Our internet service has been schizophrenic, and has been somewhat unreliable for the last several months. This last bout was perfect timing, what with our own personal computer guru literally in the air, on his way here to
Nothing says welcome like, "Here's our computer. Fix it and we'll feed you."
Don't you just want to come visit us? Come only if you have skills.
But the other reason for not being in the virtual world that I love is because it got up to the 50s today (from 10 degrees to 56 in one day, go figure). It's been miserable here the last few weeks, so today we had to get out and play in it.
We had ourselves a game of this:

Although some of us spent our time doing this (Newlyweds, blech):

But right now (thanks to Pete), I am happily back doing this:
Let's hear it for beautiful weather, a computer genius, blogging at the end of a happy Saturday, and the promise of 60 degree temperatures tomorrow.
Why the heck am I paying the big bucks to live in CA when our weather is colder than yours? I want a refund.
I missed you, truly I did. Gorgeous photos and excellent use of the strikeout feature. It's one of my favorites.
Geez, you really were tan last year! I was thinking you were a fake-n-baker (which I used to be) until I read the caption. Aaaahhh....San Diego! I'm jealous of your warm weather...I'm ready for spring!
Yeah, you were tan!!! I think if I had a picture of myself that tan I would be gazing at it all the time.
I want your weather. 56 sounds heavenly right now.
I need to try that strike out thing. My whole life is a strikeout.
This virtual friend HAS missed you! And what can I do about my closet short of spending 10K and having the real pros come in?? I need help.
I HAVE missed you!!!!!
I am so glad you have a computer genius in the family!
How do you do that strikeout thing on your blog? Where you cross something? I think it has great comedic value.
I've missed you to but I didn't want to be an obnoxious MIL calling to whine,"Why haven't your BLOGGED? It's my whole life!!! You owe it to me!!!"
But I'm glad you're back.
56 degrees! awesome! we got stuck in our house all day because our steep hill of a driveway was iced over! the only good thing was that our 2 oldest girls were at a sleepover and we couldn't get out to go pick them up. so, we got several extra hours of freedom to sit at home!
i have pictures of me when i used to be tan! when i see them i really miss southern california and hawai'i!
You are lucky to have such fun and helpful houseguests! Send 'em here next...
send it this way... been about 5 here. gorgeous today, but still umm, 20.
Don't you just love days like those? the unexpected ones. it's beautiful... get out - go play ;)
Ahhhh, look at the newlyweds and the tanned Stie (good thing you did a disclaimer on that).
We, too have a major thaw here in Denver - it was 60 degrees yesterday. We took the kids for a little trek and even went to the playground, something we haven't done in months. I also took Bode for a hike on Friday but I learned something: with thaw comes mud.
Who knew?
Good thing you clarified the tan...before I read the caption I thought "wow, she is really tan for the middle of winter!"
Good thing your computer is fixed...I was missing you.
Yay for computer skills! And double YAY for warm weather. I wish it was 60 degrees here. I'm getting the winter blahs already. Sigh.
I want to know how to do the strikeout feature too. Must research...
You look lovely and tan.
My brother gets paid lots of money to fix computers and I pay him in sandwiches to come look at mine. I'm a nice sister that way.
Awesome pictures!
So, did I miss a post? Who got married??
PS: Very envious of that tan...even if it was last year. I do not think I have EVER been that tanned...
We did miss you! So glad your back...
Looks like you had a great time. There is nothing like having family visit. Love the huddle picture.
Lots of money to fix computers? My hubby fixes computers but we're missing something here. Hmmmm.
Anyway, I have missed you. Glad that you are back. I too took a short hiatus. But only cause I was feeling cranky and unwitty.
Now, my real comment. And I hope this is not offensive. Because I mean it to be a compliment. So, here I go. You look 18 in that "tan picture." Not because you are tan, it's just that you are beautiful and look stunningly young and gorgeous. 18 is good right?!?!?
it's so nice that pete and anna could come and help you...fun to see family...you aren't missing any good weather in "sunny" california...it's been raining like crazy for the last week...but, actually, it's really nice...and the hills will be green
yes we missed you and I'm so happy you got nice weather. a little bit of nice weather in the middle of depressing winter is the BEST!! I'm glad you got your computer fixed too!
60 degrees! So jealous! And you're too cute. That's an adorable picture.
You Missourians have the craziest weather, it seems...Glad you were actually LIVING your life instead of BLOGGING about it. (Sometimes I get confused which is which, you know?)
I hear that everybody needs a little time away. A holiday...from each other. (Thanks, yes I did grow up in the 70-80s and that is indeed a Chicago song I was trying to quote and no, I don't really remember the lyrics).
Of course we missed you :)
That was a really good post.
oh wow! had you not said that was you in that last picture, i'm not sure i could have guessed!! you look so teenager-y!! (in a good way :P)
stie, that looks like so much fun! i was seriously gonna get after you for going to the tanning booths, am glad to hear it was the natural rays of san diego! enjoy the family togetherness.
It looks like you had such a fun weekend. And the temps? I wish they'd come a little further North. Our snow is melting, but the wind is blowing like crazy. Guess that's why it's the Windy City, huh?
You rock that sun kissed California girl look!
It looks so nice! I dragged my family out for a hike on Saturday because we got up to 32 degrees. High fifties sounds and looks much better.
What kind of lens do you have? Do you have/use Photoshop? Just curious, among most other things, you are a very talented photographer.
looks like you guys had a great time. and i was going to comment on how tan you are looking!
So glad you gave the disclaimer about the tan! My mind had already raced to "She must fake bake in January" Before I read the fine print! Glad everything is back to normal again.
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