumps all over again. Thank you for the reminder.
ReplyDeleteChills running down my spine. (Also known as me getting confirmation that this is true!) Wow, indeed. Thanks for sharing that. I am so glad that you got up and checked on your boys!
ReplyDeleteIsn't Heavenly Father just the greatest? And it's so fantastic to have a reminder every so often that He knows us, that we matter to Him, and that He loves us. We had our Primary quarterly activity today - visit to the temple. It's been raining all week. This morning? No rain. I know it's because He wanted His children to gain a testimony of prayer & of the importance of the temple. So glad you and your cute family woke up safe and sound today!!
ReplyDeleteLove this Christie. Just love it.
ReplyDeleteWow, just goes to show us that He really does keep his promises and watches over us. You're doing things right. Mornings and I don't get along well either, I dread the time Emma starts early-morning Seminary. UUGGHH!
ReplyDeleteI'm reminded of the confrence talk by Elder Bednar, when he talks about the hand of the Lord in our lives. It is so powerful to actully see His Hand sometimes.
ReplyDeleteThank the Lord and your motherly instints. I am so glad you woke up. That gave me goose bumps. Have you had time to make those bars I gave you the recipe for? I wthey would be on your blog by now as you new fav. hehe.
ReplyDeleteTracy (from Iowa)
WOW. Thanks for sharing. Maybe I should check on my kids before I go to bed.
ReplyDeleteGoosebumps all over.
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing wonderful story.
I think you should submit that to the Ensign.
Thanks for the reminder that He watches over us day and night.
Loved this post!
In the crazy lives we lead, it's easy to forget that someone really is watching and loving us despite our shortcomings. That's pretty amazing! Good for you for listening to the promptings!
ReplyDeleteHard to know why a tragedy would happen sometimes or why other times not. But bottom line: stay grateful for the protection. Good post.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment. Wow! That is an awesome experience. He is watching over you and with out that divine intravention, there could have been a disaster. I am so glad you are all o.k.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh. How scary Stie. Good for you for getting out of bed and not dismissing the thought. How blessed you are. I would be anxious all day too thinking about the what-ifs.
ReplyDeleteThat is amazing Christie. I am so glad everyone is ok. Thank you so much for those words, because sometimes it is easy to forget. Go hug your babies!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing. I love that in blogland you never know when it just might be testimony meeting. AND funny is always when I need it most.
ReplyDeleteYour family is very blessed to have a mother who listens.
I too do not always scream from the mountaintop concerning my faith and religion. Heck, I think I'm one of the only Mormon's out there who doesn't have the LDS link on her blog! But I am grateful for the spirit that guides and directs us and keeps us safe from harm. What a wonderful story!
ReplyDeleteSuch are the tender mercies of a loving Father in Heaven.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful post. Thanks for sharing. And yes, like you I had forgotten. Hearing stories like these reminds me how He does love us and takes care of us.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad your family and your home are o.k..
Christie...Thank you for sharing your testimony what a beautiful one it is. Just what I needed. He lives and loves each one of us and if I can share that with any one, that is what would tell them about our Heavenly Father. I know he woke you up. We are responsible for these spirits and he helps us on this journey and that most definitely means to protect them while they are with us. Thanks Susy
ReplyDeleteThank you so, so much for sharing that. It is truly amazing! I am so grateful for all that Heavenly Father does for me, too. Thank you so much for the reminder. That is a wonderful thing to read about.
ReplyDeleteSO I think I've introduced myself before but if not...I'm Margaret (Meg) and I'm friends with Ilene who I think I found your blog through.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I haven't been able to STOP thinking about this post all day! I love that the Lord's hand is in our lives whether we realize it or not. I'm so glad everyone is ok. I experienced some trauma last summer with my then eight year old son and it was not fun. But it made me recognize even more how the Lord helps us.
that is an amazing story..thank you so much for sharing it...we all need to hear things like that, helps us all along in our daily lives...keep listening to that still small voice...
ReplyDeleteSo good to read your wit and wisdom again! I'm trying to keep up with people better so I thought I'd say hi and I'm checking on ya! Oh...and changed my address...making it more personal! Talk soon!
That is such a great testimony! God is amazing. I love that reminder. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteWow! Thank you so much for sharing this story Christie!! It's always great to be reminded of the mysterious ways God works. And what a great feeling to know he is watching over your family! Amazing story!! Thank you :)
ReplyDeletewow, speechless.
ReplyDeleteyou are a blessed mommy.
What a beautiful story. Thank you so much for sharing it. I am glad that you and your family are okay and that out of this came a simple, but beautiful reminder.
ReplyDeleteThanks for reminding me too!
Thanks Stie, glad to know your little boys are safe. And glad to have the reminder that someone far wiser is watching out for my boys when I mess up.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing that story. It's a great reminder for us all. I'm glad to know that there's still someone who can wake you in the night.
