Friday, February 16, 2007

this week's lessons

  • Josh's disease-fighting "guys" are not as tough as he thinks they are. He WILL get sick like the rest of us.
  • Chocolate-covered strawberries will not keep and should be eaten as soon as possible.
  • Chase makes a fantastic Abraham Lincoln, and will knock the socks off his first grade class.
  • Rediscovering The Phantom of the Opera on DVD makes me happy, and makes running on the treadmill go by like THAT (insert finger-snapping sound here).
  • It really does make me feel old that my baby brother is now somebody's father. (CONGRATS ANDY AND MELISSA!!)
  • I do love my new cell phone, even if it's a nasty, bright pink.
  • When running late, I will always make wrong turns and get stuck in traffic.
  • Cleaning the bathrooms will ALWAYS be a chore I detest. ALWAYS.
  • I cannot start reading blogs in the morning when I only have 20 minutes to shower and get out the door. I will be late, and I will end up looking like a mess.
  • When strangers in the grocery store start asking you about baby back ribs, DO NOT, under any circumstance, admit that you use bottled sauce. It will make them angry.
  • Favorite gadgets this week: TIVO and my camera.

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