Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Operation: Dejunk that Trunk

I am not quite sure, but somewhere between October 25 and November 27, I think there was a little bit of eating. And some tasting. Maybe a teensy bit of snacking. And possibly (though I won't admit it freely) some gorging. And as a result, I woke up this morning and saw this happening in my mirror:

So it has come to the point where I put the brakes on the eating and start to back up this buffet train before it crashes into McDonald's and never comes out.

What is a little frightening to me is that I actually do exercise six days a week. I have not missed more than a day or two for probably three years. I run 3-5 miles every morning. I am sure that is the only reason I have not put on 20 pounds this month.

Can you just imagine would I might be looking like today if I WASN'T exercising?

So here's the new plan, for a new me:
  1. No sweets. (I know, you can hear the Hostess factory screaming, "Noooooooo!!!" all the way from here).
  2. Chocolate only once a month (and you ladies know when that becomes a necessity).
  3. Small portions.
  4. Healthy meals.
  5. Snacks will consist of a fruit and/or low-fat protein.
  6. Nothing will cross my lips but water after seven p.m.
With any luck, before the new year, I will look less like this:

And more like this:

Anyone care to join me in this endeavor? It's always so much easier to suffer the misery of dieting with someone else. We could have our own little blogging diet support group.

Anyone? Anyone?


  1. *cough* i'm in. maybe not SUCH strict guidelines, (especially since we have a treat table here during the season), but i will at least abide by the healthy snacks, and nothing but water after 7pm rule. and i'll go easy on the sweets table (no need to sample everything. a couple bites of ONE treat), and let you know how it goes :P oh, and also, no more mc'ds. (that's pretty much what made me need this all anyhow. i had TWO double cheeseburgers during the football game on sunday, trying to hang with the big boys. 440 calories each. ack.)

    good luck!!

  2. Stie,
    WHat in the world? Why oh why are you going to torture yourself around the holidays? Crazy lunatics shoppers at Target, Santa Clause photo lines a mile long and enough LAME Christmas music (love love love Christmas music just not lame Christmas music) not enough to drive you crazy? You have to throw a diet in there too. I always thought you were a little off your rocker and you just confirmed my suspicions.
    I will be happy to oblige with a diet in January with the rest of the free world. I did last year and lost almost 30 lbs (baby weight)...and by January I'll be back to needing to lose 30 again. But for now, I will down all those cookies, treats,etc with a big smile on my face and think of you!

  3. I think you look great...I will follow your plan every day. Until 3:30 pm when my house explodes and the kids come home and I need to find solace in a bowl of cookie dough.

  4. I'm there with ya. I want the last 15 gone for good. I have to cheat on the 7pm thing as I work nights so I won't eat anything after 3am. It's pretty easy to stick with that one. You should try it. You'll feel better about your successes! Anyway, chocolate once a month is a definite necessity...I hope I can ration it down to that. And no sweets will be painful but I will try. You better fess up when you cheat though or I quit. I'm not torturing myself alone!! Bring on the skinny jeans!!

  5. BTW-
    Where did you find that pic of me with my spare tire hanging over my jeans? I thought I told Hubby to burn that one...

  6. oooh this is gonna be a hard one, but i will give it a go.

  7. Sorry. Can't participate in that kind of torture. I am, however, committed to losing that Thanksgiving stuffing around my middle. Back to the gym I go...

  8. Okay. I think I'm in How's that for ringing commitment? Think that'll be successful:)?

    Only, I don't think I'll run 3-5 miles a day. K?

  9. If I could wear pants like that first lady, it would be worth putting on the weight. Pass the Twinkies.

  10. Sorry Stie but you are on your own. Are you trying to torture yourself? Those rules before Christmas is even over? Ouch. We live in the same state so I tell you what. You collect all the junk you don't want to eat and I will happily eat it for you. I love the holiday food :)

    And I have a feeling someone that exercises as much as you is bluffing. You look awesome!

    I'm calling your bluff girl!

