November 17, 1981
Today is my 8th Birthday. It's ben real fun. I got a night gown, A shirt, under wear, flower Brett's, raido, hair dryer, Cindrella tape, crayns, Book. I got a Snow white Birthday cake. I got A pen. And pizza for dinner. At school my class sang to me. we saw Mickey and the Beanstock And half of DumBo. And I got A card from the Insurance Company. Tomorrow is Craig's Birthday. Its Been such a nice day today I'm glad Its my Birthday today.
[Oooohhh, a card from the INSURANCE COMPANY. I was special. That proves it.]
November 24, 1981
Today at scool the Teachers Dubble Jumped Rope. Mr. higley fell. We All laughed at him. We saw a Dafey Duck Speceal. My cousens came over and me and Craig got 3 dollers. Its been so much fun. I have a cold that won't go Away. Mom said I was groanded tell my Room was clean. I have had so much fun today. It's been fun.
January 21, 1982
Today Mr. Higley said He could read MiNds. But I don't think he is telling the truth.
[That Mr. Higley...reading minds. Ppfffiishh. He was no match for my keen intellect. Couldn't fool me!]
May 5, 1982
Today is matt's 3rd birthday. he is very happy. he got cars, underwear, briches or pants. he got a ball, swiming suit, shorts, tank top. We had a barbcue. I ate: 1 hot dog, 1 ham burger and a peice of cake. Craig, Jhon, and Robert rode my Bike. I played with Rachel, and LeANN, and Kara. The next birthday will be dad's. I'm sure it will be fun. Today Dan went to the holgo zoo for a feild trip. I can hardly wait til summer because we get to go swimming. Matt scartched up my face today also.
[There is no way I could eat a hot dog, hamburger, and a piece of cake in one sitting today. At least not without a diet coke to wash it all down. And if Matt ever wants to know what he got for his third birthday...it's all there for posterity to treasure. And see, I was making lists even back then! Yes, I have always been crazy. And I am sure that Matt only got away with scratching my face because it was his birthday. I totally would have tattled on him. I was THAT kid, oh yes I was.]
October 24, 1982
Today Mom is not feeling very good because she is going to have another baby. When she has babies she does not feel very good. Daddy went Dere hunting and got a Dere. It was a buck. Tomorrow he is going to go get it because he left it at the cabin.
[I think if I were Mom, I'd probably not be feeling good knowing that I was going to have deer meat in my freezer for the next six months.]
September 12, 1983
Sunny day at home. At school cloudy day..
To begin with to those who come after me I would like to apologize for not writing in my journal for so long. I don't want anyone else to know that Stephanie and Erin and I can't sit by each other because Miss Pectol said we can't cause we talk too much. I think she is mean!! She is always so grouchy. I also hate school because the teachers get paid to make us miserable. They make us waste our P.E. time practicing going from class to
class and I hate it. Well at least the day is Over. It was O.K. today.
So there you have it - a peek into my second-grade soul. It's funny to see just how many quirks I still have today. I especially enjoyed reading the list of foods I ate and apologizing to those who come after me for not writing so often. I'm sure Jane Austin did EXACTLY the same thing. Do any of you have childhood journals you'd like to share?
That's too cute. My daughter is almost 8. It didn't occur to me that she might be old enough to write in a journal. I mean she has her writing notebook at school but that's it. That picture is fabulous!
ReplyDeleteI love that you made mention of a birthday card from the insurance company! And recognizing that teachers get paid to make your life miserable. That was hilarious. Also the random capitol letters. I will have to dig out my journals. That was great.
ReplyDeleteWhat a treasure! I didn't have the patience to write in my journal. It's really too bad. What a bonding moment you were able to share this with your kiddos.
ReplyDeleteGreat idea! And very interesting to learn that you were not always the clean queen (but have apparently always loved to have a good chat with your friends). Priceless.
ReplyDeleteMy husband (has a whole collection up at the ranch that we love to sit and read when we are there. His whole family are huge journal writers and it's fun to get a glimps into their childhood as an outsider! Five boys and one girl, talk about some good stories in those books!
ReplyDeleteHaha, I love it! Oooh, a card from the insurance company! I think I still get those... hey, we have close birthdays! *B
ReplyDeleteThis was a pretty boring post, since I've already read all of your journals when you were playing with Stephanie and LeANN...
ReplyDeleteMy first diary entry when I was 8 recorded that Russia sent the first satellite into space, and it was named Sputnik. Then I said I loved Kent Spencer because he lifted me onto the swing. I don't ever read my diaries, (although I still have a few) but I do remember things because I wrote them down.
ReplyDeleteThese were soooooo cute! I have boxes and boxes of my old journals in the basement. Like you, I am always amazed at the similar themes in my writing from 8 years old til the present...usually I wrote about the books I'm reading, my diet goals and the people that annoy me! The more things change the more they stay the same...
ReplyDeleteHow fun!
ReplyDeleteThis was hilarious. I recently found my fifth grade journal, which I got for Christmas, and I did that same list of what I got. You did it TWICE, once for you and once for your brother!
ReplyDeleteHave you heard about the book with excerpts from diaries and letters from junior high and high school? It's called "Mortified" and I almost threw up, laughing.
That's classic. I'm glad I didn't keep a diary to record for posterity my 2nd grade thoughts and dreams. :-)
ReplyDeleteHey, you've been tagged for a clothing pet peeve meme, if you're interested.
That was really fun to read. It makes me want to dig out my old journals...I was only 2 when you wrote those! Holgo Zoo...I need to go there sometime!
ReplyDeletethat is so great! i wish i had kept a journal when i was in elementary school. i can only imagine what i would be writing about! i have journals from when i was a teenager and they are all about boys! i know, sad, but true!
ReplyDeletehow fun!
Hi Christie,
ReplyDeleteI found your blog through Kelly's (I'm Jeff's sister) and I really love reading about all your adventures...
Hi Christie,
ReplyDeleteI found your blog through Kelly's (I'm Jeff's sister) and I really love reading about all your adventures...
Journals? check
ReplyDeleteTo Share? uh, no way.
By the way, what's with the bridal veil? Were you really a child bride or is that for first communion?
I love that!! Great job on writing and then saving it. Your kids will love that one day.
ReplyDeleteI think it's great you saved these, and shared snippets with us. I used to keep a journal--with big gaps, but still--now blogging seems to have taken over. I hope to find a better balance!
ReplyDeleteThat is awesome! I wish I had journals from that age. I think I'll encourage my kids to do that. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteMy first entry in my 8 year old journal talks about Mt. St. Helen's letting off steam.
ReplyDeleteHey Jerk!
ReplyDeleteYuo naver rote abuot mee! At lieced I can spel beter then yuo.