Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Good hair day

So day one of Operation: De-junk that Trunk went well. I logged my calories eaten at 1,400 on this website, and was disappointed to wake up this morning and not have lost eight pounds. I figured surely because I withstood eating the donuts at pack meeting last night that I would be due a big reward on the scale. Oh well, I'll try to accept that it won't happen overnight and keep slogging away at the lard on my thighs. I do promise to not make this a testimony meeting/sappy blog journal pertaining only to food deprivation. I'm far too narcissistic for that. But if you want to check in now and then, send me an email and we can chew the fat, about my fat.

So right now I'm heading out to try and find a new dress for The Husband's work party this weekend. I had planned to rake the leaves in our yard today, but decided not to on account of the fact that I'm having a really good hair day. And it's windy outside. And I already got sweaty this morning on the treadmill. So I'll carefully tiptoe through the mall, trying not to muss my once-in-a-lifetime good hair day, and wish you all happy Wednesday. Anyone have a hair net I can borrow?

I told you I was narcissistic.


  1. You crack me up! Good hairs days are one in a million though, right?! Good luck on the dress hunt.

    Just wondering, how are you doing on the recipe collection and trying?

  2. Good call, the leaves can wait another day. They're not going anywhere.

  3. Darn it, I just lost my comment!

    To recap: Thanks for that link, I am going to sign up and start counting tomorrow. 1400 calories is awesome! You will see results soon if you keep that up.

    And you know...I feel a good hair day coming on, too. Probably tomorrow, when they are forecasting a lot of snow here.


  4. Wow, 1400 calories!! Aren't you starving???? How fun though to go dress shopping. Please post pic of you in it. I can live my dress shopping dreams through you.

  5. Best not to rake those leaves at all. Isn't the compost good for the lawn or something? Living in the East seems really high maintenance.

  6. LOL!!! Did you have fun at the mall? Find anything cute?? Post pix!!

  7. I have the same problem (thinking I should have lost way more weight than I have) when I am really sore from a hard work out. I'm always thinking that it all feels as tight and small as a size 6, surely I must be one. Then I'm sorely dissappointed.

    I've been good for a whopping two days and am planning on making cookies I don't like (the only kind on the planet are gingersnaps) for my annual cookie exchange, so I won't eat them all day. I'm on board, see?

  8. You are awesome--you just might inspire me to get moving. :)

  9. Good hair and a new dress outrank leaves any day. Every time we see a pile of leaves Dee high fives me about not having a yard anymore. It was always such a stress to realize we'd have to get Pete out of school to rake them before it snowed.

  10. How did the dress shopping go? I have hubby's work party in two weekends and I think I'm going to opt for the dress pants and long sweater. I'm going for comfort this year b/c I suffered through the dress and sucking in the stomach last year. Yuck. Hope you were successful. At least you had a good hair day.

  11. Hmmm... I miss those work parties... not really but I do miss getting dressed up to go out! My husband's company doesn't host holiday parties. Bah humbug.

    Congratulations on the good hair day. There is nothing quite like one of those. Hope it was happy and you found a great dress!

  12. Way to go skinny mama! I tried again tonight and failed again (another dang KitKat!) I will try again tomorrow (I don't work tomorrow night and won't get up till noon so I'm bound to have decreased calorie intake) and hopefully have some good news for you. Don't know about you, but I'm a Bi*** when I'm hungry. Hope you're eating enuf to stay nice. :)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Good hair days are nature's way of saying "I love you"!

  15. That website you referenced is awesome! I had never heard of it before. Thanks for sharing that...

  16. You are hilarious! I can always count on a good chuckle when I visit your blog.

  17. I'm the same way. I don't do things on good hair days that make me sweat. If it's a good hair day, I'll wait till the next day to mop the floor cuz that's just a killer workout.
