Thursday, October 18, 2007

sick day

I cannot deny it any longer. I am sick.

I am achy, all stuffed up, and have a raw sore throat. As the mother in this family, I NEVER get sick. I am not allowed to be sick.

Today I am declaring myself sick and crawling back under the covers. [Right after I finish blogging about how sick I am, of course.]

See you tomorrow.

[Don't do any great blogging while I'm away.]


  1. Stie, You don't get sick very often...but when you do, you get it bad. I'm so sorry...we are making webcookies in your honor today!

  2. Burrow in bed and get better soon!! So sorry you've got a bug.

  3. Feel better soon. Stay in bed with lots of good movies and hot chocolate...that is sure to help the sore throat!

  4. feel better! husband and kids will survive - just take care of you!

  5. Stie...we have to talk. The webcookies are a disaster. What did I do wrong? I followed your instructions to a tee...but the frosting melted off and they just look like big purple blobs. (I didn't have black food coloring, but purple webs are scary, right?) I will take a picture and email you because laughter is the best medicine!

  6. Three of us are sick here too. Maybe we both brought home some kind of NY gomboo (have no idea how to spell that). Feel better soon! Remember to bring a People magazine, diet coke, and hot water bottle with you to bed. Oh, and chocolate (I'm with Amanda on this).

  7. Why, I think you must be sick!

    Welcome to my life!!!!!!!

    Get betta soonly....

  8. Get feeling better Stie. I'll miss your posts. The blogging world impatiently awaits...

  9. You even post when you're sick?! Wow! I am currently experiencing a bloggers brain freeze...and I'm not even sick (physically that is). Get better soon!

  10. LOL! Blogging comes first...even when sick. Way to know your priorities. Hope you get better soon!!

  11. Where is Dr. Thomas when we need him? Get better soon! Love ya tonz.

  12. Stie- nothing worse than Momma being sick. I hate how moms don't get sick days. I say we protest that rule. Get better. :)

  13. Take 2 of these and call me in the morning.

  14. Poor Stie. Are you better this morning? Did you wake up with a happy face? Did you really get to lay in bed all day Thursday? It is almost the weekend, so milk it a little longer and then you can lock yourself in your room all day Saturday. You deserve it.

    Maybe you're pregnant. I love pregnant rumors.

  15. Hope you get feeling better soon. Being sick is the pits. Are you preggo? Heeheee... just trying to add to the drama.
