Monday, January 7, 2008

Pros and cons

Things that suck:
  • Burning a hole in my son's brand new church pants with the iron before he's even worn them.
  • Having to replace my son's new church pants that I JUST BOUGHT.
  • Monday mornings.
  • Laundry.
  • Four bathrooms that somehow have pee on every toilet seat.
  • Having a rock flip up and crack the windshield of my car no less than three weeks after replacing it BECAUSE OF ANOTHER ROCK.
  • Weight training.
  • My brother Dan.
  • Cellulite.
  • Hannah finding my secret stash of protein bars and eating all the best ones.
Things that don't suck:
  • Dry cleaners that come to your house (who will now be responsible for the boys' Sunday pants)
  • My new mudroom (and the fact that I haven't stepped on a coat or pair of shoes for four days now).
  • The cardinal sitting on the tree outside my window.
  • Sunshine on my shoulder (makes me happy...).
  • Quoting John Denver songs in a blog post.
  • A projected high of 71 degrees today.
  • Having the willpower to throw away the leftover cookies instead of eating them.
  • My brother Dan.
  • New moisturizer from Origins (Thanks, Holly!).
  • Bryan Peterson photography books.
  • Diet coke on a Monday morning.
  • A new, pretty calendar for 2008.
  • Baby clipboards.
  • Happy, healthy babies.
Oh, all right. I have nothing to complain about today. The pros have it.


  1. Love your lists. And I love that your brother is on both of them. Isn't that they way siblings are sometimes? Here's to a good Monday!

  2. I'm touched, that I made it on the not-sucking list. I was halfway through writing a "your blog sucks, you are lame" comment in my mind, when I saw my name on the not suck list also, and I feel compelled refrain from slander at this time. Now, if you can continue in this trend of complementing me, right after you slam me, then I might speak less ill of you in my comments.

  3. Happy Monday. I'm raising a diet coke in your direction. Cheers!

  4. Good lists....I'm glad you threw Dan a little bloggy love. Look how happy you made him!!


  5. HeeHee! Your poor brother Dan annoys you more than cellulite (at least he made the other list too!)
    Diet Coke can change my mood instantly too--even on a Monday. Enjoy your cardinal. We had a kamikaze cardinal a while back that kept dive bombing into our window every afternoon when the sun hit just so...

  6. Don't you just love origins? I love all of their products! By the way, so far, I have only made the breakfasts in the recipe book, but my kids devoured them faster than any other breakfast they have eaten. The even greater part was that I didn't have to keep reminding them to take bites...they loved it so much they ate it all up on their own. However, I did add pureed squash to Grandma J's tacos and the kids loved it. I don't know if you guys made this at home (growing up) as much as we did, but you couldn't even tell that I added squash. Try it, you'll love it! Happy Monday!

  7. Why is Dan on both lists? Did he do something we need to know about? Good list making. I should make one of these... I think it helps. Mondays are the worst, but if it is sunny that helps! I love sun. Have a great day!

  8. I can relate to pretty much EVERYTHING on BOTH LISTS! Amazing.

    Did you know it takes the body 7 years to fully dispose of the chemicals in a diet soda? Careful with that...

    I crave, I pine, I COVET your new mudroom!!! Happy day.

  9. Why are you ironing new pants? That is the only time my kids look good...

  10. Love the new mudroom! Here, here on the Diet Coke too!

  11. I love your lists. We have the dry cleaners who come to your door too. It's the best. I wish all my errands were that easy.

    And Ethan steals my good Cliff Bars too! I love the chocolate ones. Not a fan of the oatmeal raisin but now all we have are Oatmeal raisin.

    71 degrees??!! I am so jealous. Its 39 here.

  12. I thought it was cold in Missouri in the wintertime...71 degrees? That sounds heavenly! I'm also jealous that you have 4 bathrooms in the first place...nevermind the pee on the toilets! I love your lists!

  13. I thought it was cold in Missouri in the wintertime...71 degrees? That sounds heavenly! I'm also jealous that you have 4 bathrooms in the first place...nevermind the pee on the toilets! I love your lists!

  14. Isn't it amazing how the pros ALWAYS win when you just take the time to count them?!?!!

    Happy Monday.

  15. I want a dry cleaner that comes to the door... sigh. ANyone know where I can find one??

    You never fail to make me laugh a little, thank you for that.

    And we're experiencing that too in Illinois... was -1 three days ago. 64 today. Crazy, but I'll take it (umm and the thunderstorm I see rolling in because of it).

  16. ... and the willpower from those cookies... good job! Always makes my day, when I know they are in the garbage and not in my belly. Somehow, I feel like I accomplished something :)

  17. Way to go on your willpower with the cookies and I'm glad you got something FAB from origins. I wish I had one of EVERYTHING they sell. I have a horrible brother. He wouldn't be on the nice list. He's mostly just a jerk. Hopefully he doesn't read my blog and click on yours and discover that I said he's a jerk because he's my husband's boss. Sometimes he comes through with nice things but mostly I just think he's a jerk.

  18. Never work with family, Holly. It always sucks.

    Way to go on the dry cleaning delivery service. Now you just have to pay... I know how to cure your toilet seats of pee. Her name is Angie. Weekly.

  19. what's a baby clipboard? I had a little sunshine on my shoulders today. Felt good. Things that suck right now are trying to put everything back in my kitchen cupboards!

  20. I relate to the hole in the pants. I cut the tag out of a new shirt and cut a hole in the shirt. Then I sewed it up with thread that didn't really match. It's just a tiny hole and a tiny thread but somehow it takes the fun out of new.

  21. Gab, why do you think Christie irons new pants?? I think we all know.

    Which protein bars are the good ones? Because I ODed on those a year ago simply smelling them starts my gag reflex...

    Still jealous of your mudroom.

  22. Oh Jess...I OD'd on them too and choke 'em down anymore.
    Stie- I'm coming to visit. You had me at 71 degrees. I drove home in 7 degrees this morning. And got pulled over. And my registration was expired. Ooops...tangent.
    I'm coming to visit.

  23. I laughed when I saw Dan on both lists! You are so funny! I guess we'd better enjoy this January thaw...isn't it great?!

    Also, I should be a spokeswoman for Origins...I love it!

  24. Love the list Stie! Only Diet Coke would be on my sucks list and Regular coke on my things that don't suck.

    I hate Mondays too.

  25. i love bryan peterson's books, too! i got understanding exposure for christmas and the people portraiture one for my anniversary! i am learning lots and loving his photography!

  26. Great list! And what a great attitude to have on a Monday!
