Tuesday, August 14, 2007

T-minus 11 hours...

I am starting to freak out. My kids will all be in school exactly 11 hours from now. I will be alone for the first time in almost ten years.

No, I am not crying, lamenting, and frantically starting my own home school, but there is a big part of me that is really going to miss having these little friends around during the day.

Which tells me exactly what I've known all along (but sometimes forget when they're doing an Irish jig on my last nerve): I really love them.

But there's an even bigger part of me that can't wait to get pedicures without the princess in tow, and being able to stand in line at Sam's Club without yelling at anyone will certainly be a treat (although I definitely make no promises on that one).

More words to come tomorrow. Stay tuned...


  1. Oh Stie. How I envy you!! It must feel like Christmas Eve! I am very happy for you. I can relate a teeny bit in that Cole will start preschool this fall with Ethan so I will have three hours four days a week to myself. Can't wait!!! Although at the pool this afternoon I did have a tinge of sadness thinking of not having these lazy days together come fall.

  2. I'm sending off two this year. It will be a big change going to just one kid home. I'm sure you will come up with some fun things to do. Wow, all that alone time!! How exciting.

  3. Happy Independence Day! I completely know what you mean...I do miss having my little friends along sometimes when they're in school.

    But (like you) the other side of me feels like that Staples commercial that plays the song "it's the most wonderful time of the year" with their back-to-school ad.

  4. I feel exactly like that! Luckily I have mine for 1 more week! I'm milking it.

  5. Oh my gosh! School starts so early there! I envy you a little...it's hard to imagine doing all those fun things on my own.

  6. My favorite cartoon ever had two little kids looking out the back window of the school bus. One of them says, "I didn't know mom could do backflips!" After a few weeks it will feel like school lasts about 90 minutes. It will still seem like they're home a really, really, lot. So don't be sad, and have fun!

  7. Yah for you! I'm sure you will miss them...but then you'll have so much time to decorate and redecorate and blog and blog some more (as if you don't have other stuff going on I'm sure!).

  8. I'm a friend of bridget's and have been lurking awhile. I had to comment to this one. It was a little teary to send my youngest to school all day for the first time. But I also wouldn't trade it for anything. It's great to have that time to go grocery shopping without towing the kids along. I love your blog.

  9. I am happy for your upcoming freedom, though I know it will be an adjustment--especially with your princess starting K!!
    A. starts Pre-K in 1.5 weeks and I'm already thinking of all the neglected grooming tasks I need to schedule.

  10. Wow...good luck to the munchkins! I know exactly how you feel...it is a bittersweet day. I get butterflies for my kids' first days at school. For them and for me. Of course, I will have twinkie power love going all day every day...so enjoy the peace at the grocery store in my behalf!

    p.s. Jake really missed his boy cousins last week. The estrogen level was very high and his little brothers do not count as male buddies...so next time we have to synch our schedules. Male Heroes Unite!

  11. I'm so jealous!
    My mom was telling me that a friend of hers was always so sad when one of her kids started kindergarten.
    I was not that way. I was so excited to have T start school! Not that I don't love him, because I do. Like crazy. I was just looking forward to going anywhere with just two kids. Then N started preschool and I got to go to the store with one kiddie! Glorious!
    Three more years and all the kiddies will be in school. Check back to my blog then and you will see signs of a party!

  12. YOU HAVE ARRIVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. you are going to be LOVING life soon. well, at least i assume. i don't have ANY kids in school yet, i only dream of that day.

  14. It will be so wonderful when they come home each afternoon -- a mini-reunion, with lots of hugs and kisses and 'you can't believe what I did today.'

    Yep, this is all part of mommyhood.

    Their independence and you're dealing with it. *GRIN*

    Enjoy a quiet moment and treat yourself to something special. If you're a mom, you deserve it.
