Wednesday, June 27, 2007

So long, farewell...

Well, the truck is packed. The house will be cleaned tomorrow (not by me, hee hee). The kids are chomping at the bit to get out of Dodge. I am exhausted. Looks like we made it. See you when we get to St. Louis!

P.S. The mohawk still lives on. I have decreed that it will disappear before we go to church for the first time (nothing like a white-trash first impression). He is rockin' it though.


  1. Bon Voyage and Happy Trails my friend! Good luck with the move. Here's hoping this is the last one for a LOOOOOOONG time. I dunno, I think the mohawk first impression could be worth a story or two....

  2. Good luck Missy! At least you will have a loving husband, a spacious home and a fun little package, all waiting for you when you get to St. Louis!

    As for impressions, I think you should get a matching 'do. Now THAT would make for some good stories...

  3. am excited to hear your tales about this adventure!!! you always have the best stories.. and i can't wait to see how you decorate that new house. once your through with it, i'm sure it could be in a PB catalog.

  4. The thing I most like about his mohawk is that he's wearing a BYU shirt at the same time. Pretty sure that 'do is against honor code! What a rebel!

    Good luck on the move!

  5. May the road rise to meet you and all the other Irish blessings in that saying that I can't remember. Are you flying or driving the Pilot?

  6. Happy Trails to you...can't wait to hear all about it...

  7. I hope the packing, leaving and traveling has gone well. Can't wait to hear the stories and see pics.

    The little blue haired lady in church sees the "hawk" and whispers to her friend, "Well, you know, they moved here from Cal-ee-foor-nya..."

  8. white trash? or perfect punk rock style?!

  9. A boy who just moved here from California had his good friend from California visiting with him this week. He brought him to church yesterday and...yes...he had a mohawk! Is this a California craze? I had to laugh seeing him in his BYU t-shirt with his hair that way!! We're thinking about you, and look forward to hearing about your life in St. Louis. Love ya lots!

  10. Are there any good songs about St. Louis? For Boston, there was "Please come to Boston", for California there was anything by the Beach Boys, (except for their smash hit "Salt Lake City"). I am drawing a blank on the whole Missourri thing? Help me out.
