Thursday, May 31, 2007

Crazy Day

Yesterday was a school spirit day. They called it "Crazy Day." The rules? Anything goes (within elementary school reason, of course). You could wear crazy clothes, have crazy hair, and just be plain cuhrazy.

To show the vast differences between my two boys - let's note their different Crazy Day attire. McKay was semi-excited about it. He wanted to participate, but didn't want to go too crazy. He got all excited about spiking his hair up with elastics, but changed his mind as we were on our way out the door. He wet it down and wore it partially spiked up. He did wear his t-shirt backwards (not that anyone would ever have been able to tell), but the bandana did not make it past this picture. The whole ride to school he was nervously scanning for other kids - just to make sure that he wasn't the only one looking crazy. Clearly, what other people think is very important to him.

Chase, on the other hand, could not be contained. He was whipping through the costume box, ready to throw on any and all items. He wanted a beard painted on his face. He wore his favorite hat. He dug out his old paleontologist goggles and added them to the mix. He wore one of Josh's ties. He would have put on more bling, but I suggested maybe too much gear would hamper his play at recess. He couldn't have cared less if anyone else was dressed up. (And in fact, he was only one of two kids in his class that actually wore crazy clothes - while almost all of McKay's class dressed up).

It's so funny to me how different they are in so many ways; yet, they get along perfectly and are the best of friends.

Not to be outdone, the Princess added her own crazy outfit to the mix:

Oh wait. Those are not crazy day clothes. Them be her EVERYDAY clothes. Don't you just wish you could go to the grocery store with THAT?


  1. we have had crazy clothes day here kids are more like McKay...not too sure about it. I'm glad Chase is secure with himself and enjoys it! (Hannah, too...)

  2. That is so funny. Its great to hear these things about their personalities since they were so little when I was around them last. It sounds so right though. I do remember those nights at our house when the boys were trying to sleep in our guest room. McKay trying to ignore Chase as he was squirming and wiggling all over the place. You had said Chase was the little devil on McKay's shoulder. And Hannah's it!

  3. What crazy fun! Your boys are so creative. All you can do about your Princess' everyday attire is hold your head up high and stare 'em down as you push your cart down the aisles! I love all the shades of pink represented though. :)

  4. I was just like McKay. I remember having days like that in school and then wimping out at the last minute. They looked cute and I loved Chase's beard! When Hannah was at my house she wore her Belle dress all day. Taylor put on her minnie mouse dress for a little while, but when she wanted them to change clothes Hannah refused. I finally had to convince Taylor that it was just fine if Hannah was dressed up and she wasn't. I was really amazed at how much Hannah loved wearing that dress all day (riding bikes and everything!).

  5. i have gone to the store with kerry dressed like that...she used to live in her...cinderella dress, belle dress, pochantas dress...always dressed up...and she still likes have fun

  6. I'm a little more like Chase...I can't wait till my daughter is old enough to dress up. I'm going to buy myself some costumes!
