Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Gearing up for the Super Bowl

In not too many days, there will be a monumental event. A glorious, once-a-year tradition in which friends gather around the television set and worship for hours. There will most definitely be a lot of food involved. Probably some cheering. And some shouting. Maybe even some throwing of things AT the television.

And it's entirely possible that someone will get up and kiss the television screen at least once.

What is it that I speak of, sports fans?

It is the Super Bowl.

But not the Super Bowl in the traditional football sense, you see.

It is the Super Bowl for women. The Super Bowl of movies:

Oh yes, the original Pride and Prejudice that dreams are made of.

I am counting the days until I can attend a P&P Party at a friend's house this weekend. Darcy and Elizabeth in all their glory, just waiting to guide us through five hours of bliss which will culminate with Darcy jumping into the pond half-nekkid.


Oh yeah, and I think there might be some other type of Super Bowl thingie this weekend. Can't really say that I'm caring at all to watch it. Is that wrong? We did live in the kingdom that belongs to the Patriots for six years, so this means that I'm pretty much committing blasphemy.

But still. I just can't seem to bring myself to care about the football.

And I don't really care that I don't care about the football.

Maybe if Tom Brady were to don an 1800s riding suit and stare longingly into the camera my way, THEN I might care. Unless that happens, come Sunday night, you will find me doing this:

Go team Sunday nap!


  1. What a great idea...a P&P party is just what I need right now. How far is the car ride to St. Louis from here again?

    Have fun!

  2. Sigh. I did a P&P party during my single days and it was fantastic (glazed over eyes and all after the whole marathon).

    I tried to convince a friend to do it here and she just looked at me like I am nuts. At least there are two of us in this world....

  3. I got a good chuckle out of your post. I don't care about THE football either. I wish I could be napping during the game though. Lucky duck!

  4. ohmy..

    I may have to join in over in Philly ;-)

  5. I LOVE Colin Firth!!! Maybe I can get the hub to join in on some similar festivities... we did just watch Nanny McPhee.

    And thanks so much for joining me swap-o! You totally made my day. *B

  6. I much prefer your idea of the Superbowl. Sadly, I am married to a fanatical Patriots supporter.

    I linked you to my post today. You have so many great ideas!

  7. If I told you that I've never seen the movie could we still be friends?!?!? eeek.

  8. Why didn't we ever do that in the Boston days??? Have fun!

  9. I think I might be missing a girl gene because I DO NOT get the whole Jane Austen thing. Bo-ring.

  10. I happen to be the MVP for Team Sunday Nap. Glad to hear you are on the team, too.

  11. Colin Firth is so yummy. DO you love Bridget Jones' diary too? I love that show!!!!

    Can I come to your party please? The super bowl isn't as exciting as P&P!

  12. Have a great time! Full report, please.


  13. PLEASE tell me you have read Austenland by Shannon Hale... it is a must read for any P&P (Colin) fan!!!

  14. That is a GREAT idea! Maybe I'll make my husband turn off the football game to watch P&P with me...that won't happen...maybe I'll just fly to your place!

  15. I just attended one of those a couple weeks ago. Glorious!

  16. That was a really good po..... aah, who am I kidding, that was the lamest thing I have read since your last lame-ars post. You truly are pathetic.

  17. I whole-heartedly support your not caring about the football thingie. I don't even pretend to care. Now, P&P Bowl...well that's a whole OTHER ballgame. Have fun!!

  18. I also have not seen P&P. I watched quite a bit at the airport on our way to Disneyland. A couple of ladies were watching it on their laptop and I happen to be gazing over their shoulders. Would love the time to watch it though. Let us know how it goes!! And now that Dallas is out of the running I am just going to the party for the food and because all of the nieces & nephews want to hold the baby! Love the break!!

  19. Oh, now I have a smile on my face! You put MY Mr. Darcy on your blog. Big Sigh... His P&P is the only one worth watching. I may have to do that this weekend...

  20. So the other day, I saw a paparazzi picture of Colin. You know what?

    He looked old.

    I was so upset.

  21. I'm with Bridget, why didn't we do that back in Boston? Wish I was visiting you this weekend instead of sitting alone while the hubby is out of town. I'll have to have my one little p and p party. And I'm glad to hear someone else just doesn't really care about the BIG GAME, so glad I'm not married to a sports nut.

  22. Oh how I love Mr. Darcy - Colin Firth's is of course the best, but really, I just love them all.

    I will be watching to other Super Bowl, but I would rather do a P&P marathon any (and every) day of the week!

  23. I've never seen the movie. I'm sorry. Head down. Ashamed. Sigh.

    But - me - weird wife. GO GIANTS!

    yay superbowl. Sad football season over.


  24. I am SO not into the super bowl either. Your P&P party sounds great to me!

  25. I can't wait for "the scene"...
    I am with you on the football thing as well.

  26. I love this idea! As long as there is still super bowl FOOD at the P&P party. While I don't really care about the game, I am ALL ABOUT THE FOOD.

  27. P&P parties are the best! i love the look on darcy's face! awwww! enjoy the movie and the nap!
