Monday, October 15, 2007

Our little runner

On your marks, get set...
And go they did. On Saturday, McKay competed against 250 boys his age in a one-mile run. Only the first 40 finishers received medals.

He was number 160.

He was a little disappointed, but I think he did pretty great. He ran his little heart out, had a fun time, and did something he's never done before.

Good job, kid. You did us all proud.


  1. Yay, McKay and your dedicated trainers! (Hannah looks like the tough type of coach in this photo...she is going to push him even harder next time I predict). I love the action photos (wow! the gunsmoke!).

    What do the signs say?

  2. Wow! There was some fierce competition for those 40 medals. He did great--you can see the intensity as he was running.

    Kudos to his excellent coaching staff as well.

  3. Nice work McKay, I think you run faster than your mom.

  4. Way to go McKay. I'm sure his coaches are proud of him metal or not.

  5. I think he got his great running abilities from his Auntie Gab...

  6. I love it when they don't win and everyone is still happy. Excellent parenting. I wish we had more people like that around here.

  7. I can see a marathon runner in your future! And I love the new blog look. I also love that I now have a pretty face to this wonderful blog. How fun!

  8. That is AWSOME!! What a great accomplishment!

  9. Hooray for McKay!!! I was actually thinking about him the other morning and wondering how he was going to do. This blog thing is great! Otherwise how would I have even known he was running?!

  10. Congrats! That is awesome that he could do it! The great thing about running is you only have to compete with yourself. His goal for next time can be to beat this time. Way to go.

  11. Congratulations McKay!!!!!

    Give some thought to training for a marathon, and drag your mom (screaming and kicking) out onto the track.

  12. Congratulations McKay! Congrats to your trainers! St George for you next year? Love to stand on the sidelines and cheer for you! Love you!
