Monday, May 14, 2007

MY day

I have the best husband. EVAH. He got me this for Mother's Day:

What is it, you say? This big piece of nerd finery is the Epson Stylus Photo 1400. It will enable me to print directly onto my 12x12 scrapbook pages - clearly a critical function of life, I know. I am a scrapbook snob (meaning I don't do digital - I like getting my hands on all those beautiful brads, papers, ribbons, and chipboard letters), but I will now have the freedom to print my journaling or titles directly onto my pages (or should I choose, I can even print out high quality photos up to 13x16 right from my own desk - which is slightly secondary to the scrapbook function, of course). I am ecstatic.

Thanks, baby. Thanks for paying attention to the not-so-subtle hint in my blog. Thanks for looking at the printout I cleverly left for you from Epson's website. Oh, and thanks for listening to each kid individually remind you on Saturday that you needed to buy mom her printer ("...because IT'S MUVVER'S DAY! WE HAVE TO GET HER A PRINTER! That's what she WANTS!"). You really are the best (and you only needed a little help to get the job done).

The only challenge remains in leaving it long enough to do minor things like, I don't know, feed the children, shower, and use the bathroom. I'll do my best, but I'm not promising anything...


  1. I am so jealous! I have been scrapbooking for years but have just recently switched to 12 x12. I would love a wide format printer. Let me know how you like it! Would love to see your work sometime! You better post a picture of something you make with your new printer...

  2. While my hubby did great, he evidentally did not take my big, wide-open hint about buying tickets to see Wicked. I guess he just interpreted my promptings to mean I had some sort of deal with the devil. Sigh.

  3. wow - that is some printer!

    i'm jealous! mine recently decided to only print in pink. weird. maybe i should follow your subtle hinting plan...

    happy mother's day!

  4. that is sooooo cool...I am hiring you to make sam and luke a scrapbook!
