Monday, February 25, 2008

Scrambling for the finish

What happens when bad weather forces your husband to be stuck out of town for two extra days right before the Pinewood Derby, with unfinished cars sitting at home?

Besides a whiny, complaining wife, this is what happens:

Instead of having those two extra days to make the cars all by himself work with the boys, The Husband was scrambling to get the cars finished in time. In his haste, there was an incident with Chase's car.

The unfortunate incident rendered the car completely unusable (unless he wanted to send it careening down the track with no wheels. I thought it might be funny, but Chase didn't really see that as a viable option).

Through tear-filled eyes, Chase told The Husband it was okay. Though his heart was broken, he resigned himself to using McKay's car from last year. I quickly grabbed the spray paint Chase had picked out for his own car, and we went to work, remaking the hand-me-down car. Before long, even Chase began to get excited again about the race.

His entry was The Golden Frog. Why golden? I'm not really sure. Maybe because of his great love for money.

And why frog? Well, because when he's not voluntarily studying Winston and the War, Chase is dreaming, thinking, talking, and obsessing about frogs.

Here were this year's entries. McKay's is the bright orange one in front with a large firebird on the hood. Me thinks his taste in cars is a little too close to the white trash style that I take so much pleasure in mocking. I won't tell him that unless he someday decides to buy a car just like it.

Don't worry that some poor cub scout had to endure the lifelong shame of bringing in the pink car. It was a dummy car that they'd rigged to come in last on every race.

You know, because it's not about winning or losing, right?

Try telling that to McKay, here on pins and needles:

And what sporting event is complete without a gratuitous shot of the hot and sassy cheerleading squad? Here was ours:

The Husband and I held our breath as both cars went down the track for the first time. Much to our relief, neither one lost a wheel.

But much more important was the fact that we didn't take first place (which would entitle us to spend hours and hours at a district competition), and we didn't take last place (which would entitle us to spend hours and hours with sad boys at home).

A win-win for everyone.

All in all, the Pinewood Derby was a roaring success for the boys.

Now we can rest for another year. Thank goodness. I don't know what we'd do if this blessed event came any more often.


  1. So you guys don't have rain gutter regatas or rocket ship launches? Around here there is no "Whew! For another year." As soon as the car is done it is time to work on your boat or rocket. Boo!

    I love the pink dummy car idea.

  2. I am so glad it is you and not me! My Chase is almost 12, so no more Pinewood Derby! (Yea!)
    Cole will not be ready for that competion for another 4 years...thank goodness!
    I completly agree about not wanting to win first place and not wanting to place last. Are we all secretly praying our child will lose the race just to avoid another month of competion? I pray they will never find out!

  3. i have soooo been there! we use those wooden cars in the awana grand prix and i hated that time of year!!!

  4. Districts? Seriously? Obviously I don't have a scout yet. I didn't know this was such BIG stuff.

    Our Elder's Quorum once had a Pinewood Derby adult dinner. It was soooo much fun. My hubby spent hours on our car and was very delighted when his car won the "macho award!"

  5. I'm putting off learning anything about scouting for as long as possible. (Won't be long since I've got three boys.) I'm glad my husband doesn't have to travel for work--I'll turn all this over to his capable hands.

    BTW, Orange isn't white trash--my Gabe would be all over it because it's his favorite color.

  6. We just had a daddy-daughter derby and Isabel's came in dead last every time. But it was voted the favorite car, so that counts for something I guess.

  7. I dread it when Oldest starts cub scouts. Ugh. DH was a Eagle scout so I will turn it all over to him, but....

    Glad that it worked out for everyone. Cute cheerleaders and competitors.

