Friday, April 27, 2007

I'm in heaven...

Got here safe and sound in St. Louis last night. Spent a lovely kid-free evening with my husband who I haven't seen in over a week, stayed up late watching me some Letterman, and slept until almost ten a.m. (in my defense, it was eight body-time).

On the schedule today? Some furniture shopping and browsing of granite counter tops.

Rough day, huh?

(The mother in me feels a little bit guilty knowing that my in-laws are hard at work tending my kids while I'm here lounging it up.)

Have a great day, everyone. Most of all Oma and Opa...hope the kids are being good.


  1. The day began with a bang...literally. At 6:30 am Chase chased McKay into my room shooting up a storm (with a stick of some sort) and Mack was hiding from the enemy soldier at the foot of my bed. Opa was in charge of morning friends and it was full steam ahead. The boys are now safely at school, Hannah's in front of Nogin and Opa's back in bed. I'm planning our girl's day out shopping extravaganza! Don't worry a bit. The Ops have got things in hand.

  2. Now that's a day I can handle. Live it up!

  3. What a great weekend! Enjoy it all & let me know if your in-laws want to "adopt" a family to stay with in Boston. I'm sure they miss it here.

  4. it must be nice to have some alone time after not seeing one another all week. plus the ability to sleep it! wow, you got it made. have fun shopping.
