Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Doing our best to do our duty

Over the Christmas holidays, I realized with a panic that my big boy was almost ten. No, the fear did not strike my heart because he is growing up way too fast (which it does, and he is), but every mother of boys knows that with each birthday comes the mad dash to complete and earn that year's cub scout rank. And the fear struck hard because I knew he wasn't even close.

So we've spent many a day with our Bear Scout book open on the counter - working our way through knots, safety, religion, and even a little cooking. Our diligence paid off, and soon he had completed every requirement in the entire book - except for one, which involved speaking with a police officer about crime prevention.

Knowing his den would not likely get this field trip in before his birthday, I scheduled a mini-tour of the police station myself.

The great day came last week, and we brought along Chase and our little neighbor friend, David. The boys were giddy with excitement at seeing the jail and were absolutely positive they'd be able to use the weapons (oh, the unharnessed dreams of little boys).

The tour itself was really quite cool. Being a small group, (they told me the cub scout tours are usually like 20-30 boys at a time) we were able to do so much more than a normal group. We met the chief of police. We pretended to get fingerprinted. We got locked in a jail cell. We took pictures in the line-up room. We met all the officers.

We did not get to use the weapons, however.

But we finished our tour, thanked the kind officers, and headed home to proudly sign off the last item in McKay's book.

Funny thing, that.

When I got home and started looking, I realized that you don't have to do everything in the book. It's like, "Pick two in this section. Pick three in this one."


We did EVERY. SINGLE. THING in that blasted Bear Book.

[What makes this more shameful is that I am currently serving as the Wolf Den Leader. You'd think I'd have known.]

Wasn't a total waste of time, I suppose. Got to meet and hang out with the handsome boys in blue that patrol our neighborhood.

And now I'm wondering, do you think they'd let me borrow a uniform for the Husband? I'm afraid I really could get into this whole man-in-a-uniform-thing.


  1. That is funny that you did EVERYthing. I am sure that your son (and you?) learned a lot though, so it wasn't a complete waste!

  2. Maybe you could borrow a uniform and have him meet you at Sam's club? ;)

  3. That is so funny.Way to be the overachiever mom without knowing it.

    Just get Josh some white powder, dust his face, stick him out in the cold for a few hours and pretend he's Edward.

  4. Hey...just think of the quality time you got to spend with the wee one. :0)

  5. My oldest is turning 10 next week, and while she is so excited to be 'double digits' I just can't believe it. I've been a mom for 10 years! I am old.

    Now that you've completed the entire handbook, you've taken 'Always Be Prepared' to a whole new level!!!

  6. awesome. just think of yourself as an overachiever! my husband and i were wolf den leaders and we always felt like we were winging it, poor boys!!

  7. Thanks for the heads-up! My son is a Bear and we haven't done much yet. So, now I know not to do it all! I'm the Wolf Leader too, by the way.

  8. Have you seen the motorcycle boots? That's all my man needs. I tried to borrow some from a friend last year. Apparently they cost $300 and are custom made. I guess he probably won't spring for them. Too bad for him.

  9. You give new meaning to above and beyond. I'll pay special attention to those requirement numbers as we do the mad dash this August.

    Greg has an air force uniform from his days in the service. Not quite the same (especially with the fast food-type hat) but still quite a lovely sight. I wonder where it is...?

  10. I think you deserve a badge too? Do the scouts offer a #1 den mom award? You ought to look into that!

    And my husband WAS a police man when we were dating and first married. Why did I ever let him leave that job? That is one HOT profession!

  11. Too funny!! Not suprised however. You always go the extra mile. I'm jealous!! I am very careful in doing just what needs to be done. Just think if I went over and beyond, everyone would expect that of me everytime. Couldn't be responsible for that kind of pressure. Remind your kids just how lucky they are to have a Mom like you!!

  12. Too funny!! Not suprised however. You always go the extra mile. I'm jealous!! I am very careful in doing just what needs to be done. Just think if I went over and beyond, everyone would expect that of me everytime. Couldn't be responsible for that kind of pressure. Remind your kids just how lucky they are to have a Mom like you!!

