Tuesday, February 19, 2008

In search of manly happiness (not that kind, get your mind out of the gutter)

The Husband asks for very little in his simple life. All he requires is a hot meal every so often, clean laundry to take when he goes out of town, reasonably well-mannered children, and getting to see his wife once in a while. But this weekend, he realized a big piece of his manly happiness was missing.

A quick trip to The Depot, and there begun to be light at the end of the tunnel.

Assembly required, of course.

But what piece of manly happiness does not need to be assembled with tools of all sorts, come with instructions in four languages, and have one key screw missing?

Luckily, my man knows his way around a toolbox. Plus, he had the boys to provide jousting tournaments that kept him entertained while he worked: Ahhh, that's the ticket. A nice juicy steak cooking on the grill.

Manly happiness: Restored.

Dinner cooked by the Husband: Fine by me anytime.


  1. I had to laugh at the boys wearing pants and jackets, but the manly man was wearing shorts and sandals. He must be a manly man!!
    When men get a cool item they are happy for at least 2 weeks, unlike woman just until the next must have comes along.

  2. Hey--if he ever gets tired of actually cooking his own steak, we have a Weber Grill restaurant up here in Chicago--everything is cooked on Weber Grills. Just in case it gets too cold to barbecue (like it is right now in Chicago)!

  3. So glad you have replaced the junk we left with you. I'd take one of Josh's stakes any time. (As long as it comes with some of those mini cakes from you). Delicious!

  4. I'm with 2happy. What, if you're barbecuing, you must wear shorts?

    I want to see his face so I can admire the full package.

  5. I just like that you used the phrase "that's the ticket." Now everyone knows you're in your 30's.

    Josh is quite a man. Way to quench that manly thirst for him.

  6. I'm jealous. My husband can't cook at all. I need to get him a grill and see if it helps. I love your backyard!!!

  7. what man doesn't love grilling a steak on his manly bbq? and what's up with the shorts and sandals?

  8. A man gadget that produces food? Now that's one I would spring for. I was looking for a flat screen to come out of that box.

  9. And look at those two boys, dreaming of the day they, too, will be men.

  10. I agree with Paige! A gadget that makes dinner!? That is a total win/win situation!!!

    Thanks for the clarificatioin in your title. I got my mind out of the gutter post haste.

  11. I want to come over because it looks so warm in your neck of the woods . . . and. . . because you're having steak for dinner! Lucky you, the grill also cuts way down on dinner dishes.

  12. Stie! Josh was just here last night telling us all about it. We had so much fun with him. I will post a photo so you can feel the love long-distance.

    Love your deck, too.

  13. BBQing in the rain in shorts? That can ONLY be a man!

    Glad manly happiness has been restored to the Stie household!

    Heidi :)

  14. Finally, a blog post that I can relate to...

  15. My hubby grills several times a week, even in the winter. I almost lit myself on fire trying to start the grill. I have not touched it ever since. Best that you just stay away.

  16. You just gave me a great idea for dinner this week. The hubby hasn't fired up the grill in awhile. That's one great thing about living in the South, it's rarely too cold to grill!

  17. Manly happiness...love it! My mind did NOT go in the gutter on that one by the way!
    What is it about guys and their grills? My hubby has a loving relationship with his as well. :0) Oh well!

  18. It looks so warm there, like Spring. I'm loving Husband's shorts and Keen's.
    How can a 5 hour drive make such a huge temp. difference? :( We haven't grilled in 5 months.
    Glad happiness is restored to your house!

  19. I love your title. But then again, my mind tends to hang out in the gutter. Just kidding... *B

  20. Your deck and yard look like a lot of fun! I bought steaks yesterday too, but we did not bbq them outside in our snow.

  21. At least you know if something happens to you your children will be fed home-bbq'd food. My children are equally as lucky, if something happens to me we have MickeyD's, Jack in the Crack, Burgerfiend, Yo Quiero Taco Bell, Subway, Pizzarut and Wendy's. That should offer them a varied menu of artery clogging food for the week, every week til they grow up and can fend for themselves.
    Get what I'm saying here?

  22. Men are pretty particular when it comes to their BBQ's. My husband thought it was necessary to buy $180 worth of meat from a door to door salesman after winning his on the Price is Right. We still have some in the freezer. It is nice when he cooks dinner, though!

  23. That's wonderful that your husband cooked dinner on his shiny new BBQ. Are there any lunch or even breakfast recipes for grills? You would have it made!

  24. Oh boy. I guess that's next on the menu for our Manly needs.
    (no pun intended. ;)

  25. You've gotta have a bbq. And, for the record, we DO bbq in the snow. It's sort of a tradition now. When it snows, the boys know they're getting bbq!

  26. Love the Grill!
    MY husband uses his all the time. Oh...the power of suggestion! I have bragged on his "grilling" so much that he offers to grill when I plan to bake. ( *hint *hint) My latest conquest has been to marinate several different meats and on Sunday afternoon he will grill up three days worth of dinners. Then I just have to make the salad and a veggie or starch. Life is GOOD with a grill!

  27. ahh, a happy hubby... and steak.

    can't beat that.

  28. The Depot. A Grill. Sword fights. Meat.

    Perfect. In Man Land.

  29. Oh, I was not thinking of THAT. Nope. Not me.

  30. We need a new grill so bad. My husband would totally be jealous. I love your cute red deck!!!