ReplyDeletewow. such a beautiful story, stie. am so glad you were able to come to the rescue. those boys are such blessings, am glad you are all safe. way to listen closely!
ReplyDeleteYikes! So scary and glad everybody's ok.
ReplyDeleteI swear occasionally and hate going to church on beautiful Sunday afternoons too...hmmm...we must be related!
ReplyDeleteNothing gives me more comfort than knowing I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and is aware of me and my families needs.
I'm glad you didn't ignore the prompting.
TENDER mercies!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing experience. Thank you so much for sharing it and your feelings after.
ReplyDeleteAwesome. Thanks for sharing. And so glad your little ones are safe.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this. I had a similar experience a few months ago and I feel like I walked around in awe for weeks. It's good to be reminded of how grateful I am and need to be, and I am so glad your night turned out the way it did.
ReplyDeleteIt's so great to remember that the Lord loves us and watches out for us. When we know that, we can trust that he loves us and will be with us even if bad things happen. Great post.
ReplyDeleteWOW...thanks for sharing that and sharing a side of you that I hadn't experienced before. I love to be reminded that God even notices the leaves that fall from the trees so he does notice and remember me.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great reminder that we are daughters of a Heavenly Father who loves us and we love Him. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your experience. I think we all tend to forget. So glad you all came out safely...I can't imagine what the could-be's may have brought your family.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I have been struggling, and your testimony really touched my heart.
ReplyDeleteBeautifully written. Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI've had the lampshade experience in my son's bedroom. Particularly haunting as my father in law died as a result of a house fire. Glad you are all safe. The HG is a good babysitter.
ReplyDeleteI love happy endings! So glad to hear that all was okay and that your angel was there to wake you up!
ReplyDeleteChills my friend! What a close call. Sooooooo comforting to know our Heavenly Father is watching over us in all circumstances.
ReplyDeleteSO glad you're all okay and very glad you listened to the middle-of-the-night nudge.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reminder that we're watched over as we watch over our families.
love this story...thanks christie. we all need reminders sometimes.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post! I love that HE is there for us, especially in the little things.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reminder. What a great post for your kids to read in the future!
ReplyDeleteyou're probably maxed out at 59 comments! Geesh!
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting this. I have goosebumps. Heavenly Father really does love and protect us.
Thanks for sharing!
On a selfish note...check out my blog and vote for my hubby!
your post has blessed me stie! really do need those reminders sometimes.
ReplyDeleteIt never, ever ceases to amaze me that we are watched over, individually. Out of all the people in the world, that very second, YOU and your boys were the most important errand of the Holy Ghost. How humbling, how wonderful that you received that witness and recognize it. Your children will never question that their Heavenly Father loves THEM. He knows them, He loves them, He protects them.
ReplyDeleteWhat a story! Thank goodness you were inspired to wake up and take action. RO's comment totally cracked me up, touche.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you posted about this. Its an amazing story!
ReplyDeleteI have woken up like that before.
Although I had no light burning through the lamp shade, I have always walked straight in Jaimens room. He's always been sleeping soundly, but I put my hand on his chest to make sure. Sometimes even pick him up and cuddle him.
You are so lucky Heavenly Father was talking to you!
oh my.
ReplyDeletethanks for that reminder.
He even talks to sleep slugs like you?! Maybe He'll talk to Blog Addicts like me!
ReplyDelete(Thanks for sharing!)
And check out my latest post...I copied you.
He even talks to sleep slugs like you?! Maybe He'll talk to Blog Addicts like me!
ReplyDelete(Thanks for sharing!)
And check out my latest post...I copied you.
He even talks to sleep slugs like you?! Maybe He'll talk to Blog Addicts like me!
ReplyDelete(Thanks for sharing!)
And check out my latest post...I copied you.
I got chills just reading this!! I am so glad all is well...
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing- we all need a reminder of tender mercies in our crazy lives.
Wow! 69 Comments! Heavenly Father does love you!
ReplyDeleteJ/K...thanks for sharing, amazing story!
Thanks for sharing that experience. It seems those little promptings and nudges we get help us remember we never have to do this journey alone.
ReplyDeletewow - He is so awesome. thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI just saw this and had to comment.
ReplyDeleteAmazing. Loved the way you wrote it.
Thanks for the reminder.
Oh, Christie! Your story just brought me to tears. Thank goodness you were awakened and able to take care of those kiddos. This would be an excellent time to come up with and practice a "family plan" for emergencies. My husband is a firefighter and he always tells everyone to be sure and have a "safe meeting place" outside of your home (for ex. your mailbox, or your next door neighbor's front porch), that way, if firefighters have to respond to your home, family members can all be accounted for quickly.
ReplyDeleteVery nice post. Spirituality is very easily forgotten in our busy lives. Thanks for sharing. Becki