  13. That's awesome Stie! Glad I have a mother-of-boys-friend to learn all these things from. And nice picture of McKay--perhaps you have a very similar room in your new house but me thinks I recognize that tile counter top the little man is resting his hand on, no?

  14. McKay looks so handsome in his Bear uniform. I just love boys- never thought I would be happy to hear about cub scouts, etc. It's a whole different story now. It's a good reminder to me to "get crackin'" on the Bear Book, and another good reminder that I don't have to do every one. :) Good job.

  15. I'm so glad you told us that you don't have to do everything in the book. I would've done that. I am NOT looking forward to scouting. But I did get to go on a tour of the police station with my 1st grader this year and loved it. I'm with you on the uniforms too.

  16. Stie, will you please come to my house and give me "over-achiever" pointers? And help me organize my house? You are awesome at all of that stuff. Jealous!


  17. PLEASE continue to post things like this...someday when I have a boy scout, I would love to learn from someone else's mistakes since I have NO CLUE about anything in the scouting department! Sounds like a fun field trip, though!

  18. I love big Mac in his uniform. We just blitzed through the Wolf for pack meeting last week and now are onto Bear "fun"...stamp collecting, anyone?

  19. Um, I JUST found out that we (meaning the mom and dad) are supposed to attend pack meetings. I have no idea how this whole Scout thing works. Thank you for making these kinds of "mistakes" so I don't have to.

    Contact your local stripper's union and ask them where they get their uniforms.

  20. Life was a lot simpler when I was a boy scout. Too bad I don't have my mom still on top of all of my assignments. Maybe at the beginning of the semester I'll mail her my syllabi (I hate that word but can't bring myself to write syllabusses). All I need is her calling me over the phone asking me if I've done my reading for the day. Have fun with the cub scouts...and start planning that Eagle project now.

  21. I love my man in uniform, navy 15 years, and d**n sexy every day when he comes home... :)

  22. See, I just got called as that, and have ZERO Scout experience, so I never would have known. Thanks for learning for me.

  23. Oh the joys of having boys in scouting! I went throught the whole thing, and still don't understand it! Maybe you'll get out of ticket someday because they'll remember you were the great mom who brought those boys to the station on a field trip!

  24. I am totally clueless when it comes to boys scouts! I probably would have done the same thing. Thank goodness I know the in and outs of the YW personal progress book.

  25. That picture is a keeper - he's so cute. The private tour of the police station sounded very cool!

  26. I've been a Cub leader for four years, sigh. I've never heard of a parent who actually cracked the book open. On behalf of all the tired, washed up and despondent Cub leaders everywhere, Way to go!

  27. i have all girls so i wouldn't have a clue about scouting! that is hilarious that you discovered AFTER the fact that you didn't have to do EVERYTHING! sounds like something i would do and then kick myself later! good quality time, though!!

  28. But do you have the yellow shirt?? I'm memorizing that wolf book. I will not fail at my job. I only have one boy and he's going to get good at pinning those things on me, darnit!

  29. I belly laughed at "oh, the unharnessed dreams of little boys". Ah, so true.

    Don't worry...those were hours spent you didn't need to, that you will never get back...But McKay and his friend will never forget what a great experience they had. Despite, not being able to handle any weapons, of course :)

    I agree with Paige! I love getting the Mom pins that they give when a boy gets his patches!

  30. Uh-oh! Well, I guess that makes him a Super Duper Bear Cub Wolf Scout or something.

    (That is so something I would do.)

  31. Oh that made me laugh so hard!

    This is the good thing about having disabled boys: No scouts. Although there is a lot of poop...

  32. Stie, you crack me up! You can buy a police uniform on Ebay. Don't ask me how I know that... mmmm...

    Heidi :)

  33. I think this is the funniest story. Thanks for the post... and for making me even more grateful for my four little women.

  34. That is totally something I would have done. Seriously. Hey, just think of how much you know now!

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