Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A recipe for success? Not very likely

What happens when you combine the following ingredients?
  • Me
  • P.M.S
  • 90+ degree temperatures
  • humidity
  • 10 cub scouts at day camp
  • BB guns, catapults, sling shots, and archery
  • total exhaustion
Stay tuned. The answers are coming...


  1. If it were me, the combination would result in an extra 10 pounds on my hips as a result of all the sweets I'd be eating as part of my stress-relief plan.

  2. I've been lurking, but I have to post now. I have the caramel bars in the oven and they smell *so* good. I'm mourning the fact that they have to cool down before I...um, I mean my family...can consume them. My house smells so yummy. I need to go clear out some freezer space so that I can speed up the cooling process!


    ~ Sarah

  3. Ugh. That's all I can say. My sympathies to you! Hence the reason why I'm heading to the cooler climes of Canada next month!

    And your last post was incredible. It is amazing how we are surrounded by such reminders of our miracles.

  4. Maybe they will give you a valium...or maybe you could move to Oregon?

  5. I can't wait to hear your answers to that explosive situation.

    Cub scout camp alone would be enough for me.

    Hang tough!

  6. I have four words: I am so sorry! Been there, done that, got the heat stroke and the t-shirt. So, what big reward are you getting yourself to help you recover? ;)

  7. I'm guessing that with all of these things combined, that would make you crabbier than you normally are. I feel sorry for your kids.

  8. Ah the suspense is killing me!
    Hmm, let me see if I can guess...
    A mom, locked in her room for the next 24 hours with chocolate, a laptop, and remote to the tv. Oh, and take out pizza!

  9. That screams Diet Coke and Dairy Queen to me!! A way to end successfully at least.

  10. Ohhhhhhhhhh, dear.

    Smuggle some cookie dough...

    My son came home from Day Camp last year with all manor of weaponry...he loved it....I kept getting pelted with marshmallows from his marshmallow gun, peas from his pea shooter, wadded up paper in his catapult. Nothing like a moving target with a big ol' butt.

    Good luck and best wishes, friend!

  11. The answer is...ME exactly one year ago!!!

  12. I can only imagine...can't wait to hear the answers!

  13. cold cookie dough, air conditioning, a good book and a closed door equals happiness once again. Good luck friend!

  14. I'm guessing campers injured by the BB gun. I'm there next week for two days.

  15. i'm sorry, did you say something? i can't hear you over the sound of some crazed, maniacal laughter...

  16. CUBBERS!

    As unlikely as it seems, you'll remember the cub scout age fondly.

  17. Uh-oh...

    sounds like me last week, minus the cub scouts!

  18. I had to do that last year. I am so glad I am out of scouts, for that reason only!

  19. Whatever it is, it better be funny...or else.

  20. 1. Suicidal thoughts.
    2. More suicidal thoughts.
    3. Bartering with the scouts for chocolate.
    4. A white jacket and a padded cell.

    These are my answers if it was ME on that trip!
    I am sure YOU are better at handling these types of situations.

  21. Okay, I made the caramel bars and my husband is in raptures over them! I like them a lot but he *loves* them. These definitely are going into our rotation! Thank you for sharing the recipe, yum!!

    ~ Sarah

  22. You are da woman! I've done scout day camp before and I am not a fan. I don't have sons but I did have a calling in the Stake Primary Presidency. The boys had a great time, but I didn't. It was a successful day but I still remember hating every minute of it 16 years later. Heat, humidity, bugs, more heat. yuck.

  23. I have been the bear den mother and I will say with all honesty - I will NEVERY hold that job again. If they ask it will be my only NO I have ever said to a calling. I am soooooo feeling your pain right now!
