Friday, May 9, 2008

It's a dog-eat-dog world

This morning I went to Sam's Club. And before you ask, no, I was not hit on today by any strange or handicapped men. Disappointing, yes.

But I happily wandered up and down the aisles of my local store, filling my cart with all kinds of treasures. Things full of partially hydrogenated oil and high fructose corn syrup. Things that probably cause cancer and diabetes. You know, things that taste really good.

And while there, I had me some samples.

I had some of these:

And I had some of this (which I buy on a regular basis and love):
And I even had some of this, and although delicious, I did not buy it. I prefer my wasteful calories in cookie dough form.
I was tempted to have some of this, but the sample table was too crowded. Lots of old men in cowboy hats dying for a miniature bite of a pizza bagel.

But it was all right. I was already full from my chips and cream puffs.

But the one sample that I was not even remotely tempted to taste was this:
Yes, they were sampling DOG FOOD at my Sam's today.

In sample cups.

For people to taste, I presume, since no dogs shop at my Sam's on a regular basis.

You know, seeing as how they don't drive or take the bus. Because THEY'RE DOGS.

Has the world gone mad and I just don't know it? Please explain this to me. Why would they sample the dog food?

I just don't get it.


  1. That IS disturbing.

    Maybe you're supposed to take the sample home to your pet? Maybe it's proving how healthful it is (ugh)? Did cowboy men crowd the table?

    Reminds me: Once my friend and I accidentally ate cat food, pouring it into a bowl with milk because we thought it was cereal. Ewww. Bad surprise.

  2. Thats pretty gross. Some people do carry around their dogs like babies so maybe it was for them? Or maybe dog food is an acquired taste and maybe we should learn to like it so food storage would be a lot easier to handle, and a lot simpler. HA! YUCK and DOUBLE YUCK.

  3. Wow, I don't even know what to say about this.

    Surely, there is a reasonable explanation but I can't think of one.

    I want to go shopping with you. You always have the craziest things happen.

  4. This is so funny, I went to our Sams club, yesterday and saw the same dog food out for sample and thought the very same thing. I don't get it either, but enjoy that we had the same thoughts.

  5. Forget the dog food question, How the heck did you get pictures of all that sample food. You are going to photoshop yourself into senility.


    your geeky brother,


  6. Wierd -- Most of us aren't the Paris Hilton types with our doggie tucked into our purse in a color coordinated bling bling outfit! ha!

  7. What? You don't eat dog food? :0)

  8. What? You don't eat dog food? :0)

  9. The fact that they were sampling it is not in question.

    The question is were people actually EATING it??!

  10. I am as perplexed as you.


    Were people tasting and sampling and scarfing down every morsel like they do on every other aisle?

    Maybe this was a ploy by Sam's to teach everyone a lesson...
    No making meals off the samples!

  11. Reminds me of a news flash from last year, when one woman got sick after eating dog food. She tried to get her poodle to eat it, he didn't want it, so she showed by example how it is done.

  12. My thought is: Maybe it was in sample cups for you to SEE that it looks like regular chunks of meat, etc. Or, you could take it home for the dog and come running back to buy some when you hear what your dog says about the flavor. I don't know. DUMB.

  13. Excuse me while I finish dry heaving....ugh! That is so gross! Do any of their customers bring their dogs in the store? Did you see anyone actually grabbing samples. Eeeww! I can't even stand the look or smell of that stuff!

  14. Well, when you figure this one out, could you please let me in on the secret as to why ANYONE would WANT to get their teeth cleaned in the portable dental chairs in Sam's club near the office supplies! Probably performed by the same sample givers that were dishin' up the dog food!?!!!

  15. Oh how I miss Sam's Club... A lunch of cream puffs, sun chips and crystal light sounds so good. Darn that diet I just started. ;)

    That is pretty weird to sample...maybe for the people that keep dogs in their purses? Weird...

  16. I don't know Christie-- I feel like this would have been a much more thorough product review if you'd tried the dog food..... ;)

  17. Yikes!

    This is one of my biggest pet-qualms. Just walking by the petfood aisle makes me gag. I didn't know a good petowner was supposed to SAMPLE the food too!?

    I never even tasted the Gerber baby food...

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I don't know, Stie. I saw some Tuscan inspired cat food the other day that I was tempted to feed to my family. Maybe there is a market for people dog food out there. How bad could it be?

  20. My 10 month old eats dog food all the time. She just sucks on it.

    She is a fourth child, okay!

    No gasping.

  21. I would have wasted the whole day standing there to see if anyone actually ate it, and then barfed my guts out as I was shrieking at the disgustingness.

  22. Yeah, did you witness anyone eating it? I gotta know. That is sick and wrong. Sick and wrong people.

  23. You always have the best adventures. And now I don't feel so bad sampling my babies baby food everytime I heat it up. My oldest always says "You are disgusting Mom". Now I will say in Missouri they eat dog food. Again you are helping me get through life as a Mom.

  24. Once my husband bought some dog jerky and fed it to the kids. It looked like beef jerky but apparently it didn't taste like beef jerky.

  25. You should've asked the sample lady (or man). Maybe he could've dispelled your fears...or made them more real, one of the two.

  26. Hey, in a world where dogs can get credit card offers (yes, this really happens),it only makes sense that companies would appeal to their buying power.

    I weep for the species.

  27. So do people actually TASTE the dog food samples? Or do they carry home the little samples to their dogs... hmmm.

  28. skip and i just had this conversation the other day, as he likes to eat canned chili. i can't help but draw the comparison there, and his response was that by law, dog food must be fit for human consumption.
    are you SURE it wasn't a can of beanless hormel?

  29. You know the sample lady who got assigned the dog food station was puhr-etty ticked off.

    My pregnant self is so gagging about having to spoon dogfood samples into little paper cups. Ugh.

  30. Ah, perhaps the Sam's Club people just transferred over from Oregon, specifically Eugene, Oregon (where we lived for 6 years).

    People in Eugene (hippie-ville) LOVE their dogs ad nauseum. Their dogs go everywhere; even Costco. It's gross.

    I'm with Jessica, you know the already cranky sample lady was extra crotchety that day.

  31. I am so stymied by this that I can't think of a funny quip, or anything clever to say...I mean, it's like the whole world has gone to the dogs...

    okay, that was really dumb...

  32. ewww, gross! i guess you were supposed to take it home to your dog!?

  33. That cracks me up. Maybe if they had been handing out samples with little lids, so you could take it home...

  34. No way. That is so nasty!
    Hope you are having a very nice Mother's Day!

  35. The sad thing is...I bet people were sampling it. Which says a lot about how desperate we've become to get free samples of anything.

    Happy Mother's Day, Christie! :)


  36. Ick. I can't believe they were giving out samples of dog food. The smell along makes me gag.

  37. hmm, no comment on that one. Although I'd like to try the cream puffs...

  38. Amazing. Maybe they were hoping the "poodle in the purse" crowd was going to be there, did you happen to see Paris at Sam's?

    And our Bagel bites are never that perfect. And the cream puffs...tasty especially half frozen.
