Saturday, September 1, 2007

A contest for the creative

Hey internets,

As many of you know, my nine-year-old son, McKay, has his own blog (yes, we are all about the blogging in our family). He is having a little contest over at his blog. Pop on over there and give it your best shot. The winner will receive an autographed baseball card of none other than McKay himself. These are rare cards, my friends, and are sure to be worth millions one day. All you have to do is use your creative noggin to come up with a name for a photo he's posted. Let's see what you've got!

He came up with this idea on his own after listening to me tell Josh about this contest. Go give it a whirl. All the comments will just totally make his day.


  1. That is so cute that McKay has his own blog now! I just had to enter his contest. I hope he gets lots of traffic. :)

  2. I'm hoping for the prize . . . fingers crossed!

  3. keep the blog love glad a new generation has come onto the scene!
