Monday, August 27, 2007

People who live in glass houses...

We were sitting in church yesterday, listening to the opening prayer, and I hear this beeping noise. Thinking the owner of the beep would hurry and turn it off, I sat there for a few minutes, still concentrating. I look over to see The Husband staring at me, his eyes telling me to do something. What could I do? Then I start to feel annoyed at this person thinking, Just turn it off, you idiot! How rude.

Well, I am that rude idiot.

It was my running watch that I tucked in my bag so I could keep an eye on the time when I taught my lesson (I was substituting for the Relief Society teacher). The alarm went off (for reasons still unknown to me) and kept going for several minutes. I reach down and pull the watch out of my bag so I can turn it off. Unfortunately, the bag was muffling the sound quite a bit. The beep!beep!beep! was extremely loud now and causing several heads to turn in my direction.

Finally, I was able to figure out how to shut the stupid thing off, but not before drawing a significant amount of attention.

Lesson learned: Don't judge another man's beep until you've walked a mile with his stop watch.


  1. Oh don't ya hate that. Especially when you guys are 'that new family'. I'm sure you redeemed yourself with a great lesson though.

  2. Ha ha! That's a great story! I hope your lesson went well. I've only had to teach RS a couple of time, but it scared me to death!

  3. Too funny! I think we can all relate!

  4. LOL! That was too funny! Haven't we all been there at some point in our lives?

  5. Holy Beeping Bat Man!! I've had similar loud mishaps and am glad that I am not the only one.

  6. tell husband to leave you alone...he used to embarass me to no end with all his beeping toys!

  7. Oh, I hear you. Isn't it awful when you have to quickly get unannoyed *you're* the one who's beeping.

    I know I told you the similar story when Greg accidentally called me during church while he was sitting right there in front of me. Urgh.

  8. Yes, I immediately thought of that story Annie told about Greg. Just a few weeks ago a baby was blessed in our ward and all during the blessing I could her some infant crying and kept thinking, how rude--why doesn't that mother take that baby out so we can hear this spritual blessing. Well, come to find out the one making all the racket was the baby being blessed and everyone heard it since the little angle was mic'ed.

  9. So has anyone experienced their kid throwing dice on the hardwood benches during church? And their other kid betting on whether it would be snake eyes? That would be our beeper's keeper.

  10. church is always soooo fun...if it's not one thing, it's another...and just remember one of those things will happen to when my daughter threw up all over the carpet, in the chapel...lovely!

  11. Gotta love those moments. I've eaten much a humble pie since our oldest was born (never anticipated having a special needs kiddo with all kinds of "special" quirks) I've become much better about not double taking when kids are screaming, phones are ringing or adults are making their own "special" beeping noises (or when friends husbands are picking their noses in the row in front of you- honest to goodness, every week!!!? Can you believe it? Oh wait, I was trying to say I'm not judgemental anymore. Darn!)

  12. Just imagine if Chase still had his hawk working. Oh, it's "that" family...wink..nod.
