To say that it was hot today is like saying that I kinda-sorta like cookie dough. BIG understatement. We did have a good time though, and I thought I'd share some great quotable moments:
McKay: "Oh, this picture is so going on my blog."
Chase: "Is it swearing if I say that the asses were really cool?" (We had just seen the donkeys for all you sickos that would go there - Daniel, that includes you!)
Hannah: "Mama, I'm just so sweaty."

Me, too, kiddo. I hate it when I start sweating. Really, I do. Maybe you could hop out of that shady stroller and give me a push up this big hill. See how you feel then, poor baby...
[I'm much more sympathetic when it's not 186 humid degrees outside. Trust me.]
I'm pretty sure that bug the kids are standing on was in my backyard the other day! I'm glad he's not there anymore! I love the fan picture too...it really illustrates what heat and humidity feel like!
Oh, you are a brave soul to do anything physical out in that humidity. I love Chase's question about the asses. I am can hear Ethan asking the same thing in a few years. So funny.
I'm hot just looking at your adventure! (Well that and we have no a/c in our house...but it's not St. Louis hot)
By the way, are you saying St. Looie or St. Lewis? What's the resident pronunciation?
Hey Stie,
Although I haven't left a comment in a while I still check on you most every day. As for Diane's comment about finding that bug in her yard, after a couple hours of yard work today, I DID find that bug in my shirt. AHHHHH! Hat's off to you for going to the zoo.
it is soooo hot...i can't believe hannah will still sit in a stroller...the twinks are "out"...not that I could push them anyway, those tubbies!
I think Chase and Uncle Bob would get along well. Your kids have such a great sense of humor! I wonder who they get it from?
Chase's hat cracks me up! I can't believe you are out and about in all that steamy weather. Your pores will be all cleaned out.
If only that huge fan could have been portable as you trudged through the steamy zoo! Love your thought about pushing the stroller--sooo terribly true. Isn't our complexion dewy??
Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I'm so glad you did, because I LOVE yours. You crack me up. I will be visiting often, if you don't mind.
So if donkeys lived in caves, or holes in the mountains would it be ok to call them ass... oh never mind.
Hey it's me again. I clicked in your sitemeter to see what it was, and I think it's awesome. I have a blog for my dance studio, and I want to try and put one of those on it. I've played around a little but can't figure it out. Can you email me and let me know if it's pretty easy or if it takes a computer genius to work it out? My email is brianwendi@msn.com
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