Thursday, March 29, 2007

My very own Keats

Chase has been working secretly in his room on a mystery project. When his masterpiece was finished, he shared it with me - it was a poem. And because I cannot pass up an opportunity to brag about my children (what mother can?) I thought I'd share his simplistic brilliance with you. I don't know many seven year olds that write poetry for fun, but he is that kid. He is so creative, so original. I just love that about him.

How do the trees move?
By Chase

How do trees move,
when the leaves move,
and the twigs fall,
when you are in your bed
and school is out.
When your alarm clock goes off,
the birds fly away,
you dash to play
the wind whispers through the air.

And here is the original (because I love all his misspellings and erased re-writes ):


  1. Frame that! Such a keeper--the boy and the poem.

  2. What a wonderful "thought provoking" poem from someone so young - who obviously has poetic thoughts which must be a joy for you to see.

    I think Chase should be called "Nature's Protector" for such a beautiful poem.

    Please do save your son's poem - I think there will be many more to follow.

    Convey my good wishes and Congratulations for a well presented poem.

  3. Love it! Love the poem, the cute pictures, and I especially love your new look. It is so fun, so spring-ish! Gotta love that marta!

  4. Chase: I love to write poems, so did my grandpa, so did his dad. You have inherited all this poem talent and added on to your own poem talent, I think you could say all the important things that have needed to be said. Great going!

  5. Wow! I am speechless. Chase did such a great job. We need to hear more of his creations.