  11. I can't believe those people allowed those pictures to make it onto the Internet. I hope they got paid a lot when they took those, 'cause those are pretty embarassing. At least in the second to last one there is no face attached to the picture.

  12. Did I tell you I am doing a whole healthy living thing starting 2008? So I am with you 1/1/08, I promise!

  13. I'm way back on the diet wagon. But no chocolate for a month?! Do you not have 15 cookie plates coming to your house this month?! I'm starving for the next two weeks and then figuring out rules from there. But I want to be in your club. Is this like Oprah, where if you break a rule, you can't be in it?

  14. i'm in.

    although i'm impressed with your running dedication... i can't join you there... plus i know from experience you'll burn more fat fast walking than running...

    so if you start a fast walking club.. let me know! i need encouragement!

  15. It's never been in the looks/weight department that you've had a problem. Your real problems lies in the lameness/uncool factor. You have always been really uncool.

  16. I'd rather be uncool than fat, Dan. I'm afraid I can't join in. Baby steps and all of that.

  17. I'm in. I'm still trying to drop the rest of the baby weight. It's SOOOO SLOWLY coming off. That picture with the muffin top? That's totally me except mine is worse. I tell myself that my jeans fit because I can zip them up, but they really don't. I'm just lying to myself.

  18. I'm with you Stie. We just got some family pictures taken and I'm trying to tell myself that funny shadow is just my shirt bunched up underneath my sweater but that's just a fat lie. A fat fat lie.

  19. I so need to be with you on this one, but the timing is all wrong. McRibs are at McDonalds for a limited time only. So I am very busy cramming in all the McRibs I can possibly eat. ;)

  20. No, no, no! How could you even think this the month before Christmas? It's sacreligious and Scrooge-ish, not to mention miserable. Buy new pants, get a skinny mirror, whatever it takes to hold off until January!

  21. Why am I humming "My Humps"? Oh, because of picture #2, not because of the humps I see in my own mirror, right?
    I have been riding the sweet train for a while now and REALLY need to jump off.
    I'm cheering for you though!!

  22. i'll do it with you -
    i was just thinking today to jump on one of those fatty blogs for a little group support - but what the heck -i'll start now, sure, lets go!

  23. If you have the willpower to diet during the holidays, I think you deserve a medal or something. As always, you are totally hilarious and put a smile on my face!

  24. I should be with you but I'm with Gab. I start out with good intentions but by the end of the day I can't remember what they were or why I cared! Kids...

  25. just saying Hello cause I came across your blog and think it's fabulous and think it's a little less stalkerish if I offer a greeting!

  26. Dang! I ate a kitkat tonight at work. Were we starting today? I'm starting over tomorrow. Thought I should fess up. :)

  27. Stie, I would love to do this...but can't we wait until after Xmas?? Please??

    Seriously - I'll try now, for you, but I must cheat repeatedly during Christmas.


  28. AHEM. hi. day ONE and i've already failed. while i checked your page i was in the middle of eating a "fun-size" packet of m&m minis. d'oh. but i had them along with some Garden Salsa Sun Chips as my breakfast. our dog died last night, so it's been a rough 24 hours. i will get back on the train soon, but it'll take a few days to get adjusted to all of this. just fessin' up to get it off my conscience :P

  29. You're starting this plan for the new you in (ahem) DECEMBER????

    You're a drill sergeant!!!

    I'm in. But I've got to have a treat once a week, not once a month. A blog support group would be fun! I love to talk about healthy habits and working out. I bore people; now I can bore a bunch of bloggie friends on a blog! That is such a good idea--let's do it!

    But...the holidays? Waaaa...

  30. oh, and P.S. I do NOT believe for a moment that you in any way resemble photo #1. Nope.

  31. That first photo was a total crack up! I laughed so hard at that. As you all ready know, I am trying this but not doing too good. I guess that I should enfore some of your rules. The problem is that I like to enjoy my snacks once my kids are in bed so I can't have a snack until at least 8...

    I'm impressed that you run so much! Way to go!

  32. I am in with you, girl. This has got to stop!
