Sunday, June 17, 2007

Aunts, Uncles, and Kids, Oh My!

One successful Mud Run.
Two trips to the beach (still not enough).
Three tired and happy kids.
Four aunts and uncles to play with.
Five grown-ups in all.
Six rounds of Polly Pockets for Marta and Hannah.
Seven songs from our own Neil Diamond impersonator (always never enough).
Eight seats filled with sand in the car.
Nine games of Mannequin (oh yes, Josh, the game lives on).
What we'd give our weekend? A perfect Ten. It was so much fun and we wish you were still here. Missing you already and hoping for a safe drive home.

[P.S. Hit refresh on your browser if the slideshow doesn't show up - still trying to figure out what I'm doing!]


  1. Love the slide show! What a charmed, blissful day. I think a 5:3 grown-up to kid ratio is just about perfect, if you ask me!

  2. Love the slide show! How did you do that? Cute post!

  3. Looks SOOO fun! What a great way to end your year in CA. I HAVE to learn to do the slideshow thing...

  4. But did you watch L-R-NZ? Maybe 9 and 1/2 on the perfect visit scale!

  5. stie, seriously such a beautiful weekend. you are an amazing hostess with gorgeous children. thanks again for welcoming us the very week before you move!!! we loved every minute of it. (especially the polly pocket & neil diamond moments!)

  6. True, Oma. A visit without spending hours with our friend L-R-NZ is just not quite perfection (but you will be happy to know that Chase did discuss L-R-NZ and the Amazon River with me today at length.) Yes, L-R-NZ lives on.

  7. Very nice with the slideshow. You're a blogging professional. Sounds like your houseguests appreciated that spotless bathroom of yours too. :)

  8. Sounds like a really fun weekend. I always love it when family comes to visit! I can't believe you are here for only two more weeks!

  9. stie, I miss you all terribly... it was the *best* weekend ever! and yes, the bathroom was lovely. :)

