Thursday, March 22, 2007

I hate it when that happens...

Don't you just hate it when you step into an elevator and stumble upon the worst B.O. you've ever smelled in your life? Unfortunately, you are on the top floor of the building and the elevator stops at each floor on its way down. Everyone that gets on looks right at if you were the source. You want to scream at the top of your lungs, "IT ISN'T ME!"

Brought to mind the Seinfeld episode of the "Mutant B.O." that got left in the car from the parking valet guy.

In real life, it's not nearly as funny. Why is that?


  1. Funny...same thing when you go into a public bathroom that ALREADY stinks but when you leave, passing someone else coming in, you really want to say " wasn't me!"

  2. It's always amazing - how one feels guilty - at such times!!

    When anything goes wrong - I now whistle "always look on the bright side of life".

  3. I had the same thing happen today in the JSB elevator. It was packed and somebody had a really bad odor. Very unpleasant.

  4. right now my kids are grounded from "elegators"...but sometimes the spin class at the NAC gets really bad!

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