Wednesday, March 28, 2007

getting a face lift

I am in the midst of trying to improve the look of this little blog. I have solicited help from a fabulous designer, and you will see her work shortly. Be patient if it looks a little screwy until she fixes what I have messed up.


  1. stie, this makes me laugh. i will try to finish the greatness you've begun. but, very cute so far!!

  2. Yay! I've been wanting to redecorate my "home" too. Looks great so far...

  3. Oh I just can't WAIT to see it! I love blog design makeovers!!!!

  4. who's your designer? maybe i'll have to hire her

  5. I see your "Spring Cleaning" has finally attached to your blog design -

    A warmth of welcome to all in your design colour.

    Good Luck