  8. Oh what I have to look forward to the rest of my life. Thanks for the preview.

  9. Well, you must remember our experience last year, right? It was heartbreaking- so sad to see Landon's car come in last & even sadder to see his face. Our Pinewood Derby is next month, and now Eric is the Cub Scout Master...let's just say there is some major pressure. He has to get the wheels right this time! Nope, he (they?) haven't started on it yet- I will keep you posted as to whether we do a tiny bit better than last year. Yikes! (I love that dummy idea. I think I will bring Landon's last year car as the "dummy" for that very reason!) Good job to McKay and Chase! (and you and Josh)

  10. Yippee for the cars that neither lost nor won. That's so funny that Chase is obsessed with frogs. I have a few more years before I have to worry about this Pinewood derby stuff. This really is just the husband's domain though right?

  11. Landon just missed out on the one this year {darn it all} so I get to wait until next year. But, his Grandpa owns a body shop and has always helped the boys make up their cars. So, I won't have to do too much worrying about it. :0)

  12. Start now to get next year's cars ready.

  13. I am in complete dread for when it's Levi's turn to do this. I have no idea why either. It's totally the husband's "THING". Right?

    The cars are fab. The cheerleading squad pic is darling. Hooray for the Pinewood Derby!

  14. The cars look great! I am so impressed with your pinewood derby car making abilities. Had it been me, I would have totally panicked and not known what to do to make a hand-me-down car work in such a short amount of time! I think the smell of pinewood derby cars would probably make Devon salivate...he cannot wait for our boys to be big enough to do that! Way to Go!

  15. Hooray to boys for finishing the race!

    Hooray to parents for surviving another one.

  16. What would happen if all the cars in the race were really done by the boys? I love how parents get so into them too! Tell your boys congrats! The cars really were impressive!

  17. Isn't it funny that this event has been a hit for a few generations? Congrats to the race car boys!

  18. I am going through all this building right now. The process is taking up my entire kitchen, and cost more than $100 and many more hours in time. Nightmare, and so bloggable. But I am in charge of awards so now I have to go find trophies for our boys. Thanks for the pressure.

  19. What a genius idea to have a losing car for the races! i love it!

  20. I think both your boys have a bright future in auto mechanics and white-trashery.


  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I miss those days. I was a bigger fan of the pinewood regata, where whether or not a boat won was based on the lung capacity of the boy. I'm glad we never had the threat of going beyond our own troop if we won the derby. Sounds like y'all take the race pretty seriously out there.

  23. *PHEW* that was a win-win situation!

    By the way, MISSY, you are not whiny.

    I love the new picture of you on the side! You are so beautiful. I think the bangs look great.

    So, you don't think the firebird is majestic? heh, heh...

  24. Is your track made of metal or is it just painted silver?

    Nevermind, I need to quit thinking about Pinewood Derby *ptooey*

  25. Emotions run high at these things. The first year my little brother did this, his job was to snap the wheels on the cars (Their cub scouts did a family one, so my mom, dad, and him all had cars.) During the first trial run all the wheels popped off all the cars. It was hilarious! Your boys had awesome cars! -Megg

  26. I have gotten many mixed reports about this derby in my household given that I was at MYC the whole day and missed this other blessed event! Darn! If there was a dummy car, then why does my eldest boy keep telling my youngest boy that he came in last every race? I think eldest boy was just jealous that he didn't think of doing a Y-wing Star Wars car like youngest did - and oldest boy is out of cubs. Pathetic! I'm glad to see that pink sweatered cheerleader was having fun - she wishes on a weekly basis that she could be a cub scout. She'd kick their pants off!

  27. Oh, that's too funny. I was always jealous of my brothers growing up. We actually ended up doing a pinewood derby in YW/YM. It was fun. I made a pink caddy with a chauffeur. I think I still have it up in a box somewhere, in case you are ever in need again.

    But as for my adult life... I'm SOOO glad my boys are not in scouts. UGH! I so don't need that extra burden in my life.

  28. Ours is next month. I hate the pinewood derby. Sigh!

  29. Our first Pinewood Derby is next month. I've never been to one before, and I hope Jack doesn't come in last, and now I hope he doesn't come in first, either. Though I don't think he will, be first that is.

  30. man, i miss doing those cars...we did them in Awanas every year, and i love my trophies :P my most memorable one was blue, with decoupaged magazine photos of flowers all over it :P
