Friday, January 4, 2008

Reason #85 why I'll keep him

My mudroom has been the bane of my existence for several months now. I think it has actually caused my OCD brain to seizure when I walk by it. I am so fed up with stepping over coats, shoes, boots, and backpacks.

My eye twitching and Tourette's-like swearing made it clear to us that the current organizational system wasn't working.

So what to do? Well, first The Husband was home for the long holiday vacation with not much work to do. He starts by tearing out the old hooks and shelves:

He draws up some plans, gets all the supplies, and starts to build some new lockers and shelves. I have seen his work before and do not doubt his vision, even if he won't let me touch the hammer or drill, no matter how much I beg. I guess I am content to be just the apprentice/laborer:

After two days, some paint, and about six trips to Home Depot, I now have this new piece of organizational bliss. There is plenty of shoe space at the bottom. Each child has a locker (designated by their initial) and on either side of the lockers are a set of shelves where I can put things.

Like chocolate. Or money. Or buried treasure I find out in the backyard.

The point is -- I have somewhere to put things! Yay me!

There are days I might consider selling The Husband. Today is not one of them.


  1. They are so gorgeous. So nice to know your Tourette's can go into remission.

    You may be wanting to keep him but do you rent him out?

  2. Oh yeah, he's a keeper! That's a great wall unit--functional AND pretty. Too bad you weren't allowed to play with the power tools. Rats.

  3. Most days I consider selling my husband as well. Today you made it clear- he's on the market. My Joshie is many things but handy he is not (despite the thousands of dollars of tools in our garage that makes him think he is).
    Happy OCD day to you. It's gorgeous.

  4. I'm so jealous of your mudroom! We have a bench and cubbies in the garage but who wants to stand in the cold garage to put jackets and shoes on. Mostly we stack soda on the bench. Someday I'll have a room like yours....

  5. I am drooling with envy! I love the space. Nothing beats functional AND aesthetic!

  6. Good job Josh. They are awesome! I love our lockers, too. I don't know how I lived without!

  7. I really need to visit your house someday to get some organizational inspiration!

  8. you may not be ready to sell him, but would you consider renting him out?

    That looks amazing!!!

  9. That is so nice!! I love your initials you hung there too. So Pottery Barn-esqe. Josh is a keeper!

  10. Would he like to come back and visit Scandinavia? Say on Monday? I have a nightmare in the front hall....made worse by layers and layers of winter clothing. Argh!


  11. I'm sick of stepping over shoes as well... hmm... I've been inspired.

  12. Wow! I am super impressed! Are you planning any visits to S.D. soon? I could use some help in that department as well!

  13. beautiful! he was always handy! my laundry room could use some makeover time too...

  14. SOOOOOO jealous! But, so glad you've now been able to keep the OCD in check. I completely understand. Sometimes I just have to close my eyes really tight and pretend the mess isn't there. :0)

  15. That is SO great. I am dying for some organization like that. We have a walk-through laundry room that my kids drop their shoes in and it makes me crazy. Tell your husband I said VERY GOOD JOB!

  16. very nice -
    by the way missed you for awhile - glad your posting again.

  17. Love it! I have something very similiar too, but not as much shoe space.

    Somehow though, everything still ends up on the floor. Good Luck!

  18. I love this!!! Very, very cool! That is exactly what I want in my house....someday. If your husband can do that and make it look so effortless, then he is definately worth keeping around! Nice find!

  19. That's GORGEOUS! LOVE. I need one. The mudroom, not the Hubby. ;-) Mine can do that, I just need to show him your pictures. Thanks for the inspiration! :-)

  20. Oh to have a mud room, I am green with envy.

  21. wow! he is so handy & quick too. my hubby might start this project, but actually getting it finished? so impressive? let me know the next time you are in town! i'll even bribe you... free room & board in the sunny oc, as long as you complete a few project. (jk, you guys can come anytime!) btw, i must have offended you... so sorry! what have i done? i noticed my mom got your christmas card, but alas, i was left out in the cold! no love for me?

  22. wow! he is so handy & quick too. my hubby might start this project, but actually getting it finished? so impressive? let me know the next time you are in town! i'll even bribe you... free room & board in the sunny oc, as long as you complete a few project. (jk, you guys can come anytime!) btw, i must have offended you... so sorry! what have i done? i noticed my mom got your christmas card, but alas, i was left out in the cold! no love for me?

  23. I think this same guy finished my basement once!

  24. Oh. I'm showing this to Mike. We had big plans for our locker room, which haven't materialized yet. Grimace. I have shelf-envy.

    I used to envy other women's cute butts. Now I envy shelves. What am I reduced to?....

  25. They say the best foreplay is a clean kitchen, but I'm thinking a mudroom sounds pretty good too.

  26. I have a post all planned about my kids cubbies (cute boxes I bought). After seeing that I'm canceling it and paying $10K for a carpenter! (Because that's what it costs, which you people with handy hubbies don't know.)

  27. It's so so great that your husband can build a storage compartment like that. And the letters are so so cute.

    I wish he could come here and do one for me. I need something different besides just the tile floor. Even your old system is better than mine.

  28. THAT'S IT! Pack up your crap and move to Utah! You and Josh can be 'design consultants' at the Draper IKEA.

  29. By the way,

    What happens when you get baby #4? You'll need to hang another letter.

  30. I came over from another blog, Laurie's I think. Anyway, that is one cool mudroom. I wish I had a mudroom. I'd even take one that wasn't as cool as yours!

  31. Finally, a blog post worthy of my time. If you would change the focus of your blog, from "Lame, Whiny Housewife Rambles about Nothing" to "Home fixxer upper ideas". I might not leave feeling so brain-dead.

  32. I have wanted a mudd room for years and still don't have one. Hmmmmm...wonder where I could build one? Without kids around, it might be kindof a silly thing to push for, but I LOVE it!

  33. Your mud room is SOOO Great! Definitely keep him around for at least another day or two...

    My husband told me we received your gift, but he didn't bother to open it so, THANKS for sending it and I'll say thank you again when I find out what it is!

  34. Looooooove it, so organized, so nice, I am so jealoooooous!!

  35. I need me one of those. (Not hubby, got enough of that one). But AMAZING mud room I've gots to gets. (I'm not sure where I picked up the 'hood lingo. It's 4a.m. and time for me to go to bed, I guess!)
    Love it. Although, you realize he's contributing to your OCD. Somewhere, sometime, it's got to stop!

  36. Oh my gosh. I'm sooooo jealous!!!!

    I'm normally a blog stalker, but that post made me want to come out of the closet. (Heh, heh.)

    Martha from Elizabeth Hill

  37. i need a mud room and yours is gorgeous! i covet it! i am constantly stepping on or tripping over shoes, coats and backpacks! arrrgh!

    someday! someday!

  38. Fabulous, Fabulous, Fabulous!!! We are re-doing our laundry room (well, okay, the entire house - see blog for pictures Dec.19th) and a mudroom is not too far away! I love each child's initial above their spot! It is sooo great to have a handy guy around!

  39. I am so jealous! You need an email link on your posts so I can send this to my husband. He needs something else to do.
